43 Chapter 43: Will You Marry Me?

Nathalia felt her heart racing and her cheeks grew pink and hot. He's done it again. Does he have to be so cheesy?

This time she found Spencer's sweet talks irresistible. However, I'm just a common girl. It's nice to hear sweet words from someone like him, even though it's not for real. Well, as long as I don't fall in love with him, I won't get hurt. Don't fall in love with anyone, actually.

She was having conversations with herself in her own mind, then all of a sudden, she was shocked awake. Spencer added, "By the way, we are getting engaged soon. But I doubt my sweet Nathalia would like to invite you to our engagement party."

The assembled crowd gasped in surprise. "What?"



"Spencer, are you serious?" Lily questioned.

Nathalia looked at him, eyes wide open, bewildered. Spencer found her puzzled look adorable.

He had a sudden yearning to kiss her again. What's wrong with me? I've grown to like her more and more. He wondered.

He loved having her around, listening to her talk, watching her... and kissing her.

In the past few days, he was in Europe, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. It was meant to be a seven-day-trip, but he worked extra hours every day and finished all the work within five days so he could come back to see her. He got on the earliest plane available and came straight to Nathalia's school as soon as he landed.

He couldn't understand it either. He wanted to know, so he followed his heart, his feelings, hoping to find an answer.

He didn't expect to see Nathalia being questioned by Lily. He was furious, and his first instinct was to defend her. It was the very first time he had felt so protective of a girl.

More than once, he had done things that he had never done before for her. He didn't understand why. He was not certain how he felt about her.

Was it a pity? Compassion because of his own experience? Or was it love?

What he was sure though was that he could not allow anyone to do her any harm. Not a tiny bit.

Whoever treated her wrong would be his enemy. Unforgivable.

He smiled, glanced around, his eyes determined and sharp, and announced, "This is my fiancée-to-be and Nathalia Davidson-to-be."

It was an announcement and a warning.

A warning that said, 'No one is allowed to hurt Nathalia.'

Who would ever dare to mess with the Davidsons?

The crowd again dropped their jaws, shocked. "My God. It's real."

Nathalia didn't say a word. She couldn't believe it herself. She was, in fact, as shocked as, if not more than, the crowd.

She couldn't think until she was seated in Spencer's Porsche.

It was agreed that they would just pretend to be lovers. But now, he had led people to expect an engagement party!

Nathalia felt helpless. Things were going out of her control.

Seeing Spencer's cheery face, Nathalia was annoyed and confused. What is he happy about?

"I mean it. I'm serious." Spencer replied.

"What?!" Nathalia's head ached with anger. "Have you asked me?"

How can he decide without even asking me?

Spencer then took out a bunch of roses from the back seat and asked, "Nathalia Carter, will you marry me?"

So now, Spencer asked.

For God's sake. Who proposes like that? Nathalia thought.

No. That's not the point! What am I thinking?!

Nathalia couldn't think straight. Her head was like a muddy puddle. She took a deep breath and reorganized her thoughts before she said coldly "I'm not interested in playboys and I will never marry one who has a new girlfriend monthly. You are not the one for me."

"Hmm," Spencer muttered emotionlessly, eyes on the road.

For a few minutes, silence prevailed. Nathalia felt a bit awkward and threw a few glances at Spencer.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We're going on a date." He said impassively, still not looking at Nathalia.

"You..." Nathalia was at a loss. She didn't care if he looked angry or playful, but when he was cold and quiet, she didn't know what to do. "Are you angry?" she asked tentatively.

Spencer glanced at her and replied with a question, "What do you think?"

Nathalia pouted her lips, thinking, what is that supposed to mean? I should be the one that's angry. What's he upset about?

The car made a left turn and came to a quiet and green alley. It stopped outside The Nest, a lovely restaurant nestled in the trees. Nathalia was surprised to find a cozy spot like this, and she had never heard of it.

Spencer got out of the car and went straight to the restaurant without saying a word.

Nathalia rolled her eyes, sulking. Huh. What a gentleman!

The waiters greeted them hospitably and led them to a private room. A sign on the table said 'Reserved.'

After a while, dinner was served. It smelled appetizingly tasty, with a beautiful presentation. Nathalia was tempted, but she was still sulking and grumbled, "I have no appetite."

Spencer picked up the fork and replied indifferently, "You can watch me eat then."

It somehow sounded a bit like a demand.

Nathalia was speechless. She then noticed that the usually confident, carefree Spencer Davidson could be awkward too.

Alright. I have no patience for this. We are not really in a relationship anyway. Why should he be upset with me?

She jumped up from her seat and hurried to the door, opened it, walked out, closed it, and left, quick like a bunny.

When Spencer came to the door, he had lost her. Cheeky thing. I had made such an effort to book a table here. You don't even appreciate it.

It was true that one had to book a table for three months in advance normally. Spencer had asked a few people to help to get one when he was away in Europe finally.

Can she just be nice and let me win once?

When Nathalia came to the corridor, a clear voice stopped her. "Mum, they do really good food here. Dad took me here once. You have to try it."

Nathalia turned around and saw the door of a private room on the right ajar. She peeked. It looked like a family of three. The son, in his mid-twenties, sat next to his mum, a beautiful and delicate looking lady. The father was looking at his wife, adoringly. He had the temperament of a leader, the charm of maturity. His striking face reminded Nathalia of someone, but she couldn't tell whom it was then.

The lady tried the food and smiled delightfully. "Tasty indeed."