"Xu Shao, I..."

Before Linlang's words were uttered, Xu Zhenyi had already put on the brake. After a week's sweeping on the ground, the precious blue car stopped in the middle of the two cars. Stunned by the security guards and Linlang's gasping, Xu Zhenyi threw down the door and rushed into the hotel.

Jinzhou is always busy. As the most famous hotel in the city, Jinzhou undertakes almost all the wedding banquets and banquets and maintains a considerable passenger flow every day.

Standing in front of the elevator, a group of people chattered and inadvertently became Xu Zhenyi's obstacles. Without hesitation, Xu Zhenyi, who had passed all the way unimpeded, waved back. The security guards listened to Xu Shao's instructions and scattered the crowd on both sides of the elevator to facilitate Xu Zhenyi's passage.

Nothing is more important than saving Mrs. Xu Shaojiu, and he won't.

"Ah, how can you be like this! You have to jump in line when you take the elevator? It's still so horizontal. "

The older woman pushed the guard's arm unsatisfactorily, "where's your leader? I want to complain to the leaders of your hotel. It's too outrageous. You can make such a big elevator yourself, and you're not afraid that the elevator will break down or break your leg. Believe it or not, I'll find someone to beat you! "

Xu Zhenyi walked into the elevator, in the elevator door has not yet closed the moment, gently spit out a word.

"The letter."

When he comes down from the 29th floor, why not give her this chance.

I just hope that she can remember her ambition

As the elevator door slowly closed, the security guards put down their nerves and looked at the crowd behind them, sweating.

"Auntie, you can complain to us, but if you listen to me, leave here as soon as possible." He has been a guard here for several years, and has seen Xu Zhenyi several times. They don't recognize Xu Zhenyi's face, but he knows, "you don't know who he is? The famous young master of Xu's group, you cursed him for breaking his leg. Are you really not afraid that he will finish it later, even if it will be settled later? "

Even if I haven't seen Xu Zhenyi's face, or I have, but I have a bad memory and blind face. But when it comes to the young master of the Xu family, who doesn't know his experience of being disabled.

In front of the man who just recovered, he was cursed by red mouth and white teeth. He broke his leg

My aunt was so scared that she almost lost her breath. She didn't remember her previous words. She didn't look for the leader of the hotel. She wiped oil on the soles of her feet and said goodbye to the old sisters in a hurry. She got into the car and left the right and wrong place.

"Complain to the leader... If you offend Xu Shao, you may be looking for the leader to buy it. Ah..."

Facing the aunt's back, the little security guard stroked the brim of his hat and shook his head helplessly.


Holding the room card, Xu Zhenyi hesitated. He didn't know whether it was distrust to some extent or what kind of scene he would see after opening the door.

Will she let him down?

Will it?


Man is a strange creature, knowing that the fear ahead is unknown, but he has to throw it forward. He goes around the bathroom, steps on the thick carpet, and sees the figure of two people lying opposite each other on the double bed and under the thick quilt in the mirror.


His fingers shuddered violently, and his left hand grabbed the wrist of his right hand, forcibly controlling the shudder of his palm.

It was September.

It was his September!

He hated it very much. Xu Zhenyi was very angry. He really wanted to rush over and beat Mo Huaixin. But looking at September, he flushed his cheeks and drooped his hands.

For the first time, it was the first time that Xu Zhenyi trusted a person so much.

But it's also the first time I've been hurt to the point of heartbreak by a person.

"Xu Shao."

As soon as Lin Lang got out of the car, she threw up beside a small tree on the side of the road for a while. She finally got up and caught up with Xu Zhenyi.

She trotted after him, pretending to know nothing and simply caring for his body, "why do you sweat so much? Is there something wrong with the young lady? Who is she? Can't find? Do you care? "

"It's beautiful." For the first time, he took out the honorifics and called out a variety of names

Lin Lang was stunned. She wanted to nod her head, but she turned her head and said, "I've never made such a fast car before. In fact, it's OK to get used to it. The most important thing is that I trust Xu Shao."


He murmured the word, and a sneer appeared on his lips.

"You trust me? Linlang, trust is a word in your heart. Is it so cheap? "

If the trust between people could be obtained so easily, his mother would not be driven crazy. His heart, now, would not be as painful as being stabbed with a sharp blade.

Just the outline he saw in the mirror made him feel heartbroken. He wanted to take September with him to see his mother. He wanted to be honest with her about his biggest secret.

Today, she answered him in this way.

Never desperate to do anything for him, but a phone call from Mo Huaixin can let her, who has always been timid, find Licheng alone.

If there is no emotion between them, he will not believe it!

Xu Zhenyi, a strategist in business, is as silly as a piece of white paper in emotional aspect. Although he has never said anything about early September, he will not play with her in romance and love.

But he really put her in the heart, the sharp position of the heart, has not changed.

"I'd like to see the value of trust in your women's hearts."

Linlang looks at him in confusion. She doesn't know what he means, but soon she knows

When Xu Zhenyi drove the car as an airplane again.

He chose the road where he used to drive fast. The poplars on both sides of the road witnessed his growth. His mind began to be in a trance, from the first time he saw her in early September to the first time he shared her bed.

Every detail is so clear that even Xu Zhenyi himself is surprised that when he became such a keen person, he can't hide his thoughts.

There are a lot of people racing on this road, but it's the first one to see Xu Zhenyi's life. A group of rich children watch his car give way one after another, not because of fear, but because they don't want to die so early.

They are here to play, but this man

How can it be like thinking?

"Hello, how does this man drive? Is he a new comer? I'm scared to death because I don't know the rules! "

"How can the co pilot still have people? You can't take people with you when racing. It's very dangerous, you know!"

"The road ahead has not been repaired. Don't drive any further, you know! It's going to kill people

The car drove so fast that Xu Zhenyi didn't hear any sound. Xu Yixuan's thin brake pipe finally couldn't stand the wear at such a high speed and broke off.

Xu Zhenyi feels that the brake under his feet is no longer a cotton in nothingness, but a swinging decoration, which has no effect at all.

He suddenly opened his eyes, with the remaining reason to turn the steering wheel, looking for a way to save himself from the crash.

"Xu Shao, look ahead, look ahead!"

A not deep not shallow ravine, winding in front of him, this speed pressure up, will overturn.


Lin Lang has already clasped her seat belt, arched her whole body into a shrimp shape, and her frightened pupils shrink into a line. She leans on Xu Zhenyi's arm to absorb the hope of living

At the last moment, Xu Zhenyi made a choice. He put the steering wheel in his hand to his own direction. The car was dizzy and hit the poplar tree.