Shen Xianglan's face turned red when she choked on this sentence. How could he say this in front of his elders?

"Haoting, this... How can you say that? Your grandpa and grandma are still there!"

"Grandpa, I've been out for so long. I really miss Yunxi. During this time, I let Yunxi stay with me at the Lu family."

Master Lu: "

Shen Xianglan: "

Seeing that Shen Xianglan was going to speak again, old man Lu said impatiently, "OK, let's talk about something after dinner."

Then he glared at Lu Haoting fiercely, "not ashamed!"

Lu Haoting has a thick skin and doesn't care at all.

Gu Yunxi kicked Lu Haoting under the table to make this guy restrain!

Lu Haoting shut up after all when he saw the look in his daughter-in-law's eyes.

After dinner, Mr. Lu and grandma Lu are preparing to take a nap. Liu Xingchi comes and brings a very important information.

So they went to the study.

As for Gu Yunxi, Lu Haoting won't let her go. He took her to his bedroom on the second floor and asked her to rest here and wait for him.

Gu Yunxi had no choice but to wait here.

In the study, Liu Xingchi put the information into Lu Haoting's hand and said, "as you expected, the dead this time are not the real leaders. There is a boss behind them."

Lu Haoting looked at the information. This is the information about the mysterious organization there after his mission to the north.

The last mission suffered heavy casualties, mostly by local residents. There is an organization over there that has been confusing local residents and asking them to believe in them and worship them as gods.

At the beginning, the army did not know this situation, but suffered a great loss. This time, when he went again, he naturally wanted to uproot such an organization.

The leader really died and the organization was destroyed by them!

But Lu Haoting vaguely felt something was wrong. He felt that someone was manipulating behind him. Because he saw some strange places, he didn't study deeply at that time. Instead, he took the plan as the task was completed and withdrew with people!

In fact, in terms of this task, he did finish it well. As for the rest, it was just his own guess. Therefore, he specially kept an eye on it and later collected some evidence.

Liu Xingchi said: "the way those people used at the beginning was almost to give them a chance to live. There were several severe diseases in the local area. At that time, no one could solve them. They were in great pain and many people died. Later, the organization appeared and said that they were gods and could save them."

"After drinking the holy water given by those people, those people are really well, so gradually several times, the residents believe in them!"

"It's been more than ten years, so the local people believe in them very much. It's almost the same as religious belief, and even a lot crazy."

"I checked carefully. Later, when many people went out to work, their wages would be handed over to those organizations, and they still handed over a lot, and they had been handed over for a long time. It was crazy."

"In fact, it's money. The man behind it actually makes money through this."

Lu Haoting looked at the data in his hand. He was sure of reaping interests. Those organizations brainwash people. Isn't the ultimate goal still interests?

However, Lu Haoting vaguely saw something else.

"What was the reaction of those people to several diseases in their lives? Has no one ever been to the hospital? Is there any record?"

Liu Xingchi frowned, "this, there are few materials. It took me a long time to get it, but the locals said it was very general. There were few people in the hospital. There were more than ten years ago, but later there was no, because people believed in gods at that time and didn't have to go to the hospital at all."

"I checked the records more than ten years ago. They are gone, or they are too ordinary to find."

So there's no trace?

The more so, Lu Haoting became more suspicious.

"These diseases are strange. If this organization doesn't have these diseases, it won't be so smooth!"

Liu Xingchi nodded and said, "yes, it's really all because of this. Brother, do you suspect that these diseases have problems?"

Lu Haoting turned to look at him, "a large area of illness, also said to be infectious, but how do you know, not... Poisoning?"

Liu Xingchi looked pale and immediately thought of the people his eldest brother had asked him to check before.

Didn't those people in the southern forest last year be very good at using poison?

Liu Xingchi whispered: "brother, if... These people are a group of people in the southern forest last year, and the saying of poisoning can be explained, then... What do they want to do?"

Lu Haoting sneered, "don't do good anyway!"

Liu Xingchi stopped talking.


These people are so mysterious, come and go without trace, are so good at using poison, and their weapons are so advanced. What good can they do?

"Big brother..."

Lu Haoting looked at him and said, "don't worry, there's always a solution. They won't always be rampant in the dark."

"Check this in advance and remember, don't tell anyone, including my grandfather!"

In fact, Liu Xingchi didn't understand, "why can't we tell the old man? If the old man supports us, we should be more smooth."

Lu Haoting was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "because I'm afraid of leaking information."

Liu Xingchi's face brightened. Something flashed in his brain. He didn't dare to catch it fast.

He stopped asking!

Lu Haoting smiled and Xiao Wu was really smart!

Patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't have pressure. When I'm sure, I'll naturally tell the old man that now it's just our guess. Everything has not been decided."

"Hmm!" Liu Xingchi nodded.

Lu Haoting takes this information directly to his bedroom. He wants to find Gu Yunxi.