198 Chapter 198: His Voice Sounds Familiar

She thought about the things that she hadn't had the chance to do, the words she hadn't had the opportunity to say. She saw the familiar face becoming more and more clear in her head. The gentleness between his eyebrows, the affection in his eyes, she could see it so clearly.

I have to go now. I'm sorry, I have to leave you. I love you, Spencer. I hope I can meet your next life and love you again. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Bang" The door was pushed open by a fierce force.

"Stop!" Spencer screamed as he rushed in to see Mr. Keating with a knife in his hand, and Nathalia was lying on the floor unconscious. He felt as if the knife had stabbed into his heart. It ached terribly. Without hesitation, he ran to Nathalia, embraced her in his arms, with his back facing Dr. Keating and his knife.

He couldn't think of anything else but saving her. She felt so fragile and delicate in his arms. It took Dr. Keating a while to comprehend what was happening. He hesitated for a few seconds, still holding the knife, then he screamed and stabbed the knife into Spencer's shoulder.

Spencer gasped from the pain, but he remained still, protecting Nathalia with his body as a shield.

"Be careful! Mr. Davidson!" Someone shouted. A few bodyguards ran in. Dr. Keating was about to stab Spencer again when one of the bodyguards quickly grabbed him around his neck from behind, and another slapped his wrist so hard that he dropped the knife.

"Are you ok, Mr. Davidson?" Others exclaimed anxiously.

"Call the ambulance, quick!"

"It will be fine, Mr. Davidson. We will get you to the hospital very soon." Everyone panicked.

Everything was white and still. It was peaceful. Nathalia looked around, confused, and wasn't sure where to go. Suddenly a warm light appeared ahead. She smiled and knew that was where to go. Then she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"Nathalia, wake up, wake up! Nathalia! Stay with me. Don't go. Please don't go. You've promised me that you will be with me forever. You can't leave me alone. Nathalia!"

Who is it? His voice sounds so familiar. Nathalia stopped to listen, wondering if he sounds so sad. She could hear the pain in his voice.

"Wake up. Nathalia, please wake up. Don't leave me alone. I can't live without you."

"Can you hear me, Nathalia? I can't live without you."

Is he crying? He's terribly upset. He sounds heartbroken.

"I will never leave you, Nathalia. If you have to go, I will go with you!"

No! No! Nathalia panicked and struggled to open her eyes.

Spencer's tired eyes gazed at her. He was so shocked and excited that he lost his tongue for a few seconds. Then his face lit up as he smiled. "Doctor! Doctor! She's awake." He exclaimed, holding Nathalia's hands.

"Mr. Spencer Davidson, Miss Nathalia Carter is out of danger now." They announced.

Nathalia had inhaled too much anesthetic gas and lost too much blood. There was only a slight chance that she could survive. Spencer was going insane in the hospital, punching walls and kicking equipment around, demanding the doctors to save Nathalia, or he would tear down the hospital and sue all of them.

The doctors felt like they themselves had been spared by death when they were certain that Nathalia survived. Spencer felt an immense sensation of relief, and only then did he realize he could hardly stand up. His legs were numb. God, thank you! Thank you for letting me have her back.

The sun shone through the open window into the room, bringing light and hope.

Nathalia sat up on the bed, looking at the tired face of the man she loved. She persuaded anxiously, "I'm fine now. Spencer, please go home and get some sleep."

Ever since she woke up, he had been staying with her, refusing to leave, refusing to be persuaded. He hadn't had a proper sleep for days.

He is a stubborn one. He also got hurt, stabbed on the shoulder. He needs some rest.

"I don't want to sleep. I just want to be here with you." Spencer said gently yet determinedly. The incident had scared him, and every time he closed his eyes, he could see the terrible scene vividly, and he couldn't sleep.

Only when he saw her face, being next to her, could he feel relaxed.

I almost lost her if I had been just a little bit late! The thought frightened him. Now he just felt grateful that she was safe, that she was here with him.

He could barely keep his eyes open. Despite his weariness, he insisted on staying, worried that she would disappear if he closed his eyes.

It hurt Nathalia to see his weary eyes. "Come." She patted the bed, indicating Spencer to come onto the bed. Spencer's face lit up. He accepted the invitation delightedly.

He put his arm around her waist, her back leaning on his chest. The warmth of her body gave him a sense of security. I wish I could always have her in my arms, protecting her.

"Nathalia, can you promise me something? From now on, try not to go out often, only when necessary. If you do go out, please ask at least three or four bodyguards to go with you. Actually, I will go with you. Just let me know, and I will go with you." He knew he couldn't afford to take any risks.

Nathalia patted his hand and said, trying to sound light-hearted, "It was just an accident. Don't worry too much."

She could see clearly the worries in his eyes. In fact, she herself was scared, but she had to be strong for both of them.

"It wasn't an accident. It was planned. Someone wanted to kill you." Spencer said thoughtfully.

It was a shame that the forensic pathologist was shot to death straight away before they could

interrogate him.

The timing was too perfect to be an accident. After some investigation, it was confirmed that the forensic pathologist was enrolled two months ago, and all the documents he provided were true except the photo, which meant that he had stolen someone else's identity.

It was plotted too well for anyone not to fall into the trap. This was what worried Spencer the most. It was like someone was lurking in the dark, waiting to murder Nathalia.

Who is it? Who wants to hurt Nathalia? Those that hate her the most should be the Carters, but they are just barely surviving in Europe now. 

Anne and her two children had been living in Europe. Zack had to quit the elite school as they couldn't afford it, and he spent most of his time playing computer games. Anne Carter was back to her old profession, working as a prostitute, just making ends meet. Evette couldn't adapt to her new lifestyle and get kicked out of university. She hid at home, complaining all the time.

It's very unlikely that they can do anything to get revenge on Nathalia. Can it be Frank Carter who's gone missing? But isn't he dead?