In the ninth month of the new year, she suddenly stopped and looked at Yan Yuhuan beside Xu Zhenyi. In just one second, she moved her eyes to Xu Zhenyi and said, "I went up first."

Her voice is not high or low, but with a trace of fatigue and indifference, in the second she turned around, her eyes without fluctuations, instantly dyed a mist.

At the beginning of September, I took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the tears, and then went upstairs without looking back.

Just closed the door that second, she disguised all the emotional moment like suffocating fish all surfaced in the face.

At the beginning of September, she felt a touch of sadness on her eyebrows. She pressed her chest hard. Her heart was like a sponge soaked in sea water. As long as she squeezed it a little, it would overflow the bitter tears like sea water.

Just now, she saw all of them in the car. She saw Xu Zhenyi holding Yan Yuhuan. Even after she came in, Xu Zhenyi didn't mean to explain anything. She just said it, and he really ignored it.

Chest like what blocked, stuffy, although she subconsciously believe Xu Zhenyi, but she also believe that she saw, Xu Zhenyi really hold Yan Yuhuan.

At the beginning of September, she stood on the door for a while, then shook her head and told her not to think too much. She tried to comfort Xu Zhenyi that she was not that kind of person. She must have been paranoid during her pregnancy.

After calming down, I went into the bathroom to wash my hands in early September. Then I went to the bedside and picked up a book about pregnant women from the table.

But when she looked at it, her mind drifted away. After watching it for a few minutes, she was still "you say, I promise everything." The girl is like a child who has got sugar. The top of her brow is full of joy.

Xu Zhenyi looked down at the beginning of September, eyes light micro flash, finally tenderness of the mouth, "first, in the company, don't do large-scale movement."

"Well." In early September, he nodded his head seriously, which is sure to be possible.

"Second, when working in the company, don't pay attention to the complicated and trivial things. Stay in the office and do your own business. If you don't know anything, you can ask me."

In early September, he nodded his head seriously, but soon felt that it was not right. Was this the rhythm that made her stay in the office every day? Let her have a rest somewhere else?

Aware of the distraction in early September, Xu Zhenyi's eyebrows flashed a touch of displeasure, "is there a problem?"

"No Shake your head like a rattle in early September.

Smell speech, Xu Zhenyi face just a little better, he continued to say: "the third is every day to work by me to pick you up."

The voice of the man's evil sycophant is soft, and the tenderness of the mouth makes the heart palpitation in early September.