Chapter 1766: For The Rest Of My Life 44

Did she say something wrong?

"Bang Bing, I think Tang Yuansi means that Qi Yan is inconvenient to go in. I hope you can go in and see. He may be more at ease with you in there." Nian Xiaomu helped explain.

Tang Yuansi did not speak, but nodded strongly.

Hearing that, Tan Bengbang was a little surprised.

Wanting to say that she was not proficient in obstetrics and gynecology, she said nothing about Shang Tangyuansi's worried eyes, nodded, and let the nurse arrange her into the delivery room.

Everyone is waiting outside.

Shangxin is premature.

When she was pregnant, Tang Yuansi's condition deteriorated and her life was dying, and she rarely slept well a day.

A pregnant woman has been overly worried for a long time, which has a great impact on her body and fetus.

Although Qi Yan intentionally left her medicine to condition her body, it now seems that she has not adjusted well.

If she can't handle it, Tang Yuansi is afraid she will go crazy.

Although Qi Yan didn't go in to help, she kept outside the delivery room.

Just in case, his personal medicine chest brought the assistant over.

Time ticks ...

Xiao Liuliu fell asleep on Yu Yuehan's shoulder.

He grumbled, slanging from time to time: "Aunt ... little brother ..."

There were only occasional slang words in the silent corridor.

The rest was suffocating quietly.

Until there was a clear baby cry in the ward.

Before everyone responded, a nurse had come out to announce the good news.

"I gave birth! It's a son, five pounds! But because it is premature, the child needs to observe for a while ..."

Before the nurse finished, Tang Yuansi rushed forward and asked.

"Where is my wife? How is my wife?"

Tan Bengbing came out of the ward, heard Tang Yuansi's words, and took off his mask to answer.

"Mother and child are safe! I'm so tired that I have slept and will be transferred to the ward later."

"Can I go in and see her now?" Tang Yuansi didn't want to wait for a second.

Tan Bengbing originally thought that Shangxin should not want Tang Yuansi to see her now embarrassed and embarrassed, but thinking of Shangxin so desperately having a child for him, he thought Tang Yuansi should know, hesitated for a second, nodded.


"She's asleep. You can go in with her, but don't wake her up and let her sleep."

Tang Yuansi disappeared in the door of the delivery room like a gust ...


VI ward.

Shangxin had put on clean clothes and lay on it.

Although she was born prematurely, but because of a normal birth, she recovered faster after delivery.

After a few hours of sleep, people wake up.

The complexion gradually recovered.

Qi Yan and Tan Bingbing are examining her and intending to dispense some medicine to help her recover.

Tang Yuansi sat side by side ~ ~ holding her hand tightly refused to let go.

Next to the illness was a small baby.

At this moment, Tang Bao, who was just born, was sleeping soundly, his fists clenched tightly, raised high on the sides of his cheeks, like a surrendering action ...

There is no small face that has been opened, and I can already tell which places are like Tang Yuansi and which are like Shangxin.

Looking at the handsome little appearance, no matter if he grows up with his father or his mother, it must be a little demon who is a curse to the country and the people!

Xiaoliu was affixed to the baby's guardrail in excitement, but she was not tall enough to see the appearance of her brother, and was hurried around the baby.


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