272 Chapter 272: I Beg Your Pardon?

Spencer was touched to see aunt Emma coming to visit right away. "The doctors said it's nothing serious. I guess you just landed? You must be tired from the long journey?"

Emma sat down by the bed, her eyes still on Mrs. Davidson, and replied to Spencer, "I'm alright. I've been so worried since I heard the news. She's my only sister, the closest person to me. We grew up together. It really hurts to see her like this. What actually happened?"

Till now, Emma still hadn't taken a glance at Nathalia. Was she doing it intentionally, or had she really not noticed Nathalia yet?

Nathalia felt a bit strange but didn't think much about it. She's mum's sister, and she's worried. It makes sense. I wonder why I've never seen her or even heard of her before, though.

Spencer sighed and told them about the incident briefly. Anna listened with her eyes wide open in disbelief. That's impossible! He's not a violent person. I can't believe it.

Emma frowned and looked concerned. "I know your father can be very cold-hearted, but he doesn't seem a violent person to me. I find it very difficult to believe that he actually hit your mother."

"I know what you mean. I feel the same, but that's what happened." Spencer said helplessly.

Spencer respected and loved his aunt. Emma never had children and had always treated Spencer as her own child. Spencer used to stay at aunt Emma's home when he was little. However, aunt Emma and his mother suddenly grew apart, and they even stopped contacting each other. Spencer still didn't understand what happened, but he himself loved his aunt still and stayed in touch with her.

"You didn't see your father hit your mother, though, did you? You came home afterward. Who's the witness?" Aunt Emma asked a bit impatiently.

Spencer looked at Nathalia. Nathalia nodded and said politely, "It's me. I was there, and I saw it happen. When..." If she's someone important to Spencer, then she's someone important to me, and I will show her respect and love. Nathalia thought.

"Who are you?" Aunt Emma cut her short and questioned rather rudely.

"Huh?" Nathalia was taken aback. She could sense that Aunt Emma didn't like her at all. But why? We've never met before.

Spencer didn't expect this was coming either. He introduced them immediately, "Aunt Emma, this is my wife, Nathalia." He said to aunt Emma with a smile, then turned to Nathalia and said gently, "Aunt Emma can be serious sometimes, but she's a very nice person."

Nathalia lifted her brows and thought, A very nice person? She doesn't look nice to me.

Really? It was all over the news stations. She must have seen or heard that Spencer and I got married. Why does she have to pretend? She obviously doesn't like me. Nathalia thought, watching aunt Emma quietly.

An unpleasant feeling towards aunt Emma arose and grew in Nathalia. Alright, there's no need to waste my respect. Nathalia decided. I just can't stand pretentious people.

Anna looked at Spencer with tears in her eyes, like a pitiful abandoned girl.

"A lot has happened. I will tell you another time. Nathalia and I are married officially and happily. And mum loves her very much." Spencer said clearly, stating his attitude instantly.

Nathalia felt much comforted. Spencer is the one that matters. As long as he's on my side, it's all good.

Aunt Emma looked rather displeased. She looked Nathalia up and down but didn't say anything, thinking that Spencer was protecting her, which meant he cared about her.

"Alright. I will wait to hear from your mother. Till then, I don't accept her." She said briefly.

Nathalia was enraged by aunt Emma's arrogance and rudeness. She retorted, "Take your time. I don't expect you to accept me anyway." Look at her insolent face. Huh! Who does she think she is to talk to me like that?

"I beg your pardon!" Aunt Emma snapped angrily. It was possibly the very first time someone had spoken to her so fearlessly. She sounded frighteningly angry.

However, Nathalia wasn't frightened at all. Considering what she had been through, she was now a much stronger one.

Very casually, she answered, "Please don't shout. You are at the hospital, and mum's still resting. I thought you care about mum a lot. Shouldn't you be a bit more considerate?"

Aunt Emma stared at Nathalia for a good while. No one had ever dared to speak to her as Nathalia did. Everyone showed her respect. I'm a respectable Ms. Fashion! What an insolent girl!

She didn't like Nathalia much anyway and was holding it back for Spencer's sake. Now that she was totally enraged, she let it all out, "I'm not like you. I say how I feel. I don't like you, so I tell you I don't like you. Everyone respects me and speaks to me politely, but you..."

Nathalia smiled and said calmly, "I like honest people like myself, but I don't like rude and arrogant people like you."

Just within seconds, the two were already in a battle. It happened too fast for Spencer to react. He watched the two in amazement. How did it start?

Aunt Emma was shaking with anger, her cheeks red, "My goodness! Shocking! I've never met a girl so rude! Spencer, I can't believe this is your wife."

Used to being adored and admired, aunt Emma found Nathalia outrageous to speak to her so proudly.

"Huh!" Nathalia pouted her lips, and just as she was about to retort, Spencer held her hand, gave it a little squeeze, and said with a smile, "Alright, Nathalia, aunt Emma didn't mean anything bad. She's just being a bit direct, and she didn't know you well."

"Just being direct? Are you sure? I think she's jealous and she doesn't like me simply because I'm your wife. Anyway, I'm out of here." Nathalia said angrily, swung Spencer's hand away, and turned around to leave. 

She hadn't slept much these two days and was a bit short-tempered.

Startled by her reaction, Spencer ran after her immediately, "Nathalia, babe..." However, aunt Emma stopped him, looking displeased.

"Spencer, I don't like her. She's very ill-mannered. Rude and..." aunt Emma said plainly.

"You are not any better than me. Do you call it a good manner of talking behind someone's back?" Nathalia said calmly at the door.