311 Chapter 311: This Is My Territory

She could smell the pleasant fragrance of shampoo and shower gel. She took his hand, gave it a kiss as she smelled its freshness and cleanness. "I think it will be a fun day tomorrow." Nathalia smiled.

"Hahaha, indeed," Spencer was rather impressed by Nathalia. She's probably the only one that would choose the word 'fun.' I bet all the other shareholders are having a hard time getting any sleep tonight.

He turned Nathalia around, lifted her up; her legs wrapped around his waist. "I think WE will have fun tonight." He said cheekily.

"Huh?" Nathalia was a bit confused at first, then understood what he meant. "Is someone getting horny?" she smiled playfully as she stroked his head and planted a kiss on his forehead while he carried her to bed. A long passionate night filled their room. She felt the blissful pleasure before drifting into a good night's sleep. 


It was ten minutes to ten in the morning. All the shareholders gathered in the conference room on the eighteenth floor, all chatting lively, discussing, analyzing, guessing, and gossiping.

"Is she coming at all?"

"Where's she? It's almost time."Some shareholders started questioning.

Ben, seated at the head of the table, was holding his phone tight, checking the time constantly. "Call her," he said bluntly to his secretary standing next to him. She's too arrogant! How dare she not attend the meeting?!

Just as the secretary went out to make a phone call, he saw Nathalia arrive with Spencer. "She's here, with Mr. Spencer Davidson." He quickly went in and announced.

Everyone stood up, except Ben, to greet the beautiful couple. In a white blouse and grey trousers, with her hair tied up neatly in a bun, Nathalia looked elegantly mature and beautiful. She waved her hand and smiled at the shareholders while Spencer nodded to acknowledge the greetings.

Ben remained seated and glared at them angrily. "Spencer Davidson, this is the Carter's meeting. You are not welcomed." He said coldly, which surprised all the shareholders. Isn't he being too arrogant?!

The smile on Nathalia's face turned to a sneer. Ha. He's got guts.

"Stand up!" Spencer snapped, looking at Ben sternly. Everyone turned alert and nervous.

"Huh?" Ben was shocked. "What?" This is my territory! He doesn't have the right to command me!

Spencer narrowed his eyes, frowned slightly, and demanded again, "Stand up!" His words had such great power that it sent Ben jumping off the chair. He blushed awkwardly by his own reaction.

"Spencer, I mean this is our company meeting..." he tried to reason, but Spencer cut him short.

"Thanks, honey. It will be done soon." Nathalia smiled contently and watched Spencer leave. Her smile seemed extraordinarily sweet today. He couldn't help taking another look at her before he closed the door behind. I love the way she dresses today! God! My wife is adorable! He thought to himself.

The shareholders watched quietly and enviously. Ben stood by the seat next to Nathalia, his hands clenched, shaking slightly with anger.

Seeing Ben and Nathalia next to each other, they couldn't help thinking Ben Johnson is alright. He even has his charm sometimes, but with Nathalia next to him and you naturally compare them, and the differences are so obvious.

He was like a street light in the sunlight.

Nathalia glanced at everyone, nodded, and said, "Please sit down." The confidence in her voice demanded utter obedience naturally. Everyone sat down, except Ben, looking angry and awkward.

He was the one in the limelight in the meeting room before Nathalia came in. Now he has pushed away to the side of the stage. He refused to obey her, yet standing there made him look even more embarrassing.

"Why? Do you want to stand? Sure. It's up to you." Nathalia commented disdainfully without taking a look at him.

Ben blushed even worse. He glared at Nathalia and sat himself down on the chair next to her. He had intended to leave the seat to Nathalia.

When he had meetings, he always sat at the head of the table, and he had grown used to being looked up to like the one in charge. Yet this time, he was humiliated instead.

The battle had just started, and he already tasted defeat.

"Shall we start, please?" Nathalia took the initiative to start the meeting.

Ben sneered. "Have you changed your mind?"

Nathalia looked around the table at every shareholder, then answered clearly, "No, I have not."

Ben was pleased to hear so, but he pretended to look sorry. "Then I have to propose to dismiss you as the president. Let's vote."He said instantly. He could hardly hide his excitement. Things were going as he planned. He thought happily.

You will be out of this room, this company soon! You won't be sitting at the head of this table anymore!

The shareholders looked at each other with a bit of uncertainty.

"Sure, but..." Nathalia smiled. Ben looked worried, and he interrupted immediately, "But what? You changed your mind?"

Nathalia stood up, looking down at everyone, and said seriously, "Before you vote, I think you should know that the Carters Company has been a family business for generations, one that I've loved and cared about much; however, times change, and things change."

She paused, glanced at everyone till her eyes fell on Ben. Very clearly, she said, "I was born the Carters, and if I'm dismissed today, then I will sell all the shares I have to the market..."

Everyone gasped, shocked. "What?!"

"Sell the shares!"

"No, you can't do that."

Ben was as outraged as surprised. "You are mad!" He exclaimed.