355 Chapter 355: I’m Only Telling The Truth

He acted casually and confidently. By contrast, Zack appeared to be nervous and frightened. Seeing Zack's reaction, Daniel panicked a bit and tapped Zack on his shoulder. "Come on, Zack, it's your sister. Aren't you happy to see her?" He tried to sound cheerful.

Zack looked up at Nathalia timidly with tearful eyes. "Nathalia. How are you?" his voice trembled slightly.

Nathalia smiled, wondering what the two were thinking. "I'm very good. And I can see that you are very well. I was surprised, and very curious, of course, to see you two together, and so close." She looked at Daniel into his eyes and went on, "You are very kind, Daniel Brown. Is Zack as clever as your own children, I wonder?"

Daniel Brown defended quickly, "Oh, I don't have any children myself. I'm single, you see. But, yeah, I really like Zack. He's a good boy."

Nathalia smiled and watched them for a good few seconds, then said, "Ah. I see. You know what, you two actually look alike. I bet people would think that you are a father and son if they didn't know you. Ha-ha."

She teased, knowing that they did not look similar at all, but it would surely annoy Daniel Brown.

As expected, Daniel Brown defended immediately, "Why? We don't look alike at all! My face is more of a round shape while Zack's is long with high cheekbones and a strong, sharp chiseled jawline. Also..." he spoke at a hurried pace and in a worried tone.

Nathalia chuckled. Come on, Daniel Brown, I thought you could do better than that. "Alright. You don't need to panic. I was just joking. However, Zack doesn't look like his mother nor his father. I've been wondering why. Hmm." She teased again.

Daniel Brown frowned. "What do you mean?"

Nathalia shrugged her shoulders with an innocent look and said, "Well, you know what Ann Carter's profession was. She had many clients, didn't she? I wouldn't be surprised if she had her clients' children all over the States. It's..."

Enraged, Daniel Brown snapped, "Nathalia Davidson! That's an awful thing to say!" Somehow he reacted as if he was the one insulted and glared at Nathalia hatefully.

Nathalia wasn't surprised at all. Very calmly, she replied, "Why? I'm only telling the truth." She took a look at the time on her phone, waved her hand, and said, "Anyway, enjoy your day with each other. See you." She turned around to leave.

Daniel Brown was astounded. Why the hell did she say that? What's she plotting? I can't follow her at all. He thought worriedly.

Without turning around, Nathalia said indifferently, "Perhaps. Who knows? He's dead anyway. And it doesn't mean anything anymore whether you and I had the same father or not."

He has nothing to do with me. Even if he is my half-brother in blood, he's worse than a stranger in heart.

When Daniel finally found his tongue again, he yelled aloud righteously, "Nathalia Davidson, don't you think about how your brother feels? What you said is awful!"

Nathalia stopped, turned around, and smiled. "Why should I consider his feelings when he didn't care how I felt when he was beating me to death?"

Self-righteous, arrogant assholes! I wasn't born to be bullied. Back then, I had to suffer and take the pain because I was alone and wasn't strong enough.

Now I have grown. I've earned my strength, and I have my man to support me. I'm not afraid anymore.

"He was a young kid then..." Daniel retorted angrily.

"Right. He was young, so he could run someone down and kill them, so he could beat his 'sister' to death, and he wouldn't even need to pay a fine or go to jail. Fortunately, he is not my mother's son, or I would not know how to forgive myself for his evilness."

"Nathalia Davidson, he's your brother! Your brother! You have to take the responsibility as a sister and look after him..." Daniel pursued angrily.

"And let him have Carter's Company?" Nathalia burst out laughing. "Daniel Brown, you have lost your mind."

Daniel froze as if Nathalia had told the truth that he had lost his mind before. He was silent for a few seconds and suddenly screamed, "People will despise you for your cruelty!"

"So what? Everyone despises Zack Carter, and he still seems to be living fine." Nathalia cast a disdainful look at Zack.

"You are horrible! How could you..." Daniel shouted.

Nathalia cut him short sternly, "Daniel Brown, mind your own business. You don't have the right to interfere and judge my life." Looking into his eyes icily, she added, "I'm warning you."

"Fuck your warning..." Daniel pointed the finger at Nathalia. The bodyguards stood closely next to Nathalia, on guard.

"What a noble and generous man you are, helping an innocent boy! Daniel Brown, you disgust me." Nathalia looked at him with contempt.

Zack stepped forwards and said, "Nathalia, this man, err, Daniel is just a..."

Nathalia found his sly face repulsive, and she cut him short. "This man likes you very much. He will look after you. You don't need to worry now."

On hearing so, Daniel started to panic again. But Zack was more worried. "Daniel, it was nice talking to you, but my sister doesn't like you, and neither do I. Can you please leave?" He said to Daniel and even gave him a push at his arm.

Daniel hesitated for a bit and said, "Alright. I'm going now." He dropped the shopping bag in Zack's arms and left quickly.

Zack turned to Nathalia with a pleading smile, "Nathalia, I'm so happy to bump into you..."

Nathalia rolled her eyes at him. Just then, her phone rang, and she answered. It was a strange but familiar voice. "Hey, Nathalia, can you please do me a favor and come over to mine?"

"Huh?" Nathalia frowned.

"It's me, Wendy Allen." She gave Nathalia her address.

Nathalia then recognized Wendy's voice. She hadn't seen her for a while but heard that she had been working on a new film.

"Alright, see you soon."


Dearest Lovies,

A few hours from now we will welcome 2021, a new year, a new beginning, and a new journey. I wish you all a prosperous and abundant life this coming 21st century. Tomorrow is mass release day, don't forget to vote!

Zhù dàjiā xīnnián kuàilè! ( Happy New Year, everyone! )