Beggar? Ji Chengyu looks puzzled, takes the envelope and looks at it quickly. After a moment, his face changes again. Ji Mengmeng noticed the difference, quickly ran forward, "big brother, but what happened?" Ji Chengyu does not speak, holding the letter silent, Ji Mengmeng no patience, a grab letter quickly read again. I have some doubts after reading it.

"Brother, what does the letter mean? Why do you want to take a opposite sex to change your sister-in-law? It's reasonable to say that what kidnappers usually ask for is not gold and silver. Why do they want women. Even if I want to, why do I have to change with my sister-in-law? " Intuition tells Ji Mengmeng that there is something strange about it. It's not just her. Ji Chengyu also thinks this matter is very strange.

LAN Caiyi said with a smile, "maybe it's because they think their elder sister is married. Maybe they want to find a big yellow flower girl who is not married to be their wife." Ji Mengmeng doesn't like LAN Caiyi. She doesn't want to hear her voice. "There's nothing wrong with you here. Go back first. If you want to fight, let's make another appointment

"Mengmeng, don't get me wrong. You don't understand. I'm kind enough to help you explain why you don't appreciate it." Blue color according to a face innocent, the mouth wants to say what, at this time, Ji Chengyu opened a mouth, "blue girl, today really inconvenient, you go back first."

Ji Chengyu made a word, blue color according to even if the heart is no longer willing to nod should be under. There were only two of them left in the room. Ji Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "elder brother, let's do it according to the kidnapper's will. As long as my sister-in-law can be safe, I will do whatever I want." Ji Mengmeng's face is full of promise. Ji Chengyu can't bear it, but now the situation is urgent. He can't think of where to find a suitable woman. After hesitation, he nods.

"Mengmeng, I'm sorry for you. But don't worry, big brother will do a good job of protection, absolutely won't let you have an accident. Then our family will come back in good order. " Ji Chengyu sighs helplessly. He knows that he is really selfish and even risking Ji Mengmeng's life, but he can't wait. He is eager for Fang Shuyao's safety. Ji Meng dreamt that he agreed and shook his head happily, "brother, don't say that. We are a family."

"Yes, we are a family." No matter when it comes, they won't give up on each other. Now that he has decided to keep the appointment and time is running out, he has to get ready. Ji Chengyu sent someone to deliver the news to Lord Huang, but he was worried that more people would be alarmed. So he didn't find anyone in Fang's house except the officials. Things are almost ready around noon. Two people sit in the room, Ji Chengyu stares at her details.

"I don't know who sent this letter today, and I don't know why they did it, but my intuition tells me that it's not as simple as LAN Caiyi said. You must be more careful when you go there. No matter when it happens, remember that the three of them went out of the city together, and then Ji Chengyu and Ji Mengmeng walked in the light, he Chengyi hid in the dark, and the carriage gradually came to the back mountain. Chen Chengwen has been sending people to guard the entrance of Houshan. As soon as he saw them, he released the news.

He Chengyi's guess is good. There is a nest of bandits in this mountain. But he was wrong about the kidnappers and why the mountain bandits suddenly appeared. All this is just Chen Chengwen's conspiracy.