When the Empress Dowager in the palace decided to have a good talk with Emperor Duanhua, seven or eight hundred miles away in Liaozhou City, Jian Li Miao’s father and son also just welcomed two sets of uninvited guests.

The court, and the clan.

After all, Jane Yiyu before making a fuss about having to move away from the ancestral home, although he and the clan relationship deteriorated, in the end did not make a fuss to the point of opening the ancestral hall to dismiss him from the clan – not to mention that the Grand Princess of his own mother is still in the family, and now out of such a big thing, the clan which can not care about it?

In contrast to the Clan, the Yamen is a bit of a crybaby.

Originally heard of the resignation of the prime minister Jian Ping Yu knee two houses, three houses for the matter of succession specifically returned to their hometown, Liaozhou this side of many officials are very happy – Liaozhou bitter cold, was dispatched here as an official, either depreciation, or seniority or ability to lack of head.

In short, they lack the means to rise.

Who else would like a place where it’s freezing most days of the year, and where the people are so fierce that they’re ready to go to war at the drop of a hat?

As for the Great Princess’s extra horse harnessed by the side of a team, the Minister of Rites, and the Great Princess’s beloved son, the Duke of Yan and Minister of Public Works, the return of these four dignitaries to Liaozhou was naturally a rare opportunity to get in touch with the Imperial Capital’s nobles.

Who would have thought that within a few days of these people coming back, Jane Ping Yu and Jane Li Kuang were no longer there one after another!

Up to here they could still count on the third house of the Jane family – and after the good offices of the Jane clan, the third house of the Jane family did receive some people, although there was no clear promise, in the end, to accept part of the earth instrument, so that is also enough to make the people who sent it hopeful.

Who knew that the wind and clouds would change, and that the second house of the Jane family would be exterminated?

“Although it is said that the Third Duke has yet to be heard from, and may not have been killed, it may still be on earth.” Bell combed Song Yixiao’s hair as she said, “But just based on the deaths of Aunt Shen and Little Duke Cheng, it would be good for the local officials not to be relegated, not to mention promoted, within a few years! Moreover, even if the master and the prince had promised to take care of them in the past, it would be impossible to do it for them. Otherwise, they will certainly be criticized for not remembering the love of brother and sister!”

Nowadays, the evaluation of the performance of local officials is not based on the detection of cases, but on the occurrence of cases – the reason is that if the local officials have ruled the country well, “to the king, Yao Shun, and then to make the customs simple”, then there will not be any cases at all, okay?

The very fact that a case, especially a vicious one, has occurred under the rule shows that the magistrate is incapable and has failed to indoctrinate the people in his jurisdiction!

Not to mention the fact that the Grand Princess’s own grandson died in the mansion and her own son’s whereabouts are unknown.

If there is no accident, Liaozhou this will be up and down the officials, this life’s career is here, slow to say that promotion, not to be questioned has been the imperial grace!

But the most tangled thing at the moment is not yet the government office, but the Jane clan.

Jane Li worry personally led the team into the city, in the third house here hovering for half a day, finally boiled away the Yamen people, and signaled the other clansmen first farewell, finally got the opportunity to meet with Jane Li Miao private.

After the two brothers entered the study, he couldn’t even take a sip of tea before he anxiously asked, “Oldest three, what are we going to do about the second house? That’s the bloodline of the Grand Princess!”

“The law of the land, what should be done that of course, what should be done!” Jian Li Miao understands what he means – but suspects that this matter has something to do with the third house – picks up the tea and gently blows on it, takes a sip and then calmly says, “Why should big brother worry about it, the Yamen has already guaranteed that it will do its utmost to arrest the murderer, and I think we will get the result in a matter of days. will get the result in a matter of days.”

Jian Liwei wanted to jump to her feet, “Tell me the truth–”

“This matter has nothing to do with me!” Jian Li Miao interrupted, “Although I don’t like Jian Yiyu very much, and I’ve been preventing the old man from leaving any backhanders for him, which would be unfavorable to our third house, but I’m not so bad as to poison a small child in my arms. In the end, my knee Qing Yue is only how old? In the end, my knee Qingyue is only how old? It is for the sake of the child to accumulate virtue, this kind of thing I can’t do it!”

He said the words so frankly, Jane Li worry whether believe it or not, but also can not continue to doubt, this big house of the Lord sigh for a while, before not holding any hope to ask, “Then you think it will be who did it?”

“If I knew that, I would have urged those government officials to find out the truth and return justice to the Jian family.” Jian Li Miao crowed, “In the end, that family doesn’t live with us!”

“If they lived with you, they wouldn’t have had their door exterminated without a word!” Jian Li Anxiety said, “I told you that Yiyu doesn’t know what’s going on – although he’s a son of Liaozhou, he’s always grown up in the imperial capital, so this is his hometown, but in reality he’s not familiar with the area at all! He is so young that he leads a beautiful concubine and a young son to live alone in a yard, and there are not many guards in total, so where can he stop the criminals?”

He said with a hard look on his face, “If he hadn’t made a fuss about moving to the city, he would have been living in his ancestral home. The town is certainly not as lively as the city, but half of the town is surnamed Jane, who can sneak in and harm him? He is good! He refused to stay in the ancestral home, and even said that he was afraid that we would harm him! And now what? Let him move to the city, but he has lost his concubines and children, and even himself is not seen ….”

Although Jian Liwu was dissatisfied with this nephew, he was still somewhat concerned in the end, so he stiffly swallowed the latter half of the unlucky words.

But after a moment of silence, he murmured, “I’m afraid it’s a bad one!”

“Big brother and rest your anger.” Jian Li Miao mused, got up and walked over to the book compartment, took out a letterhead, walked over to his eldest brother and handed it over, “Look at this!”

Jane Li worry inexplicably open a look, face suddenly changed, “This matter really?!”

“This is my old department for many years, not to mention it’s not a secret, send someone to the imperial capital to find out the things, why would he lie to me?” Jian Li Miao showed him the letter about the impeachment of the Jian Clan’s third house for bullying the second house, “I just confirmed this news in the past two days – I was discussing with A Xu, looking for a reason to go back to the Imperial Capital early to self-defense, lest there are those who have the heart to separate A Xu’s relationship with His Majesty. Who would have thought that only yesterday we had agreed on this, and this morning we received news that something had happened in the second house!”

“This thing is actually rushing to your third house?!” Jane Li worry put down the letter, face slightly white, “So, the second room of the accident … did … razor Utah … that concubine is also just, that child is his own flesh and blood!”

Jane Li Miao silent, but shook his head, “Things exactly how, now also unknown! Such an act of rebellion, is really not common people can do out, although Jane Yiyu since childhood for people indifferent, but also may not be able to heartless to this point – we still wait it! Maybe the Yamen side before long to have harvest is not necessarily!”

… This day Jane Liwu is dragging a heavy step.

When he came, there was a lot of pressure, fearing that the third house destroyed the second house; when he left, the pressure was even greater: whether it is the second house of the beautiful concubines and young children to make a bitter trick to plant evidence of the third house, or the third house was impeached, all let Jane Li worry to feel from the heart of the anxiety and worry.

This is not only out of affection, but also out of interest: if the three houses have a good or bad, Jane’s family, even if not involved, but also certainly will be a big drop in prestige, within three generations not out of the scholar, that will fall into the ordinary squire!

After seeing the topmost riches of the dynasty, how can this call for a willingness?

And at this moment, in the palace, the top rich place that was missed by him, the Empress Dowager was contemplating with her eyes closed.

After a long time, the old man opened his eyes, “The hairpin that you had the guards quietly take from the secret compartment in the Nuan Tai Fei’s hall, I’m afraid it precisely proves that this matter has nothing to do with A Xu!”

Emperor Duanhua was stunned, “Why?”

“Do you think A Xu is a foolish man?” The Empress Dowager sighed, “He wouldn’t notice such an obvious break?”

Emperor Duanhua explained, “If it weren’t for the Court Judge’s time running out and privately informing his grandson, his grandson would never have thought of this! So the revelation of this matter was, in the end, an accident, and how could A Xu expect an accident?”

He also said, “The pulse case presented by the court judge has been confirmed by a credible person under the order of my grandson! Moreover, the court judge really can’t delay for a few more days!”

“I only ask you one thing!” The Empress Dowager didn’t argue with him and calmly said, “When A Xu returned from Wuhuan, and the Nuan Tai Fei hadn’t yet been presented to your father, if A Xu had asked for the Nuan Tai Fei, would your father have agreed?”

Emperor Duanhua was silent.

His father he knew – of course Emperor Xianjia would agree!

This emperor has always been very strong in self-control, just look at the Nuan Tai Fei has been serving him for those two years, but did not dare in the slightest to take advantage of his own favor to know, Emperor Xianjia will enjoy beauty, but will never be subjected to beauty!

In this case, his favored nephew wanted a deceased princess, or a princess that the Lord of Wuhuan had taken the initiative to offer to be promised to Jian Xubai, Emperor Xianjia, even if he himself felt that the princess was so beautiful, he wouldn’t have grabbed it from his juniors – he couldn’t do such a thing.

Then the question arises, since Jian Xu Bai once had the chance to get the Nuan Tai Fei in a fair and square manner and he didn’t do so, why did he need to hook up with the Nuan Tai Fei later on?

Not to mention that Jian Xubai and his wife Song Yixiao were known for their love and harmony!

“Could it be a moment of confusion or a trick?” Although Emperor Duanhua acknowledged that the Empress Dowager had hit the nail on the head, because of the Empress Dowager’s long-standing defense of Jian Xubai, as well as the Emperor’s insistence on his own self-respect and wisdom, he still made an effort to retort, “According to what Ah Xiu told his grandson in person, when Father only collapsed, the Nuan Dowager Concubine was afraid of being sent to the palace, and even took advantage of the fact that when he was in the palace to visit you, Imperial Grandmother, he blocked the road to plead bitterly! Since Nuan Tai Fei doesn’t want to go to the palace so much, and with her status, the only hope of not going to the palace is to get pregnant and give birth to a child – maybe, she used some kind of charm or something like that?”

Emperor Duanhua said, “After all, if that antidote pill wasn’t given to her by A Xu, since she was able to quietly entrap the antidote pill into the palace, it doesn’t seem strange for her to bring something else with her, right?”

The Empress Dowager sniffed, and a touch of deep sorrow passed over her face.

It wasn’t just because Emperor Duanhua’s distrust of her, or even the vague suspicion that she was deliberately pulling the wool over Jian Xubai’s eyes, making this old man feel hurt, but even more so, because, she understood why Emperor Duanhua was doing this: to prove himself!

Proving that he, the Emperor, although he did not tell anyone and handled it alone after suspecting King Qing’s bloodline, but, he handled it correctly! His suspicion was right! His deduction was also not wrong!

In the end, it was because Emperor Duanhua himself was questioning his own abilities already, so he needed to be right more and more, needed to win, needed affirmation to increase his confidence!

So even if the one who denied him, was his first grandmother, he was not convinced.

But the more he did, the more the weather-beaten dowager saw his weakness and lack of confidence.

–My son Xianjia, in heaven’s spirit, when you see the new ruler like this, I wonder, will you regret your choice?

The Empress Dowager gently closed her eyes and said in a faint voice, “What you say, Emperor, is also reasonable, however, in the end, A Xu is your first cousin, and now you are only suspected, and there is no ironclad evidence, so, with the mourning family’s disease as the reason, he was called back to visit the disease, to give him a chance to self-defense, can it?”

“By the order of Imperial Grandmother!” Emperor Duanhua felt the sudden estrangement between the Dowager Empress and himself, and he was saddened in his heart: even though he was the Dowager Empress’s own grandson, was he ultimately no better than the grandson who had been raised by the Dowager Empress herself?

Perhaps the Emperor didn’t really understand where this estrangement from the Dowager Empress came from, but he was, for now, only willing to believe the answer.