What Xu Zhao gave her just now is an acquisition contract, or a contract for Xu's acquisition of Chu's.

Does Xu Zhenyi want to buy her company?

This emergency is too sudden, suddenly caught early September by surprise.

Just now on the phone, I only heard that Xu Zhenyi took people to the company and informed all the directors to discuss the matter together. She guessed that the matter was very serious, but she didn't know that his action would be so fast.

Even the contract has been done, the acquisition of Chushi is obviously not just the intention.

So, is this a conspiracy?

Early September's heart is very chaotic, in this question, she can't find the answer, can only doubt the eyes on Xu Zhenyi.

Xu Zhenyi sat quietly, and his eyes fell on Ye Siyan who was beside him in early September.

Hum, these two people are really inseparable.

There was no reason for a burst of fire in his heart, which soon burned the little joy he had just seen in early September.

At this moment, Xu Zhenyi's heart left only a stream of anger.

"Sign it." Eyes moved to the face of early September, see her eyes impatient, Xu Zhenyi just slowly mouth, "signed you have a way to go."

There is no reason or explanation for these two understatement.

At the beginning of September, I took a breath and felt that my Hun tune was in pain.

"Why?" She gritted her teeth and asked the question.

Xu Zhenyi looked at her carelessly, only a lazy smile appeared on her face: "no why."

"Why do you do that?" She asked again in early September. She wanted the answer and wanted to know why he did it.

The acquisition of Chu is tantamount to annexing Chu.

This is her father's company, which was founded by her father. If it is handed over in this way, it will not be reconciled in early September.

Two people together for so long, Xu Zhenyi also can't not know how important Chushi is to her.

So he knows why he's taking it?

Deliberately ignoring the painful look of early September, Xu Zhenyi's attitude is still so casual, as if the Chu family he wants to buy is just his ashes, so insignificant.

"I'm happy." Xu Zhenyi left these three words behind.

These three words also completely angered the beginning of September.

She bit her teeth and didn't ask any more.

She took her eyes back and looked at the contract.

After a while, seeing that she didn't respond, the directors on the scene began to lose their seats.

"In September, although this incident is very sudden, we have to sign it. If we don't sign it, Xu will cut off all our ways. At that time, the project can't be carried out, and the whole company can't be guaranteed. There are so many employees in the company, and our shares..." that person can't go on.

He pushed the person sitting next to him with his arm and reminded him in a low voice, "speak quickly, you also have so many shares in your hand!"

The person who was pushed cleared his throat and summoned up courage to say to early September: "September, our old bone, although it has no great effect on the development of the company, but... But we also made efforts for the company at the beginning. If you don't sign, when the company goes bankrupt, our shareholding will not be..."

Everyone knows what he means when he doesn't finish.

No need for him to finish, people on the scene have already begun to agree.

Everyone looked at the beginning of September, looking forward to her quickly to sign the word, quickly hand over the company.

Xu Shi is so powerful that if they are acquired, their monthly dividend will be higher.

It's a good thing to think about it.

It's just that there is no Chu family, but everyone has more money.

As long as you have money, who cares whether you are with Chu or Xu.

"This is my father's company..." in early September, I saw that I had lost my heart and my eyes were red.

She couldn't have thought that she was still working in the company yesterday, and today her company will change its owner.

She has never been a coward, and will not easily shed tears in front of people.

But this time she really felt aggrieved.

Her shares account for 30% of Chu's shares. She is the largest shareholder. She is usually called the president. In fact, her shares are enough to be elected as the chairman of the board.

But what about that?

As long as the other directors unite, her 30% is nothing.

Now to ask her to sign is just to give her face as a major shareholder.

In early September, she doesn't know. Even if she refuses, Xu Zhenyi has a way to get Chu's family.

"But Mr. Xu's price is very high, and he doesn't treat us badly. In September, I advise you not to get along with money. Even if your father is still here, I think he will agree." A more prestigious director also advised early September, "much higher than the market price."

At first, they were a little flustered when they heard that Xu was going to buy Chushi, but when they heard the price Xu Zhenyi gave them, they were all very happy.

Now at this time, milk is mother, put money is not a fool.

I started talking again.

In early September, my brain was buzzing and dazzled.

She stood up supporting the table as if she had been drained.

Her eyes are fixed on Xu Zhenyi, but the man opposite makes her feel strange.

He looked at all this without expression, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Once the tenderness of water, long do not know when disappeared.

In early September, my heart was aching, and my hand holding the table was shaking.

Ye Siyan helped her in time when she was about to lose support.

"I don't feel well in September. Let's talk about the contract another day." Ye Siyan calmly glanced at the crowd and said this sentence faintly, "her feelings for Chu are unusual. Even if you want to make money, you should take care of her mood. I hope you can give her some time to accept this."

Everyone knows that ye Siyan is Ye's young master.

He and early September's relations everybody also acquiesced, at this time hears him to help early September to speak, nobody thought is wrong.

So the director who advised Chu and September just now turned to see Xu Zhenyi: "Mr. Xu, you'd better give September a little time. Since you're interested in acquiring Chu, you shouldn't be in a hurry for one or two days. Why don't we get together again on weekdays?"

Today is the weekend, many people are at home with their grandchildren, suddenly called, everyone in a hurry.

It's only an hour and a half since Xu Zhenyi informed everyone. Some people haven't even digested Xu Zhenyi's plan to acquire Chu's family.

Xu Zhenyi coldly bent up his lips and said ruthlessly: "you can change the time to sign, but if you ask me to wait one more day, I will give you less price. If you are willing to wait, I will wait with you."

As soon as Xu Zhenyi's words came out, the directors looked at each other.

"In September, you... You sign now."

"Yes, it's all signed early and late. Hurry up!"

"It is..."

I don't know who started it. All of us pointed the finger at the beginning of September in an instant.