In early September, I laughed, "do you think I'm as free as you are? I still have to go to work, pick up my children to school, wash their clothes and cook for them. How can I go out with you when I have time to play? And you don't go to work in Europe. Do you have time to go out to play?"

Sometimes in early September, I envy Ye Siyan. He is carefree all day and goes wherever he wants.

If you are bored, you can go to the grassroots to experience life. Don't be too comfortable.

I don't think she has anywhere to go except to work and take care of the children.

I don't have time to go either.

She wanted to put everything down and walk away, but she couldn't.

"Why can't you be as idle as I am." Ye Siyan holding a smile, "as long as you want, you can be as free as I am, children... I can help you with it. I am very skilled in bringing children. I used to go to kindergarten to play with children."

Early September is drinking water, Hear ye Siyan's words, almost a spit out.

"Keke..." didn't come out, but choked her, "Keke..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Early September cough red face, ye Siyan busy to pat her back, hope she can be comfortable, "now better."

"All right, all right!" In early September, he quickly stopped, "compared with my children, you are more like a child, but also with them, they are not whole, you are good."

I really like chatting with Ye Siyan in early September.

There is no pressure, and when chatting, you can forget the two men and women at the table next to you.

Xu Zhenyi, who was specially ignored in early September, seems calm on the surface. In fact, he has already gone mad in his heart.

Just now, he heard all of Ye Siyan's words.

That damned smelly boy, how dare he dig his corner when he and his wife are in conflict?


Is he going to die?

At this moment, Xu Zhenyi's face stinks.

Although he tried to suppress his emotions, ye Shiyu, who was sitting beside him, still felt his strange.

"Zhenyi, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Ye Shiyu frowned and asked, "were you too tired last night? Sorry, it's all my fault. I've asked too much of you. I'll pay attention next time. I'll let you have a good rest tonight. "

Ye Shiyu's words are full of love.

Separated by a partition, the meaning can be heard in early September.

She was not angry, but the temperature in her heart was colder.

It turns out that Xu Zhenyi has been with Ye Shiyu these days, including the evening... And this evening.

No wonder she just felt that Xu Zhenyi's face was a little tired.

She thought that she didn't eat well and sleep well. She was tired of doing good things with other women at night.

Ha ha... That's funny.

In early September, she felt even more funny. She was embarrassed enough. Now she heard her husband's words with her from other women.

It's hard to describe my current mood in early September.

Maybe it's better than numbness.

Maybe it's the death of heart.

Even if I'm not dead, I'm dying.

Fortunately, the waiter began to serve at this time, which helped to resolve the embarrassment.

"You're going to pick up the children today, too. I'll go with you. I'm a child. Maybe they'll like me very much." Ye Siyan is like a young man in love. His voice is warm and soft, with a strong smile in his tone.

In early September, he made him laugh: "it's not that I don't believe you. If my son sees you, he will take off his shoes and lose you. He should not be able to see a strange big brother to hold his sister."

When it comes to their own children, the expression of early September has become gentle, "after you become a parent, you will know that it is very difficult to take children, and parents will not easily put their children in other people's hands."

"I've been a father for a long time, but if you marry me now, I can be a father by now next year." Ye Siyan said without shame.

At the beginning of September, I had a bite of food, and I was almost choked by his words.

Exhausted the strength to suppress the impulse to cough, face red, "Ye Siyan, you quickly shut up!"

With that, he quickly put a piece of braised pork into Ye Siyan's mouth.

"As long as you feed me as you do now, I promise you to shut up." Ye Siyan was brought up with western education, and his personality is particularly lively.

For their favorite things, will always maintain enthusiasm, will not easily let go.

This time, what he liked was early September. After seeing her on the first day, he fell in love with her.

When ye Shiyu heard his brother say this, he couldn't help scolding him.

It's disgusting to find such an old woman who has two children. He can eat any kind of people.

Although she was disgusted in her heart, ye Shiyu was very happy to gossip with Xu Zhenyi, "Zhenyi, listen to me, my family Siyan is really grown up. He's making trouble to be a father. I'm afraid I have to tell my father that it's time to find a girlfriend for him when I go back today."

Xu Zhenyi buried himself in the meal and didn't talk.

Ye Shiyu is also very aware of the current affairs and has no further work.

Although Xu Zhenyi is with her now, his heart is still on the body of early September, which is the key period that she dare not neglect.

When his heart turns to himself, he can get rid of early September.

This meal Ye Shiyu and Xu Zhenyi had a little dull, but ye Siyan had a good laugh in early September.

In early September, I was amused by Ye Siyan's words several times. Although I had no choice but to laugh, the atmosphere was not awkward at all. They got along very well.

"I'll take you back to the company." After dinner, ye Siyan bought the bill.

In early September, I saw his action of taking out his wallet, but I didn't stop it, but I also said, "I asked you today. How did you pay for it?"

Ye Siyan said with a brilliant smile: "you can come back next time, or you can cook for me."

"You think it's beautiful. After eating this time, we'll..." early September wanted to say that they were going their separate ways, but suddenly thought that Xu Zhenyi had not left yet, so he changed his words in the middle of the way, "well, next time you come back from Europe, I'll invite you to my home for dinner."

Ye Siyan was surprised. "Did you agree?"

Nine months flat mouth, think I don't promise me how?

Your sister and my husband are all in collusion. I can't lose the battle.

At this critical time, what you say should reflect how attractive and valuable you are.

It's true that she has been abandoned, but she has not been reduced to the point of being a real abandoned woman.

She's got a face, too, okay!

In my heart, I nodded with a smile in early September, "let's go."

They left the restaurant without saying hello to Ye Shiyu.

When I left, it was like I didn't see them. I went straight away without looking back.

Xu Zhenyi has been watching them go far, just impatiently left chopsticks.