169 Chapter 169: Live For Me

All these years, I've done so much for her. I've even abandoned my ex-wife because I believe that we love each other. But! What has she done to me?!

Anne managed to stand up slowly, tears running down her face, looking helpless and pitiful. She pleaded, "Honey, you have to believe me. There's nothing going on between Ben Johnson and me. Yes, it was me that introduced him to the family, but it's only for using him to get Nathalia. Do you remember our plan? I didn't know..."

Anne tried desperately, hoping to save their relationship as she knew very well that everything she had was from Frank. Without Frank, she had nothing!

She had lived a life of luxury and fame for over a decade. How could she go back to the same life as Mrs. Carter?

Frank glared at her icily and threw a file on her. "There's nothing more to say. Just sign your name."

Anne picked up the file. The sight of it made her freeze. "What's this? You are divorcing me?" She sobbed. The make-up on her face slowly came off in tears. She looked miserably ugly.

"No. I won't sign it. I love you! Honey, don't do this to me, please?" She begged as she tore the paper.

Frank threw another copy at her with disdain. "Don't tell me you love me. It disgusts me."

Frank had got Ben Johnson locked up for the rest of his life. This was the punishment Ben deserved. As with Anne, the woman he had once loved the most, he didn't even want to see her face anymore. He found her repulsive, and he would happily slap her again.

Anne had lost her arrogance. She went on pleading, "Honey, please, think about it. It's a trap Nathalia set for me. There's nothing between Ben Johnson at all and me. He has no money, no fame. He has nothing. He's nobody. Why would I ever fall for him?!"

She talked of Ben with disgust and disdain. To save herself, she would do anything, even if she had killed Ben. Live for me. That was her motto.

Hearing how much Anne despised Ben, Frank felt much better, but he didn't change his mind. "You welcome any men to your bed, don't you?"

The fact was that Ben Johnson was young and fit, which he could never be again. However, he would never say that.

Anne looked at Frank with tears in her eyes, thinking that Frank loved women that were soft and gentle, and said feebly, "It hurts me so much, honey. We have been together for over ten years. Why don't you trust me?"

When she used to speak to Frank in this way, Frank would be defeated immediately and do whatever she wanted. However, this time, Anne was not to get what she wanted.

Frank had made up his mind. "Don't waste my time. Just sign it."

It didn't matter if Anne had an affair with Ben Johnson or not. What really mattered was how people thought of him, how his business partners and rivals thought.

He had to keep his career and his reputation.

Anne stared at Frank in disbelief. Fear was rising inside her. It shouldn't have shocked her what Frank was capable of doing. She knew what he did to Nathalia's mother, and now she knew what it was like to be abandoned.

However, Anne wasn't ready to give up. Suddenly she thought of an idea. "Honey, have you thought about our children? You know Zack is very sensitive. How will he feel if he finds out we are divorced? Also, if you divorce me now, how will the world think of our children? I've been through a lot. I can take it. The rumors won't kill me. But Zack, poor boy. I don't want him to suffer."

Now she wasn't talking about how much she loved him, but about their son, the most important person to Frank. This was her only hope.

As expected, Frank's face changed, and his tone had softened, "I will think about it." It's true. How Zack feels is the most important. I should talk to him first and see what he thinks.

Anne heaved a silent sigh of relief. "I know I've made you lose face this time, but things will pass. Please think about our children's future." She persuaded me gently.

Looking pitiful and apologetic, she went on in a compromising tone, "and if you insist, you can take Evette, and I will take Zack. From now on, we go our own way."

Hearing that she would take Zack, Frank was startled, and a sudden pain struck his heart. After a little while, he said, "Take Evette with you and meet Zack in Europe. Look after him. We will wait till this drama passes."

It was as if her death penalty had been suspended. The heavyweight on her shoulder was finally lifted. It was only then when she realized her top was soaking wet. She had been sweating, scared.

"Sure, honey. That's a good idea." She agreed instantly.

Then put on a murderous face as she remembered something. "The thing is that Nathalia is too vicious. It's fine that she hates me and did this to me, but how can she treat you like this? And Zack! She hates Zack. I really don't know what she will do to Zack."

"How dare she!" Frank snapped. He decided to kill Nathalia and give up the money. When she's gone, the family will find peace again. What matters most is that my son is safe, and he will take over the business.

"Honey, why don't you try talking to her? I mean, you are father and daughter at the end of the day. Perhaps she will listen to you..." Anne suggested.

Frank cut her short with an icy look, "She might have found out what happened."

"What?" Anne knew what Frank meant, and her heart skipped a beat. "How? It's impossible. Honey, what should we do?"

"I will take care of it." Frank's cold voice echoed in the room.

Ben Johnson was charged with assault and sent to prison. Anne fled with Evette to Europe overnight. Frank was taken to the hospital. It said that he fainted. The journalists waited in vain outside Carter's Company. Anne's past was dug up and spread out in the news. The public was utterly shocked.

Things turned into a mess in Carter's Company. Carter, once again, hit the headlines.