But ye Zhenguo is Ye Zhenguo after all. He has been able to work hard in the market for so many years and has made so many achievements, which proves that he is outstanding.

So even if the attitude of early September is so bad, ye Zhenguo doesn't mean to be angry.

Face is still hanging with a friendly smile: "how can I not understand what Miss Chu is saying?"

"Dad, she seems to have lost her mind in early September, and her words are incomprehensible. Just ignore her, so as not to be bitten by her again because her words are not to her taste." Ye Shiyu reminds Ye Zhenguo, "it's as funny as someone owes her money!"

"Some people owe not only money but also life." In early September, he stared at Ye Zhenguo with gloomy eyes, "Mr. Ye, I know you can understand."

"What are you talking about?" Listening to the inexplicable words of early September, ye Shiyu thinks that she is deliberately finding fault. She can't help but get angry and goes forward to seek theory.

Ye Zhenguo grabbed her daughter and looked at the beginning of September with a slight change in her face: "what did miss Chu misunderstand

"No, would I misunderstand you for nothing? Of course, that's what we say when we get the evidence. " See ye Zhenguo's facial expression some uneasy rise, the beginning of September lip smile more profound.

Ye Zhenguo's hand holding the wine glass is a little unsteady. He stares at the face of early September in shock, as if he sees the shadow of an old friend on that face.

Ye Shiyu saw that his father was so angry that he couldn't speak. He immediately countered: "in early September, I warn you, if you say these messy words here again, I'll let the security guard drive you out!"

"Well, try it." Xu Zhenyi can't see his wife wronged. When he heard Ye Shiyu say so, he hummed coldly.

"Zhenyi, in early September, she made a lot of remarks at the banquet of my Ye family. I should take it for granted to drive her out!" Ye Shiyu also can't stand Xu Zhenyi's behavior of defending early September.

Jealousy was burning in my heart. I wish I could drive her out right now.

"Ye Dong, you really don't know the meaning of my wife's words today?" Xu Zhenyi did not look at Ye Shiyu, but turned his eyes to Ye Zhenguo's face.

This time he didn't even call Uncle Ye.

Ye Zhenguo was stunned and opened his mouth. He seemed to want to quibble.

But before he spoke, he was robbed by Xu Zhenyi: "Ye Dong, you'd better think about it."

"Zhenyi, why are you threatening my father?" No matter how silly Ye Shiyu is, he can hear the meaning of Xu Zhenyi's words.

That's the threat!

But why threaten her father?

Didn't you talk and laugh just now?

Is it because of their father and daughter's bad attitude towards early September that he is like this?

Ye Shiyu can't understand what she thinks. She only knows that Xu Zhenyi is angry.

"Zhenyi, let's go. We have nothing to say to this kind of person. Then we'll take the evidence and hit him in the face!"

In early September, I don't want to see the hypocritical faces of the father and daughter any more. I want to leave here immediately.

Without saying a word, Xu Zhenyi plans to leave in early September.

Ye Shiyu reluctantly yelled several times behind him, but the other side didn't even look back.

She was so angry that she wanted to drop the cup.

"Dad, what's going on?" Watching them leave, ye Shiyu has no ability to stop them. She turns to her father to get an answer.

Ye Zhenguo's face was ugly. He looked worried. He didn't answer her and didn't know what he was thinking.

On the way back, Xu Zhao drives and sits in the back seat with Xu Zhenyi in early September.

"Ye Zhenguo is the murderer..." on the ninth day of the lunar new year, she was sobbing and lying in Xu Zhenyi's arms. "I'm sorry, I always wronged the Xu family before."

Xu Zhenyi hugged her body in early September and put her chin on her head: "fool, I don't care about it at all. I'm just worried about what difficulties you may encounter. Now it's all clear. Don't cry."

A big stone just moved away from Xu Zhenyi's heart.

He is very happy that there is no such barrier between himself and early September, but at the same time, he secretly vowed that as long as early September wants to do, he will give his full support.

Even if it's revenge for ye Zhenguo, he will try his best to help her finish it.

"Well." In early September, I inhaled my nose and nodded my head.

Looking up from Xu Zhenyi's arms, she wiped her tears and said wrongly, "Zhenyi, I want to revenge Ye Zhenguo. I want to find out the truth and let him go to jail."

"I know you will do that, and I will support you, but you can't do stupid things on the premise of revenge." Xu Zhenyi reached out and stroked the tears on his cheek in early September. "Promise me that any progress in this matter will be discussed with me."

"Well." In early September, my heart was warm, and I said, "I know, I still have you and children, and I won't do stupid things."

With a smile, Xu Zhenyi hugged her and said in her ear, "you just know."

According to the survey data, Chu Zhengyang and ye Zhenguo once had contacts.

In order to find more evidence, Chu Zhengyang, who is taking care of Du Meihuan in the hospital, was found in early September.

When Zhengyang heard her ask about ye Zhenguo, his face suddenly turned white.

"Where did you hear about it?" Chu Zhengyang looks at Chu September in shock and seems to be surprised at her discovery.

"Uncle, you and my father are brothers. My father died in the dark. I hope you can tell me what happened then?" In early September, afraid that Chu Zhengyang would not tell him the truth, he slowed down his tone and tried to influence him with family affection.

And Chu Zhengyang obviously knew something. Looking at his face, Chu September knew that he must know something she didn't know.

But after waiting for a long time, Chu Zhengyang did not intend to say, but silently staring at the ground.

"Uncle?" I can't help but urge you.

Chu Zhengyang came back to his senses. He hesitated and said with perfunctory meaning: "these are old things. I know ye Zhenguo. It's right, but I can't remember them clearly."

Early September a little disappointed sigh, she did not know that Chu Zhengyang is because of their own opinions, so deliberately hide.

She wanted to ask, but she understood that this matter should not be rushed.

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to give it up. Instead, she said, "I'm here. I'll see my aunt by the way."

Chu Zhengyang is silent and doesn't speak, but she comes to Du Meihuan's ward with Chu September.

What she didn't expect in early September was that as soon as she came in, she heard Du Meihuan talking.

"Don't push me... Don't push me..." Du Meihuan closed her eyes and mumbled this gibberish.

At the beginning of September, I was surprised and called the doctor.

After a series of examinations, the doctor got the diagnosis and told Chu September and Chu Zhengyang that the patient might wake up.

"Really?" Chu Zhengyang asked, "is my wife really going to wake up?"

"It depends." The doctor nodded.