"Your brother just talked about her recent situation, and told us not to worry. Everything is OK over there..."

Fang Shuyao was in a better mood. She put down her letter and poured herself a cup of tea. At this time, the housekeeper came in with another letter: "Miss, my uncle's letter."

Strange, this is not just a letter, how can this come again? Fang Shuyao was just in a better mood, and then she quickly took the letter from the housekeeper and opened it.

In this letter, Ji Chengyu talked about the situation in the south of the Yangtze River. He also mentioned the floods and the death toll. Finally, he said that some prefectures began to find signs of plague. He hoped that you Jingmo could help to produce y-materials that can cure the plague as soon as possible

Although Fang Shuyao had never experienced the plague, it was mentioned in every dynasty and every generation in the book that the plague was very terrible. Once it broke out, there were countless deaths. However, there was no way to cure and prevent the plague for so many years. We can see the horror of plague.

"What's the matter with you, sister-in-law? Is something wrong with elder brother?" Ji Meng dreams that Fang Shuyao's face se is not very good. After asking J times, he doesn't respond. Seeing this, he is more and more worried“ Sister in law, is something really wrong with elder brother? Don't scare me

"Your elder brother is OK. I have something to find you Jingmo. Go back to your room first." Fang Shuyao takes the letter and goes to another hospital where you Jingmo lives. You Jingmo is drinking tea at the table. When she comes in, she pours another cup of tea. "Brother Ji has sent a letter?"

"Well, he said that the situation in Jiangnan was very bad, and there was a plague. Let's find a way to match some y materials for treating and preventing the plague." Fang Shuyao hands the letter to you Jingmo. You Jingmo takes the letter and gives it a quick look with a slight frown. "I'll try my best, but the plague is nothing else. I dare not make an absolute guarantee."

The next day, Fang Shuyao abandons the business in the shop and calls the housekeeper to buy a lot of Y materials in Y shop. You Jingmo matches y, and Fang Shuyao stands by to help. According to the symptoms described by Ji Chengyu, you Jingmo has tried J times and failed to find the right y materials. As time goes by, they both start to worry.

On the other hand, after he was able to speak, he heard that they were alone again. He was so worried that he rushed over. "Fang Shi, you're so arrogant. If you don't drive this wild man out, you'll still openly meet her in the yard. Are you dead as our boss?"

Fang Shuyao was not in a good mood because of her match with y. after listening to h's words, her anger surged up. She turned and yelled to the boy, "get people out of the room for me. Besides, are all the people guarding outside the door dead? If you can't even see a living person, just drive them out." Awesome website m.geilwx. Reading novels on www.com

The boy pulled h's and went out. Seeing this, h's was dragged out and scolded, "Fang's, you vicious NV man, you wait. When the boss comes back, I'll tell her about your j love."

"Whatever you want to say, you can say it. We will be clear when we are clear." Fang Shuyao impatiently waved her hand. After H's left, you Jingmo put down y material again, "no, just rely on his short description, can't accurately know the symptoms, and can't match y for treatment at all..."

"Then what? It's a long way from here to the south of the Yangtze River

No more than a month has passed. I'm afraid Jiangnan will become a dead city by then. "

Neither this nor that. What should we do now? Fang Shuyao and you Jingmo are worried. At this time, the housekeeper comes in with a letter, "Miss, the letter from my uncle."

It's strange that there are letters coming. Is there something wrong with Jiangnan? Fang Shuyao quickly took the letter, opened it and read it. After reading it, the anxiety on her face faded a little. "You Jingmo, Chengyu wrote y on the letter, let you match y according to this."

You Jingmo took the letter and looked at it quickly. Instead of loosening his brow, he frowned more and more tightly. "Who wrote this Y-side? It's too fierce to use y. The flood in the south of the Yangtze River is serious. Many people haven't had a full meal for a long time. If f uses y so suddenly, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

Fang Shuyao doesn't know how to see a doctor, but she knows Ji Chengyu. He won't send two letters back for no reason. He must have his own reasons for doing so. Besides, he's kind-hearted and won't make fun of the people's life. If he's not sure, she won't write like this.

"I believe him. We don't wait for time to travel in Beijing and Mexico. Let's get started. Jiangnan has a large population, and it needs a lot of Y materials. It's too slow to rely on us alone. You wait for me to call some people to help you. " Fang Shuyao said and went to the front yard. You Jingmo stares at his back, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Watching Fang Shuyao believe Ji Chengyu without any reason, for her to endure so many other people can not stand the grievances, he is both distressed and moved, this may be the feelings between them, because they like each other, so fight to make each other happy.

Although you Jingmo is still hesitant, he still starts to prepare y materials according to the Y side.

Since that day, LAN Caiyi has found J opportunities, but she has not found the opportunity to start again. J day has passed, and seeing more and more victims in the city, she no longer pays attention to the confused officials. On this day, she takes her father to the gate of the city to make porridge. A large pot of porridge has not been cooked, and the victims have already lined up for a long time.

"Don't worry, porridge will be ready soon."

LAN Caiyi was afraid of causing looting, overturning the pot and scalding the fire, so he let the servants stand by. At this time, H Daoan came with a group of Yamen servants. He took a fancy to LAN Caiyi, waved the Yamen servants to drive away the refugees, and swaggered forward alone, "little girl, what about porridge? It's really rare to have such a Bodhisattva's heart these days. "

Blue color in disgust back two steps, want to open mouth scold, see dad has been to his eyes se, forced to endure down.

"Why don't you talk? Don't be afraid. I like you. You will have a good life in the future." Reach out to pull her, blue color according to dodge away.

"Yao, the little girl has a good temper. I warn you that I have a crush on you. Whether you like it or not, I will decide you." Then he looked around. "I'll let you go if I have something else to do today. You'll go home and wait. I'll send someone to pick you up later."

"No, I'm not going... You stupid official, corrupt official, you've done so many ungrateful things, you will surely be punished." Blue color in accordance with a face of anger, if he can, he would like to immediately h road Ansheng swallow alive peel.