327 Chapter 327: I’m Blessed

Emma looked remorseful. It was the biggest mistake she had made. She had regretted all her life. "I didn't know that he was the heir of the Davidsons then. If I knew..." she muttered.

Young Emma was talented and wild, and she despised arranged marriage then, while Sue was gentle and loving. The two sisters stuck like glue since they were little.

The family had intended to marry Emma, who was the older one, into the Davidsons. However, she was in love then. Someone had already occupied her heart. And wild as she was, she fought and argued and sneaked out of the house to hide away.

So the family had no choice but to marry the younger one, Sue. When Emma heard the news, she felt relieved. She returned home later to attend a family gathering when the newlyweds came back from their honeymoon. And to her surprise, the man that she fell in love with at first sight had become her brother-in-law.

Jealousy was driving her mad when she saw the bashful and sweet face of her younger sister, and she had to hide it. Secretively she tried to seduce her brother-in-law. She had even planned it perfectly so that Sue would see them when she made out with Curt.

What she didn't expect was that Curt was in love with someone else, and he wasn't really interested in any other women. Though there had always been beautiful women around him, they never stayed long.

Recalling the past, anger-filled Sue's mind. "If you knew?! You never change! You are so arrogant and selfish. You think you owe the whole world. You think you can have anything you want."

When Sue saw them, she was so shocked that she lost her memories, but she never forgot the pain that Emma had caused. Years had gone by, and the wound had scarred, but the pain stayed.

Perhaps she could forget the man she loved, but she could never forget Emma that she hated.

Emma didn't think it would cause such damage, and Sue would hate her so much. "Anyway, that's between you and me. We can talk about that another time. Now we are talking about the woman that your husband loves. Will you come with me or not?"

Sue was tempted but feeling uncertain. "I... I don't know." She wanted to know the truth, but somehow she felt like something terrible was to happen if she found out.

Emma sneered, "Why? Hahaha. You still love him too much, don't you? I guess you don't really want to divorce him."

Provoked, Sue snapped, "I will go."

Emma smiled victoriously.

Spencer and Nathalia walked up the stairs to the hilly cemetery, holding hands. Nathalia was wearing a black dress, sunglasses, and holding a bunch of beautiful lilies.

Nathalia kneed down, stroked the picture of her mother, and tears filled her eyes. Every visit was emotional to her still. "Mum. I'm married. Spencer is my husband. You have met him. He loves me very much and takes good care of me. Sue, Spencer's mum, also loves me. Life has been good, and I'm grateful."

Time hadn't healed her wound. Time hadn't washed away the only regret in her life. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke, and her body shook slightly.

Spencer kneed beside Nathalia and held her in his arms.

The photo showed an innocent and young beauty. Looking at it carefully, Spencer noticed that Nathalia had got her mother's chin, otherwise, they didn't really share many similarities.

Spencer smiled, pecked a kiss on Nathalia's head, and said gently, "Dearest mother-in-law, I've been wanting to tell you that I'm really grateful to you for bringing Nathalia to this world. Meeting her, marrying her has been the happiest thing in my life. I will love her and protect her and live this life with her happily."

Spencer took Nathalia's hand, held it tight, and continued, "And don't you worry about a thing. Whatever happens, I will love your daughter to the end of the world and never forsake her."

It was a promise he made to their marriage, to his wife, and now to his mother-in-law. It brought a smile to Nathalia's tearful face. "Mum, you see, I'm happy."

I'm so lucky to have met the one that I love and loves me and the luckiest to be with him. So many people live their whole life not knowing what love is, and so many can't be with whom they love. I'm blessed.

Suddenly, Spencer noticed someone just hid behind a tree. He quickly stood up and shouted, "Who is it?!" He recalled what happened the other night and wondered if it was the same person.

The man came out from behind the tree. Nathalia frowned at the sight of him. "Daniel Brown? What brought you here?"

It was the guy that helped Emma accuse Nathalia at the café, the boss of the Shining Corporation. This is strange. What is he doing here?!

Daniel Brown kneed down beside them, placed a bunch of roses in front of Nathalia's mother's tombstone. "I brought your favorite flower. How are you? I think of you often..."He spoke quietly, but loud enough that it was audible to Spencer and Nathalia.

Does he know mum? Does Mum love roses? Nathalia frowned and wondered.

Daniel stood up, looked at Nathalia gently, and replied, "I came to see an old friend. I didn't know you are her daughter. It's a small world, isn't it? I guess it's a fate that we met."

"You are an old friend of my mum? What do you mean?" Nathalia asked tentatively.

"Yes, a very good friend. We met rather coincidentally." Daniel said within a sad tone, "She was such a kind, gentle and wonderful, woman. It's such a shame that she had to leave this world so young."

Nathalia listened and watched him carefully. A very good friend, huh?

"Perhaps it was better for her. It ended the suffering." Nathalia added. Better than live to see what a monster her husband is. But, but, that wasn't even her choice.

Astonished, Daniel retorted, "What?! Why did you say that? She's your mother!"