280 Chapter 280: You’ve Only Given Me A Name

Like a volcano erupting, all that had been buried in him for over twenty years gushed out completely. "You were in bed with your mistresses! You were having a great time! All these years, I've put up with you. I've had enough!"

When he was still a teenager, he loved his father as much as he hated him, and there was still a lot of hope. He hoped and waited for his father to come home to see him and his mother.

As time went by, his heart grew cold. Hope vanished. Love disappeared and was replaced by hate. He was utterly disappointed and had given up on him. He stopped hoping. He stopped waiting.

Curt felt a sharp pain in his heart. "I...I will give you all the shares of the Davidson Estate \u0026 Energy company. And the other company in..."

"Thank you for your generosity!" Spencer snapped sarcastically, "I don't give a damn. It's your right to give whatever to whoever." The Davidson Estate \u0026 Energy is my company anyway! Your 30% of shares don't mean anything to me.

Curt was speechless. For the first time in his life, he felt helpless. How can I make it up? How can I fix it this time?

He didn't know how to appreciate it when he had it. He took it for granted for all these years, and now when he knew he was to lose his son, he realized how much he cared.

"I know you have every reason to hate me. I don't expect you to forgive me yet. But please believe that I didn't mean to hurt your mother. I will make it up..."

Hearing so, Nathalia couldn't help interfering. "Then divorce her. Give her what she wants. This is the best way to make it up."

"I can't. He's my wife and will always be." Curt replied, without hesitation.

Selfish. Nathalia thought. He must have some feelings for mum, though.

"There's nothing else to talk about then. Let's see when mum recovers." Spencer retorted as he walked away, holding Nathalia's hand.

Curt watched them leave and heaved a heavy sigh.

One of the bodyguards suggested timidly, "Mr. Curt Davidson, would you like to go to the hospital to see if you can talk to Mrs. Davidson?" I don't understand why he would come to talk to Mr. Spencer Davidson instead of going to see Mrs. Davidson directly. Mrs. Davidson loves him. He only needs to talk to her sweetly, and she would change her mind. Perhaps he's being shy? But that's impossible. He discarded the speculation instantly. He's never shy. He's quick and decisive, and he always finds a way to fix any problems.

Curt was very tempted by the idea, but he hesitated for a while before he decided. "Yeah. Alright."

Curt's bodyguards were waiting for his order, yet he was quiet. The bodyguard that offered the suggestion earlier volunteered to help out. He said, with an air of authority, to Mrs. Davidson's bodyguards, "Go and tell Mrs. Davidson."

The two bodyguards looked at each other awkwardly. They didn't want to get involved, but they didn't have a choice. One of them went into the room, and before long, he came out shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Davidson, but Mrs. Davidson says she doesn't want to see you. Please leave." He said guiltily.

It was as he had expected, yet he still felt a bit disappointed.

"Please tell her that I will wait out here till she agrees to see me," Curt said plainly.

Everyone was shocked. This is not like him at all. He's compromising. They thought in disbelief. This is unbelievable!

The bodyguard went into the room again. When he came out, he couldn't even look at Curt. Timidly, he said, "Mrs. Davidson says it's up to you. Wait as long as you want and...and hmm... and just fuck off whenever..."

Curt knitted his brows. That sounds like Nathalia! My wife never speaks like that. Huh. That cheeky girl has been a bad influence.

He stood there, looking solemn and stern.

The bodyguards felt terribly stressed. "Mr. Curt Davidson, please understand. It's not easy for us. I mean, Mr. Spencer Davidson has made it very clear that we can't let you come close to Mrs. Davidson." Which was very understandable, considering the fact that he had hit his wife.

Curt waited quietly while recalling life in the past years. The more he thought about it, the more troubled he felt. He leaned against the wall and sighed.

The night grew quieter, and his heart grew heavier. It was around three a.m. when he left. He took another look at the door before he walked into the lift.

Nathalia arrived in the early morning and brought coffee. When she saw the tired face of Mrs. Davidson, she was concerned. "Mum, how are you? Did you not sleep well?"

Mrs. Davidson hadn't slept all night, thinking about the man that was standing outside the room waiting. Such was life. When she used to hope and pray every day that she could see him, she never could. Now it was him that wanted to see her, and she couldn't allow him.

She managed to reply with a smile. "I guess I ate a bit too much last night. My stomach was too busy digesting, so I didn't sleep much."

Spencer just arrived and heard what his mum said. It brought a frown between his brows.

"I see. How about going for a little walk after dinner tonight?" Nathalia suggested cheerfully.

"I would love that." Mrs. Davidson saw the bright grin on Nathalia's face and couldn't help feeling loved. "Shall we have breakfast? I don't want you to be late for class."

Spencer and Nathalia had been visiting twice a day, morning and evening, before and after class or work. They enjoyed having breakfast and dinner together, simple but with so much love.

After breakfast, Nathalia had a look at the time and said, "Why don't you have a nap, mum? You will feel better after you've rested. By the way, what would you like for dessert tonight? I will get you anything you want."

"I don't know. Anything is fine." Mrs. Davidson replied, sounding a bit upset still.

Nathalia pretended to look thoughtful, one hand holding her chin, and said, "Hmm. I didn't know there was a dessert called 'anything,' but as I said, I will get you anything you want, so I shall get you anything."

"Hahaha." Mrs. Davidson giggled. She couldn't help tapping Nathalia's chin gently and affectionately, "You are a little cheeky thing, aren't you? I look forward to tonight's dessert. Have a good day, and I will see you later." She smiled happily.