Ji Chengyu looked up at her, saw her face carefully, also mixed with a little uneasy, said with a smile, "you want to ask me if I mind just now."

Fang Shuyao didn't expect that he guessed her mind so quickly. She nodded in embarrassment, "yes. What do you think? "

Ji Chengyu stares at her silent, time a little bit past, gradually Fang Shuyao heart some uncertain. Some lost, and some flustered head down, "it doesn't matter, if you really mind, and want to leave..."

Can't this girl have some confidence in herself? Is he so untrustworthy in her heart? But hit a person, today, even if she made that kind of crazy move, as long as he has a reason, he will believe her.

However, it's very sad that she always mentions and leaves. Ji Chengyu some unhappy pull her, bent over to kiss up, this kiss with punishment, pain Fang Shuyao didn't help crying out.

"Will you talk nonsense in the future?"

"Ji Chengyu, you..." Fang Shuyao knew later and was filled with joy. "Do you mean you don't mind what happened just now?"

"Why should I mind? Today, if someone beats you and wants to do something to you, let alone beat you, I want her X life. What's more, my wife cares about me so much that I'm too happy to be angry. " Ji Chengyu pulls her into her arms and says with a smile.

Fang Shuyao's mood at this time is like a roller coaster, ups and downs, but it's really good to be trusted and spoiled. Today, she is like walking in the desert, suddenly happy to see the spring.

In the last life, she has experienced countless hardships and can live a new life. She never thought about how God would treat her well. She just wanted to let those who owe her get their due retribution. Ji Chengyu is an accident, but she has fallen into this accident. Because of him, she began to believe that there are miracles in the world.

"Yao Yao, I don't know what you've been through before. If you don't want to say it, I won't ask. But please believe me, as long as you want to say, I will always be with you, and no matter what decision you make, I will unconditionally believe you. " Https://m.geilwx.com awesome Literature Network

Some promises don't need to be too gorgeous. Maybe a common word can make a person who has been closed for a long time lose his armor. Just now Fang Shuyao was still thinking that after this time, she wanted to completely put down the past and live a good life. The next second, Ji Chengyu said this. For a time, the earth was shaking.

After p-carving, Fang Shuyao stepped back and looked at him carefully, saying, "do you believe people will be reborn after they die?" Ji Chengyu's hand trembled slightly. He was born as a special forces soldier. After the P moment, he was calm again.

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world. I don't believe in legends. I only believe what my eyes see. "

Fang Shuyao seemed very satisfied with his answer and continued with a smile, "I didn't believe this before, or I never thought about it. I didn't believe it until two months ago when I came back from death."

No wonder he always felt that she was hiding some secret. It turned out that she was born again. Those words in today's dream should be what she experienced in her previous life.

Fang Shuyao has been staring at Ji Chengyu's face, see he heard his words without a trace of surprise or even fear, hanging heart fell down.

"What's the matter with you

Don't you think it's amazing that you're not surprised or scared at all? "

fear? A person in a thousand years can cross here. What is a rebirth? Ji Chengyu smiles and says nothing. He reaches out his hand and blocks people back to his arms. "So, what you just said and what you did are the experiences of previous lives?"

Fang Shuyao's body trembled slightly, then nodded, "yes" although he pretended to be calm, her shaking body betrayed her mood at this time. Ji Chengyu worried about the people hold tight, "well, don't think about it, I will always accompany you, if you want revenge, I will accompany you."

"Ji Chengyu..." Fang Shuyao did not expect that he not only did not mind these, but also cleverly guessed his idea, and even offered to help her“ Ji Chengyu, why are you so nice to me? "

"Fool, you're my wife. I'm not good to you or who." Ji Chengyu saw that she was in a good mood. He looked down at her and asked in a deep voice, "today, I went to Fang Jiaqing's room on my own initiative. Why don't you ask me why I do this?"

"You have your own plan when you do things. I believe you." Fang Shuyao said seriously.

His wife so believe him, Ji Chengyu happy smile, "thank you for your love." She took her hand and said, "when I was washing three banquets, I always thought Fang Jiaqing had a crush on he Chengyi, or Wu Chengwang Shizi. But just now, I found out that she is more flattering to he Chengyi than j-fen. At first, I thought I was thinking too much and observed carefully for a long time. Later, when I was ready to help you with ginger soup, I saw her waiting outside the door and pulled me to her room without any scruples. My mind was more certain. "

Fang Shuyao was puzzled, "what are you sure of?"

"What Fang Jiaqing wants to climb up is not the children of the official family, but the relatives of the emperor."

"What?" Fang Shuyao yelled and said in a cold voice, "she's crazy. She's just a businessman's NV. She has such ambition. It's just beyond her capacity."

"Indeed. So Fang Jiaqing can't stay in Fang's house any longer. "

|"You're right. I'll let her go back to the college tomorrow."

The next day, at breakfast, Fang Shuyao sent someone to call Fang Jiaqing to the front hall. Fang Jiaqing was having breakfast just now. When she was half eaten, she was called over. She felt a little uncomfortable, but because of Fang Shuyao's identity, she could only bear it.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

Today's Fang Jiaqing, a change in the past poor, calm, indifferent looking at her, said.

Breakfast almost, put down the chopsticks, turned to see, "things are packed?"? I'll send someone to take you back to the college

Fang Jiaqing's face suddenly changed when she heard the words, "sister, what do you mean? Yesterday's matter, whether it's my fault or not, my sister beat and scolded me. Is it hard for my sister to want to kill all of them? "

"Take it for granted. I don't want to explain why there are so many. You should go back to clean up and go back to the academy later. "

Fang Jiaqing saw that she was so determined, and her anger surged up. At this time, she didn't want to pretend. She said with a sneer, "my sister wants me to go back to the Academy, so I dare not refuse. But today he Shizi asked me out. If he Shizi can't see me when he Shizi comes, I don't know how to explain to him."