Chapter 530 - 117: He's A Master Manipulator

A small thrill ran through her as he pronounced the word "our," and she fought the urge to look at him. Instead, she stared out the windshield, watching the dark road glow under the bright headlights of the car. After several minutes, Sean placed his palm on her t.h.i.g.h.

"Don't worry yourself about them," he said. "They've never been that close, and it's normal for siblings to have conflicts." 

"I guess so," she said. 

"Only Leydon and Clara know what's really going on," he said. "It's best that they don't involve us, and we have to respect their privacy."

"You're right," she sighed.

"You like Clara a lot, don't you?" he asked.

"I do," she answered. "If I ever become a real designer, I'd love to have her model my clothes." 

"She's a nice girl," Sean said.

"I think so too," she said.

In her last life, she'd never heard negative news about Clara. For the most part, Clara stayed out of all the tabloids and gossip magazines. She was never photographed with a man, and she always went to red carpet events by herself. It's strange, she thought. Clara could have had any man in the world, but she stayed single. Was that her choice? Or did her powerful family insist?

"Leydon and Clara's grandmother are having a birthday party next month," Sean said. "if you like, I'll take you."

"That would be wonderful," she said, turning to smile at him.


She woke to the ringing of her phone. With a groan, she fumbled for the phone to silence it before sinking deeper under the covers. Sean's warm body pressed against her back, and his arm held tight to her waist. She sighed and closed her eyes, but the ringing started again.

Irritated, she grabbed the phone and saw Sophia's name on the caller ID. In a second, her anger vanished, and she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Sophia?" she asked. "Is everything okay?"

"Linda is freaking out," Sophia said. "She says she doesn't want the surgery anymore. Please, you have to convince her."

"I'll be there right away," Catherine said.

She ended the call and got out of bed, racing to the closet to get dressed. She tugged on a pair of jeans and a summer blouse and ran her fingers through her hair to brush it out. She came out of the closet and found Sean sitting up in the bed. His hair fell messily across his forehead, and she fought the urge to brush it away from his face.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"There's trouble at the hospital," she said.

"Can I help?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"I don't think so," she said. "But I have to get there right away." 

"Eat some breakfast first," he said.

"I'll get something on the way," she replied, already at the stairs.

She raced down the stairs, looking for Geoffrey, and found the bodyguard waiting for her at the front door. The drive to the hospital seemed to take forever. She drummed her fingers impatiently against her legs and tapped her feet against the carpeted floor. When the car finally arrived, she raced down the hospital corridors to Linda's room.

The room was in chaos. Sophia sat in a chair in the corner, crying into her hands. Maria paced back and forth, shaking her head, and Samuel fidgeted nervously by the door. Linda sat propped up in bed, her face a blotchy red.

"What's going on?" Catherine asked.

"Maybe you can talk some sense into her, Cathy," Maria said. "The surgery is all set, but suddenly she's refusing to have it." 

"Where's the doctor?" Catherine asked.

"He said he'd give us a few minutes to talk to her," Maria said. "They won't put her under without her consent, of course. If she doesn't agree in the next fifteen minutes, they're going to cancel the surgery." 

"Tell them to cancel it," Linda said from the bed. "I'm not going to have the surgery. I refuse." 

"You've made your opinion very clear, Linda," Maria said.

"Please, Mum," Sophia wailed.

Catherine sighed. She wanted to help Linda, but she was running out of patience. No matter what, Linda refused help. It was like she wanted to spend her entire life suffering.

"Listen, Linda, for a long time, you were like a second mother to me," Catherine began. "But you're acting like a child. No, worse, like a spoiled brat. I don't know what's going on in your head, but you need to get it together."

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Linda shouted.

"I'm talking to you like this because you refuse to listen to everyone else," Catherine said. "Your own daughter is crying her eyes out in the corner, but you're too selfish to care. After everything Sophia has suffered for you, you're going to do this to her too?" 

"It's true," Maria said, her voice surprisingly steely. "You're being a terrible mother, Linda." 

"Take a good look at your daughter, Linda," Catherine said. "If you won't do this for yourself, do this for her." 

Linda looked at Sophia and her eyes filled with tears.

"I hate to hurt her, but I can't do it," she cried.

"Well then, next time Sophia cries like this, it'll be at your funeral," Catherine snapped. "Though I promise you, I won't shed a tear. You're not half the woman I thought you were." 

She turned on her heel and marched toward the door. Her heart hammered in her ears, and she dug her fingernails into her palms. She couldn't believe that Linda was acting like such a child. Was the brain tumor affecting her judgment?

"No, wait," Linda shouted.

"What?" Catherine asked.

"Get the doctor," Linda sniffled. "I'll have the surgery." 

Catherine opened the door and shouted for a doctor. A team of nurses rushed into the room, already waiting to wheel Linda away to the operating room. As soon as Linda was gone, Catherine let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry to drag you down here again," Sophia said, still curled up in the chair. "I don't know what's wrong with her, but she won't listen to anyone."

"It's okay," Catherine said, softening her words. "It's normal for someone to get nervous before surgery, and brain surgery is especially terrifying."

Maria sighed, "That's not what this is about."

"No?" Catherinea asked.

"What's it about?" Sophia asked.

"Last night, I caught her on the phone," Maria sighed. "She's been talking to Tom again." 

"How is that possible?" Sophia asked.

"I guess he's been saving his one phone call," Maria explained.

"What did he say to her?" Catherine asked.

"He told her he wanted to see her again," Maria replied. "He really scared her. He said that he needed to apologize to her in person and insisted that he'd changed. He convinced her that if she died during surgery, he'd never be able to get her forgiveness. Linda wouldn't tell me everything he said, but I get the sense he was really dramatic. Somehow she seemed convinced he'd go to hell unless she forgave him in person."

"That bastard," Catherine shouted.

"How could my mom be so stupid?" Sophia wailed.

"He's a master manipulator," Maria said. "He knows exactly what to say to make Linda feel guilty." 

"We have to get her away from him," Sophia said. "What will we do?"

"Let's just focus on one thing at a time," Maria said, crossing the room to rub Sophia's back. "After your mom gets out of surgery, she'll have a long road to recovery. We'll worry about Tom later."