Early September work ability is very strong, efficiency is also high, repeatedly put Chu on the right track.

After talking about the project for more than a month, everyone thought that if it had been delayed for such a long time, the project would be in vain, but they signed it back in early September.

On this day, Chu Zhengyang found the engineering and technical personnel of the project, threatened and lured him. If he didn't agree to his terms, he would be driven out of the company, and he was lazy.

If you agree to his terms, you will double the original benefits and increase your salary every year.

Knowing that Chu Zhengyang wanted to take the stage, the technicians hesitated for a day and agreed to the terms.

When Chu Zhengyang came to power, he was afraid of being found and driven away.

In terms of engineering data, technical personnel made mistakes intentionally and serious accidents occurred in the project.

The investment of this project is very large, and the mistakes have brought some crisis to the company.

After finalizing the project, Zhao Chuyuan complained about not taking care of her children.

In early September, she was thinking about it in her heart. When the project reached 20%, she focused on taking care of her children and often took time to accompany them.

With his mother's company, Xu Xiaoxuan is becoming more and more lively. He is not as naughty as when he was taken by a nanny. He has become much more sensible and willing to share with others.

Because Zhao Chuyuan knew this, she often complained that she didn't take care of her children in early September.

In early September, she naturally found that Xu Xiaoxuan was different, so when Zhao Chuyuan complained, she didn't show rejection, but more guilt.

Xu Xiaoxuan is so young that she needs to be taken care of by her mother. However, she is often busy. She can't see one side for several days when she is on business. Sometimes she works overtime, and when she comes back, her children all fall asleep.

She went to work and the child was still awake.

This situation continued for a month, then sensible Xu Xiaoxuan also began to get angry.

Xu Xiaoxuan, who has never lost his temper, is even more guilty in early September.

Naturally, a lot of things in the company have to be handed over, and she can only delegate power to the decision-making of some small projects.

The behavior of helpless move lets Chu Zhengyang seize the opportunity to plan.

There was a problem with the project, and no one informed me.

Chu Zhengyang seized the opportunity to come forward, with his previous means to settle the project, to help the company stabilize the situation.

Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, Anrou secretly informs chuseptember.

She is looking at the beginning of September step by step to expand the company to maintain operations, so that now can take the scale of international large single, if Chu Zhengyang use intrigue to take away the company. Not to mention the collapse in early September, even she can't accept it.

Of course, Anrou, an outsider, can't talk to Chujiu about this. She only informs her of the company's accident.

In early September, I heard that the company had such a big accident. I rushed back to the company and told the staff who worked overtime to deal with it that I was very sorry and promised to increase the bonus.

After such a big accident, it took so long in early September to appear, and the company almost fell into crisis, hurting the interests of the company's directors, they were not so easy to speak.

In the conference room, the directors were angry that they didn't deal with things in time.

"Most of our company's funds are invested in this project. When there is an accident, you can't find anyone. Sitting in this position is to solve the problem."

"Fortunately, Zhengyang didn't panic and solved the problem."

"Yes, if it wasn't for Zhengyang, the loss of the company would be unimaginable."

In early September, she listened to these complaints with an open mind. After listening to their complaints, she stood up and apologized to the public: "I really did not do well this time. The directors are right to blame me. I will give you an account of this. "

The directors knew the ability of the company in early September, so naturally they would not blame it too much. After a few words, they asked the company to take good care of the company in early September, and then the meeting ended.

Chu Zhengyang has handled this matter properly. Naturally, he is favored by those directors, and the company's employees have changed their attitude towards Chu Zhengyang.

I didn't know that Chu Zhengyang was responsible for all this. I'm very grateful to him.

Xu family, Zhao Chuyuan is complaining with the servant.

Entering the door in early September, I heard Zhao Chuyuan say to the servant: "it's useless. I really don't know what Zhenyi likes about her."

When the servant saw early September, he pretended to be busy.

When Zhao Chuyuan saw the servant's attitude, he naturally reflected that he was disgusted and that Zhengzhu had come back.

In early September, he pretended not to hear them and went to the children.

When Xu Xiaoxuan was older, he was not limited to playing in the children's room. He ran around all day. He wasted more than half of his words in the garden, and he made a mess of the tables and chairs on the first floor. No matter how luxurious he was, he became ordinary.

Xu Xiaoxuan was very happy to see her mother and trotted over.

At the beginning of September, when I saw the smiling child, the gloom in my heart suddenly dissipated. I squatted down, spread my arms around him, and sat on the carpet with him in my arms. "What did you play today?"

"Reading, building blocks, running around." Xu Xiaoxuan said very honestly.

If you run around, that's a very broad sentence.

In early September, he looked at the nanny and saw the helplessness in the nanny's eyes. In early September, he knew that the little guy must be very naughty. He asked the servant to put down his work and find a place.

She knew that Xu Xiaoxuan was good at playing and that he often played tricks on his servants.

This is his lively side, what can he say in early September, in addition to gently pat his body to say a naughty.

Zhao Chuyuan didn't pay attention to herself in early September, so she came over and said in a cold voice, "it's very warm, just like taking children with her. Do you know he has no appetite today? If you don't take good care of your family, or if you don't handle the company's affairs well, do you feel like a failure? "

Early September is used to Zhao Chuyuan's difficulties and criticism.

Her forbearance did not exchange for Zhao Chuyuan's treasure, but felt that she was bullying.

At the beginning of September, he motioned the servant to take the child out to play.

Zhao Chu Yuan looked at this posture and swallowed her saliva subconsciously, but she was still stiff and didn't want to lower her head.

Early September didn't want to say anything to her again. She said coldly, "Mom, please don't say these words in Xiaoxuan in the future. He's grown up and knows a lot

"Why, you're afraid of leaving a useless impression of your mother in his heart, for fear that he will look down on you." Zhao Chuyuan sneered.

Early September

Zhao Chuyuan saw that she was silent and said, "let him know your face earlier. I don't think it's wrong."

If the woman in front of her is not Xu Zhenyi's mother, she will rush up and slap her.

"Mom, Xiaoxuan's heart is still weak. I have always been a strong and hardworking mother in his heart. If you force him to indoctrinate me with bad ideas, he will be easily confused. " Early September did not want to argue with her, went out to find the child.

She needs to tell the nanny to take care of the child, especially his mental health and mood.

"Insanity" what the hell?

Zhao Chuyuan looks at the children playing in the garden with a flustered face. He is the only child of the Xu family now, and he may inherit the Xu family in the future. There must be no accident.

This was a complete shock to Zhao Chuyuan.

For a long time, she should be at ease.