How warm I used to feel, how cold I feel now.

In early September, holding a cold body, she left this once warm place.

Xu villa in the suburbs, early September has not been silly enough to walk out a taxi.

She called her family driver to take her downtown.

When Zhao Chuyuan heard the sound of the car engine, she was in a very complicated mood, which made her very strange.

Like chagrin at her leaving or something.

Zhao Chuyuan couldn't figure out what was going on. She hummed something and went upstairs with the handrail.

The servant heard what she said to Chujiu. She was speechless about Zhao Chuyuan. She took off her apron and prepared to go back to her room to sleep.


Hearing the cry, the servant subconsciously turned around and saw Zhao Chuyuan tumble down the stairs until she fell at her feet. She moaned bitterly and squatted down like waking up from a dream and asked, "madam, what's the matter with you? Where did you fall?"


Zhao Chuyuan fainted before she finished speaking.

The servant was in a daze. He immediately called and then went to make a phone call.


Zhao Chuyuan hurt his leg and scratched his skin. The injury was slight.

Xu Zhenyi was about to enter the door when he received a call from the driver, saying that Zhao Chuyuan had fallen down the stairs and was now in the hospital.

After Xu Zhenyi stayed for more than an hour, Zhao Chuyuan finally woke up and cried as soon as he saw Xu Zhenyi.

When she went upstairs, she stroked the handrail of the stairs. She would not have fallen down, but she thought about what she had said in early September. When she saw her back, she was in a mess. She fell down without stepping on it.

This is retribution

Zhao Chuyuan didn't want to think about the cause and effect problems. She changed her distress and said in a cold voice, "do you know why my mother is in hospital?"

Xu Zhenyi frowns, he just too worried about her injury, forget to ask, suddenly heard Zhao Chuyuan asked, a sudden heart, subconsciously look to the side of the servant.

The servant didn't dare to say anything. It was the master's business. She couldn't speak and lowered her head.

Zhao Chuyuan said in a cold voice: "it was pushed in early September. After I said a few words to her, she pushed me down the stairs. Zhenyi, you believe mom, she's not your good match. She's a vicious woman who's not as good as she is in front of you and me. "

Xu Zhenyi would believe these words and immediately asked the servant, "is that true?"

Zhao Chu Yuan glared at the servant.

The threat was expressed in the expression. The servant lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "yes."

Xu Zhenyi frowned, obviously did not believe these words.

Zhao Chuyuan saw her frowning and unwilling to believe it. She threw his hand aside and lost his temper: "you don't believe what I said. You are really dazed by her. Go away. I don't want to see you now."

Xu Zhenyi doesn't say anything against his will to please Zhao Chuyuan. He orders the servant to take care of her, so he goes out of the ward and calls Chu September, but still turns off the phone.

He took a deep breath against the wall, not knowing what he was thinking.

The little nurse who came to the ward round saw him standing there so decadent, with a deep eye, slightly frowning and courage to comfort: "Mr. Xu, you don't have to worry about your wife's injury. Although she hurt her leg, fortunately, there is a carpet on the stairs. She usually pays attention to physical exercise, so it's not very serious. She will recover soon. "

Xu Zhenyi didn't look at the nurse, nodded, went to the elevator, took out his mobile phone to call Xu Zhao, let him find the whereabouts of early September.

When a tabloid reporter heard that Mrs. Xu was sent to the hospital overnight, she squatted at the door of the hospital and inquired about it in many ways. Finally, he confirmed that she had the truth.

He inquired about Zhao Chuyuan's stay in VIP ward and gave some benefits. The intern asked the reason why Zhao Chuyuan was hospitalized, thinking that this was the end. The little nurse said more about the news that Zhao Chuyuan disappeared after she was promoted in early September. Xu Zhenyi was looking for her.

The news is enough for tabloid reporters to write several sections.

Around this theme, the tabloid reporter wrote an article full of misunderstandings.

When I saw the report in early September, my first reaction was surprise, and then I was a little sad.

Is Xu Zhenyi looking for her to find justice for Zhao Chuyuan? He thinks she did it? He doesn't trust her?

She was disappointed and sad at the same time.

She took the initiative to call Mo Huaixin and get rid of him to help manage the company.

Mo Huaixin read the report and took the initiative to meet her.

In the coffee shop, his face was a little haggard in early September. I didn't know what I was thinking when I stroked the coffee cup. He looked decadent.

Mo Huaixin was heartbroken in her eyes and wanted to comfort her a few words, but she didn't know how to say it when she got to her mouth. She only asked faintly, "are you OK these two days?"

"Do you think I did it?" Ask him in early September.

Mo Huaixin shook his head firmly: "according to my understanding of you, you will not do such a thing."

Why doesn't Xu Zhenyi believe even he does?

Mo Huaixin frowned at her and said, "have you ever contacted president Xu?"

Early September did not say a word.

Her silence shows that they have misunderstood each other.

Mo Huaixin: what are your plans

In early September, he said what he had thought well: "I think about it. Except for you, there is no more suitable person to help me manage the company. So, elder martial brother, please. "

She took the power of attorney out of her bag and asked, "do you accept it?"

Mo Huaixin did not read the power of attorney, but seriously asked: "you are going to escape."

"I just haven't figured out how to do it yet." In early September, biting my lips, I feel down.

Mo Huaixin said nothing more.

When we were parting, early September asked him, "elder martial brother, can you help me find a place to settle down?"

She doesn't want to go to the real estate under her name, nor does Gu Feifei. Xu Zhenyi will soon find her. Only Mo Huaixin is here. Xu Zhenyi can't think of it for the moment.

Mo Huai Xin eyes color deep, see the look on her face, nodded.

After discussion, they temporarily lived in a small apartment under Mo Huaixin's name in early September.

Xu Zhenyi let people look for two days, but did not find anyone, so he came to the company to try his luck, but saw Mo Huaixin in a meeting.

Mo Huaixin comes out of the meeting room to hear the Secretary say that Xu Zhenyi is here and is waiting for him in the office.

Xu Zhenyi heard the sound of opening the door and looked back at him coldly: "should you give me an explanation?"

Mo Huaixin shrugged, "I have nothing to explain."

Xu Zhenyi angrily walked over and grabbed his collar, and said rudely, "there's nothing to say? What are you doing here? "

Mo Huaixin pushed his hand away and went to the office desk in the danger of being shot to death by his eye knife. He took out the power of attorney from the drawer and handed it to him. His voice was cold: "September entrusted me to help manage the company temporarily."

Xu Zhenyi looked at the letter of authorization, eyes scarlet, seize the two corners of the paper hand, green straight.