329 Chapter 329: He Hasn’t Given Up

Daniel heard the threat and iciness in her voice, and with his swollen eyes, he could vaguely see the mocking sneer of her lips.

"You are insane. You are merciless." Daniel muttered.

"Remember, what goes around, comes around. I believe in karma. Now you can fuck off." Nathalia said clearly. He's just a nobody. People like him don't deserve our time.

Daniel had thought that he might have a chance if he talked to Nathalia nicely, but he had not expected Nathalia to be so determined. "You are so cruel. You won't even help your younger brother, who's just a teenager still..." She's not like her mother at all. Her mother's much easier to persuade.

Nathalia cut him short and questioned, "Are you really an old friend of my mother? I think you are more like a lover of Ann Carter. Or, you are Zack Carter's real father?! You definitely love him a lot!"

Daniel panicked for a bit and immediately defended, "Nonsense. I'm just trying to help you and your brother. I have the pure intention of kindness. It's very sad to see your brother living miserably, and you, his sister, are not even trying to help."

"Yeah. It's sad. But I'm not a saint. I believe in an eye for an eye. I believe in revenge. You see. Now that you are such a loving person, why don't you help him? Why don't you adopt him? He would be glad to be your son, and you will surely be happy to have a son like him." Nathalia mocked.

"I'm really disappointed with you. If your mother is listening now, she will never forgive how selfish you are..."

"Don't you speak of my mum ever again! That you are mentioning her is an insult to her. If I ever hear you talk about her again, I will slice your tongue off!" She said every word clearly, seriously. Her face was stern and demanded no objection.

Daniel opened his mouth slightly, but no words came out. He struggled to get out, cursed quietly, and turned around to leave.

The bodyguards stopped him. He looked frightened. "What are you doing?" They started to search for him. With one holding him down, the other searched swiftly. 

He yelled, "You are not allowed to search me! Stop them! Spencer Davidson! I'm going to sue you!"

He screamed and cursed, but no one cared about what he said. Spencer watched with a confident look, waiting.

Nathalia mocked, "Hey, be kind to people, whatever they do to you. Remember your advice?"

"Hahaha." Spencer laughed out loud at Nathalia's clever remark.

The bodyguard took out a recording pen. The light was on. "Found it." They announced.

Daniel groaned, looking guilty and terrified.

"Destroy it," Spencer ordered.

"Don't you ever say you are an old friend of my mother anymore? You are so disgusting. You are too repulsive to have anything to do with my mother." Nathalia said disdainfully.

Daniel got up, glared at Nathalia, and said, "You will pay for this." He staggered away, heading downhill.

"How did you know he was recording?" Nathalia asked Spencer curiously.

"I guessed it." Spencer smiled. In fact, he had noticed that Daniel pressed his pocket a few times nervously. He is a quick learner, using the trick I used at Emma last time. Huh.

"Aren't you wonderful!" Nathalia looked at Spencer admiringly and pecked a kiss on his cheek.

They sat by the tombstone for a little longer, looking at the sea and enjoying the breeze. After some time, as if they had heard each other speak, they looked at each other and nodded. "Let's go home."

Holding hands, the couple walked downhill. Just then, three men were coming up. One of Spencer's bodyguards saw them first, and he was so surprised that he remarked, "It's Mr. Curt Davidson."

Curt and his bodyguards stopped. Spencer frowned, a bit concerned, "Dad, what brought you here?"

This was the second time that he had seen his father at the cemetery. Why is he here again? He didn't like the guess in his head.

Curt was in a hurry. He was sweating. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead as he had his eyes fixed at Nathalia. "Nathalia, didn't you ask me to meet you here?"

Everyone was shocked. Spencer turned to look at Nathalia, awaiting an answer. Why?

"Huh?" Nathalia was as confused as everyone. She looked at Curt with eyes wide open, "Huh? No, I didn't. Why would I ask you to come here?"He must be joking with me.

Curt looked shocked and confused for a second, then said a bit apologetically, "Ah. It must be some misunderstanding then."He turned around to leave but was stopped by the sudden new arrivals.

"There's no hurry to leave, Curt." Emma looked at Curt with a sneer and said mockingly.

Following behind her was Mrs. Davidson, looking puzzled.

Seeing the two sisters standing together right in front of him, Curt had a feeling of déjà vu. "What are you two doing here?" he asked.

Spencer and Nathalia exchanged a worried look, both had a feeling that someone had set up a trap.

Emma laughed hysterically, "Why? Hahaha. We are here to watch a good show."

Curt looked a bit cautious but asked calmly, "What do you mean?"

Emma suddenly looked serious and resentful. She almost screamed, "It was me that sent the message! Why don't you show them? Huh?"She held her chin up, looking arrogant and threatening.

Spencer was holding Nathalia's hand, and his grab tightened anxiously.

However, Curt maintained calm. "Ridiculous." He commented and intended to leave.