In the face of Gu Yunxi's sudden anger, even Chen Jingyuan was a little unprepared!

"OK! OK! I'll do it right away!"

It turned out that after the initial discussion on the Internet about how Gu Yunxi was humble and begged for mercy, he had set his eyes elsewhere.

It's true that Gu Yunxi is the No. 1 in the college entrance examination. He is still so beautiful and has good resources all the way. Finally, even Guangyao media and Hengtian entertainment were killed. The gold owner behind this is awesome!

Who is the gold owner?

If all this is true, doesn't it mean that the man in the photo is the gold owner behind Gu Yunxi?

"Wow! Who the hell is this gold master? So awesome?"

"How do I feel that this man seems quite young? His back doesn't look like an old man at all!"

"Look at this figure. It's so tall. I feel very handsome. Gu Yunxi's height is so high. Standing next to him, he's so tall. It's awesome!"

"Look, the two men next to him are wearing military uniforms! Should this guy be a military leader?"

"I'm sure it's a military jeep. There's still a man in military uniform next to it. It must be an officer."

"Such a young man can't be so powerful. In that case, it must be the hi red generation."

"Shit! The third generation is so bad? Playing with female stars?"

"What do you know? The rich second generation now are not all paper and gold fans? Do you think you can only move bricks?"


The topic soon shifted from Gu Yunxi to her "gold master". Lu Haoting's photo really didn't look old. Therefore, the gold master was naturally positioned as the third generation of the Red Army.

When it comes to Gu Yunxi, he becomes a dandy who doesn't do his job. He plays with female stars and fans of paper and gold. All kinds of slandering remarks have come out.

Gu Yunxi burst when he saw these!

Her brother Haoting!

So hard, everything about him is spelled out with his life. How can these people slander him so much?

People on the Internet may be hoodwinked, but those who spread rumors and frame up are hateful!

She's so angry!

She's so angry!

At first Gu Yunxi thought of protecting Lu Haoting's news. This time, if she suffered a loss, she would suppress Lu Haoting's news and settle accounts with the old woman later. However, the development of things has exceeded her expectations. Now she wants to drag the old woman out and cut her to pieces!

Gu Yunxi immediately made a statement. Gu Yunxi's personal microblog and the official microblog of the studio were sent at the same time, indicating that this was a misunderstanding. The photo was taken and emphasizing that it was inconvenient to disclose the identity of the other party. In addition, it shows that soldiers are the most respectable profession in the world. Don't slander soldiers because of online rumors. What's wrong with us.

It clearly emphasizes the immediate legal process and calls on everyone not to be misled by rumors and not to maliciously speculate on the character of soldiers.

The announcement did indeed attract some people's support.

After all, the military profession is really positive. The public won't let people maliciously spread rumors about soldiers. Coupled with Gu Yunxi's obvious maintenance, what's coming to her? This attitude has won a wave of favor.

However, it's just some favors.

The picture of her kneeling to beg for mercy and chasing a car in the rain is too vivid. Therefore, even if there is less discussion about Lu Haoting, there is not much reduction in Gu Yunxi's attack.

However, the opening ceremony of "survival in the wilderness" the next day will still be held.

This time, Gu Yunxi attended as an actress. In this film, her role is a very beautiful elf, so the dress she wore on that day is very ethereal, like a fairy, with the feeling of an elf in the forest.

The domestic scandal broke out only yesterday. Today she will make a public appearance. The foreign media may not have received any news about Gu Yunxi. After all, they are not familiar with it and have little value, but the domestic media are completely different from those in the past.

At the press conference, domestic media openly asked Gu Yunxi if she was kept, who the other party was, and what she said was in a foreign language.

The whole scene fell into infinite embarrassment.

Hundreds of domestic and foreign media were staring at her and waiting for her answer.

However, Gu Yunxi still sat there calmly and answered... Quite tough!

"Sorry, I won't answer questions that have nothing to do with the film. The other party is an outsider, so it's inconvenient to disclose his identity."

The reporter was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this answer at all. Then a reporter asked and wanted her to say a few words. Unfortunately, Gu Yunxi's attitude was very tough and had no comment!

When the news came back to China, the network was still exploding.

"Sleeping trough! So tough!"

"Look at her. It's reasonable to be kept?"

"I think Gu Yunxi is very strong. It's good not to hype love."

"I can see that Gu Yunxi is really defending each other and doesn't want to be exposed."

"Yes, I think Gu Yunxi is right. She has never hyped her private life. These reporters hate to report all day."

"This shameless woman should be exposed!"


There is still a quarrel on the Internet. At this time, the wind of public opinion gradually attacks Gu Yunxi. In the past, it was praise, but now, no matter what Gu Yunxi does, it will be interpreted maliciously.

This is a very bad phenomenon.

But Gu Yunxi didn't pay any attention to all this. Her attitude was from beginning to end, no comment!

Three days have passed since the news came from home and abroad.

In these three days, Gu Yunxi, who was supposed to have unlimited scenery, was really affected by her work abroad. Her trip at this time is not over and she can't return home.

Lu Haoting told Gu Yunxi before that he was very busy these days and might not receive her call. Gu Yunxi didn't call any of them. She didn't want him to know.

But she won't fight and let Chen Jingyuan say, but ye fan won't hide it.

After the domestic news broke out, he contacted Lu Haoting, but he didn't. until now, Lu Haoting finished his work, and then he saw the online content.

The photo was exposed, that is, the picture of his Yunxi holding him at the airport that day.

It was raining. When he got to the car, he was looking at the information. The people around him were reporting to him. He didn't have any time at all. The rain was so severe that he couldn't see the car's reflector clearly. After seeing this video, he knew that Yunxi followed the car for so long after he left that day

Three days later, looking at Gu Yunxi's coping styles, Lu Haoting knew that the little girl was protecting him.

Why are you so stupid?

I'd rather protect him against such a curse forever!