247 Chapter 247: Trust His Mum

Spencer couldn't help jumping in to help Nathalia out, "Mum, we will, but not in the next few years. I would love to have a few years for just the two of us before we take on the responsibility of raising children. I'm sure you understand..."

Nathalia's still so young. She should have her freedom and enjoy life more before being tied down by the responsibility of having children. Perhaps in a few years. I wouldn't want her to worry about it now. Spencer thought thoughtfully.

"Nonsense." Mrs. Davidson snapped. "Kids bring so much fun to life..." She had been hoping to be a grandma for so long. Spencer used to be a playboy, and was never serious in any relationship, let alone having a family. However, now that he was married and settled, it meant that her hope could come true.

Nathalia rested her head on Spencer's shoulder, smiled, and said, "We are not using any methods of birth control. If I get pregnant, then we will keep the baby. I love kids, but if Spencer disagrees, then, mum, you will need to help me, won't you?"

Nathalia meant what she said. She felt so alone in her previous life, without the love of her family, and to fall in love was unthinkable to her. In this life, though she had met Spencer, which was magical, she still felt something missing. She was worried that this was all just a dream, and somehow she had the idea that to have a child, a child that came from her own body, a child with Spencer, would make it real.

Spencer was rather surprised to hear what Nathalia said, but at the same time, he felt loved. Though he wasn't really a fan of kids in general, especially the noisy ones, having children with Nathalia was different. If it's a girl that looks like my Nathalia and is as cute as her, that will be great. He thought excitedly. He would love to have a daughter like Nathalia.

"If he disagrees, I will sort him out. Don't you worry? Nathalia, my sweet girl, I knew you would understand. Imagine having a few kids in our family! The more, the merrier." Mrs. Davidson exclaimed excitedly. She had forgotten about all the trouble and worries. All she was thinking about was having grandchildren soon.

Nathalia smiled, sensing the excitement in her voice, and teased, "The more, the merrier? I'm not sure I can look after so many, though."

Now Mrs. Davidson was even more excited, "Don't you worry about that, and I will be the best nanny ever. Hahaha." She exclaimed, picturing herself, nursing her beautiful grandchildren.

Hearing his mother's laughter, Spencer suddenly realized that he had not heard mum laugh so happily before.

"Good girl. Now you two enjoy your holiday and don't you worry about anything else. Oh, and congratulations! Hahaha." Mrs. Davidson was all smiles, forgetting all the worries and the reason she made the phone call.

When Nathalia finally put the phone down, it was half an hour later. Spencer held her hands to his lips and kissed them. "Thank you, babe. You made mum so happy." Nathalia didn't usually appear to be an amiable character when one didn't know her well. Yet, with those she loved, she was so tender and caring. He knew all that she did was because she loved him.

Nathalia smiled sweetly, "I want mum to be happy. Don't forget, she's also my mum." She said proudly and winked at Spencer cheekily.

Spencer had always felt grateful for meeting Nathalia, and now again, he felt such immense joy and gratitude. He lifted her up, and naturally, Nathalia wrapped his hip with her legs.

"So, you want children? How many do you want? Three? Four? Ten?" He said cheekily.

Nathalia giggled. "Ten?! You are ambitious! What about two, a boy and a girl?"

A boy and a girl. Hmmm. A boy first, then a little sister. They will be so adorable! Spencer thought to himself, delightedly.

He put Nathalia down on the bed and lay on her. A hand slipped in under her top and stroked her soft skin tenderly. "I think it's a great idea. Let's make some babies then." He whispered into her ear. Nathalia giggled, yet she couldn't help moaning at the same time from the pleasure.

The next day, they flew to Switzerland.

A middle-aged man greeted them warmly as they walked into the oldest and most renowned bank in Switzerland. "Welcome. My father has been expecting you." He introduced himself as Hans, the manager of the bank.

"Your father?" Nathalia asked, wondering why.

"Yes. My father is the executor of your grandfather, Mr. Anderson's will. As he's getting older, I'm helping him take care of things, but he heard that you are coming and insisted on meeting you in person."

A man in his late sixties was seated in the office. His attire suggested to him a gentleman. His blue eyes looked at Nathalia closely, and a smile appeared on his face. "Please take a seat. I'm Edward Williams. I'm so glad to meet you finally. You do look like Shaw, your grandfather, Mr. Anderson."

"Do I?" Nathalia had never heard anyone say so. All she knew was that her grandpa was a well-respected and very successful businessman. She had never seen photos of him. She tried searching online but found nothing, which was rather strange.

Her grandpa passed away at a rather early age. Her mother died when she was little. The Carters refused to mention anything about the Andersons, so she knew nothing about her mother's side.

Edward William nodded, "Indeed, especially your eyes. They speak the same kind of strong will and determination. It's rare. Shaw, your grandfather, and I were good friends for fifty years. Time flies. It's been such a long time."

He seemed to be lost in the memories of the old-time for a little while, then heaved a sigh. "It's been a long time." He said again and took out a photograph from his pocket and handed it to Nathalia.

It was an old photo. There were two young men, possibly in their early thirties, in the photo. One was Edward Anderson and the other, a very handsome young face full of life and good energy. His eyes resembled Nathalia's.

Nathalia gazed at the photo for a little while, and tears filled her eyes. "Is this my grandfather? He was a charming one. By the way, do you happen to have a photo of my grandmother?"

"Your grandmother?" Edward seemed a bit surprised, and Nathalia noticed straight away.

"Yes. Why? You seemed shocked by my question." Nathalia heard that her grandmother passed away not long after giving birth to her mother and her grandfather never married another woman.

"Sorry, I don't," Edward replied briefly. "Shall we start then?" He asked, rather formally.

Nathalia didn't persuade but remembered her question. "Sure." She answered.

"Please come with me. This way." Edward led Nathalia and Spencer to a painting on the wall. It was a portrait. He pressed the left eye of the portrait, and a door appeared in the wall and opened.

Nathalia and Spencer exchanged a look and followed Edward.