The interior of the chairman’s office was designed to match Song Cheng’s personality—simple but not out of style. Black and white colors were used in a wide area of the office. An obsidian-colored marble desk occupied a corner of the room while a black and white bookcase stood beside it.

A long and soft leather sofa was also placed against the wall for visitors to lounge.

Besides, there was a white wooden door that separated the office into two spaces. Within the other space was an office lounge.

Song Cheng put his arms around Su Kui imperiously and entered the office. Then, he released her. He walked to the desk, sat down, and started to do his work.

Su Kui was a little bored and spaced out for a while after she sat on the sofa, just staring at her slender fingers continuously. She noticed that Song Cheng was indeed working conscientiously and not planning on paying her any attention.

She propped her head up with one of her hands and started to observe the man in front of her. Conversely, he lowered his head and focused on his work.

His fine bangs fell along his round forehead and dangled there casually. A pair of golden glasses sat on his high nose bridge, and it softened his strong aura to a large extent, making him appear much gentler.

Su Kui unwittingly spaced out as she stared at Song Cheng. Her clear and bright eyes were focused on him while she wore a faint smile.

It was said that working men were the most attractive, and Song Cheng was the best of them.

If someone said that Song Cheng normally looked like a gangster with a gloomy temperament, then he looked like a university professor when he had glasses on. He did not seem like a man who controlled the destiny of a huge financial group.

Maybe it was due to her intense gaze and Song Cheng’s sensitivity toward reactions from the outside world, but he naturally noticed the gaze that had been fixed on him.

He pretended to look up inadvertently and met a pair of sparkly eyes. It made him feel as if something had stung his heart. After a while, he curled up the corners of his lips. “Do I look good?”

He contracted his long and narrow eyes while he smiled. His deliberately lowered voice was charming and seductive.

Su Kui subconsciously nodded. Her cheeks became red as if she had just drunk a large bottle of wine. “Yes!”

“Really? Then, do you love me?” His voice sounded huskier as he dragged his words. He was just like a Grim Reaper who was carrying a sickle. Even though people knew that death was coming, they were still willing to offer their souls in exchange for his gaze.

“R-Really. I love…” Wait!

Su Kui glared at him and said in disbelief, “You were trying to get words out of me?!”

Although Song Cheng did not manage to hear her finish her words, he had heard what she said in the beginning clearly. Too bad…

He sighed. It looked like he had underestimated her because she could recover from his seduction so quickly.

He stopped rotating the sign pen with his fingers. “Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink anything?”

Su Kui angrily rolled her eyes and shrugged with disinterest. “Anything. Same as yours will do.”

“Okay.” Song Cheng dialed the telephone extension, and the call got through quickly. He said concisely to the other party, “Bring two coffees to my office.” He thought for a while and continued to say, “Add milk and sugar to one of them. Please send them over as soon as possible.”

His words instantly made Su Kui’s heart race from excitement. Was it him? If it was not him, how would he know that she had a sweet tooth and was an ultimate supporter of dairy products?

Song Cheng could not read minds, so he obviously did not know the reason behind Su Kui’s unpredictable expression. He just thought that she disliked it and said, “You don’t like it? I’ll ask the assistant to change it for you then.”

However, why was there something in his memory telling him that this woman had an addiction to sweet food?

“No…” Su Kui looked at him with a smile. “I love it.”