It's true that Jin Feng installed monitoring in his room. When he came out of the room he was sleeping in, he immediately went to the monitoring room.

Jin Feng thought that he would do something in early September after he left, but he was wrong. Early September not only didn't move, but also seemed to sleep more and more deeply.

I've been watching it for an hour before monitoring, but I didn't wake up in early September.

"It seems that I am worried too much." Jin Feng was relieved and leaned back to his chair. "I thought about early September too complicated. In fact, she was just a woman with no strength to bind a chicken."

"Ma'am, she... I mean, Miss Chu has lived at home for some time before, and I don't think she is a complicated woman." The housekeeper nodded in agreement with Jin Feng.

Jin Feng said with a faint smile, "I don't care whether she is complicated or not. All I know is that she is my cash cow. With her, Xu Zhenyi has to give me what I want. This time, I won't be as stupid as last time. Let him steal people casually."

Last time at the banquet, Xu Zhenyi's people accidentally took away early September. At the beginning, Jin Feng really didn't expect that Xu Zhenyi did it. He thought that some people with bad minds, like himself, wanted to force Xu Zhenyi to bow down by early September.

Later I learned that Xu Zhenyi really took away the man, and the duck in his mouth flew like this, which made him not sleep well for several days.

"I'll send someone to watch this time and try not to let the last incident happen again." The housekeeper said respectfully.

The next day, in early September, I woke up early.

Open your eyes, looking out of the window into the sun, early September unconsciously smile.

She hasn't seen the sunshine with her own eyes for a long time. Now not only can she see the light, everything in front of her eyes is clearly visible, but also her memory has never felt like a new life.

Support the body to sit up from the bed, early September want to go outside.

Hand habit inertia to the stomach on a help, flat belly but let early September knot solid field Leng a.

Why... Why is her stomach flat?

What about her children?

In early September, she quickly got out of bed and went out. But she hadn't walked for a long time. As soon as she got down, she felt her feet were very soft. Finally, she fell down and sat down beside the bed.

Within two minutes, a maid dressed as a maid opened the door and ran in.

"Ma'am, are you all right? I'll help you up." The maid nervously lifted early September up from the ground, "madam, if you have anything to tell me, there is a button at the head of the bed, you can press it next time."

In early September, I didn't have time to ask the maid how she came so quickly, and she didn't care about it.

Her only concern now is her stomach.

"Where's my child?" Early September seized the maid's shoulder and shook, "where did you get my child?"

"What child?" The maid looked at the beginning of September puzzled, "madam, are you still awake, do you want to lie down for a while?"

The maid wanted to help her to bed, but she was pushed away.

"Let go of me!" In early September, she pushed away the maid and sat down on the bed, "where's Jin Feng? Where is he? I want to see him

The maid has just come here to work. All she knows is that Jin Feng is the master here, while in early September she is the hostess. Now the hostess suddenly goes crazy, and the maid doesn't know what to do.

Hearing that she wanted to see Jin Feng, she quickly replied, "my husband is busy and hasn't come back yet. If my wife wants to see him, she may be a little late. When he comes back, I'll inform him immediately that you want to see him."

"I want to see him now. You tell me where he is. I'll find him myself!" The maid couldn't stop her running to the door in early September.

Early September smoothly ran to the door, opened the door, the road was blocked by the people guarding at the door.

"What can I do for you, madam?" A bodyguard asked respectfully.

"I want to see Jin Feng!" In early September, his face was full of tears and he was in a panic. "Where is Jin Feng? Where did he get my child? Let me see him..."

In early September, she didn't know how long she had slept and when she was now. All she knew was that her child was gone, and it was really gone.

"Your child is gone." Jin Feng didn't know when he was standing behind the bodyguard.

Looking at the weeping early September, he said with regret, "I'm sorry, I've tried my best. I also want to save your child, but before I bring you back, the child will..."

Jin Feng really tried his best to protect the child in early September. He found more than a dozen famous experts, but he failed to keep the child. Moreover, Xu Zhenyi had known about it more than a month ago.

I'm afraid I've already accepted the fact that the children are gone.

Only coma for a long time in early September still don't know.

"So, why didn't the child come?" In the ninth month of the lunar new year, he sat on the ground with a pale face.

Before Jin Feng spoke, the memory of early September returned to the day when he was dragged out of bed by Ye Shiyu and pushed down the balcony.

Since then, she has been in a coma since early September, so the memory of that night is as clear as yesterday.

"It's Ye Shiyu. Although you lost your memory, you should still remember what happened that night, right? When I arrived at that time, it was too late for me to go to the room to save you. I could only watch you pushed down by Ye Shiyu, and it was not easy for you to recover your life now. At that time, it was hard to protect your own life, let alone your child. " Jin Feng showed his hand and said that he had done his best.

"Ye Shiyu..." in early September, she seems to have lost all her strength. She closes her eyes, and the ferocious face of Ye Shiyu emerges in her mind.

"Don't be too sad. I asked the doctor. He said that although you lost your child for such cruel reasons, it didn't have any impact on your fertility. You can still have a child in the future." Jin Feng comforted him.

It's a pity that she can't listen to anything in early September. All she knows is that she wants to get revenge on Ye Shiyu, and she wants to get back all the pain that ye Shiyu added to herself.

Jin Feng thought that she would cry again in early September. In fact, she didn't. She was much quieter than he thought. She didn't cry, just like she lost her soul.

Jin Feng knew that she was in great pain when she lost her child in early September, so she invited several psychologists to give her psychological counseling.

A week later, early September seems to have come out of the pain of losing her child. Accompanied by the maid, she can go out for a walk.

In early September, I didn't mention my child. I seem to have completely forgotten that I had such a child.

But only she knows how she has come over these days. No one can understand her pain. Even if a doctor gives her psychological counseling, she will never forget her hatred for ye Shiyu.

She must go back. She will cut Ye Shiyu to get justice for her children.