Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The initial usable area of the Medical Spirit Dimension was about a hundred mu1.

Aged medicinal herbs filled more than twenty mu of space.

There was also an orchard spanning about twenty mu, containing many varieties of fruit trees, all heavily laden with fruits.

Next, a vegetable garden with all sorts of vegetables spanning about five mu.

Next, a fish pond filled with a great quantity of fish of different breeds, and with a fountain in the middle, which spanned about ten mu.

Next, a geyser which spouted clean and sweet-smelling spring water.

Next, three wooden houses painted white, each about a hundred square meters…

Lastly, a small ranch with six kinds of animals: horses, cows, sheep, chickens, dogs, and pigs.

There was also a river that was only accessible by a narrow path. However, it had fish, prawns, geese, and ducks.

When she first obtained access to this dimension, the resources inside were already available.

She didn’t need to start from scratch.

Although the guardian of the dimension, little Snowball, had the form of a fox, it was an adorable and obedient companion. It told her that she could upgrade the dimension by treating patients and purging poison, which would allow her to accumulate experience points.

With each experience point, she could gain a small upgrade.

Every small upgrade would allow her to widen the space available to her by a foot.

To access the mountain shrouded by mist at the edge of the dimension, she would have to unlock the first stone step leading up to the mountain.

When she unlocked fifty thousand stone steps, she would be able to enter the small white wooden house at the top of the mountain and obtain at least two elixirs that could preserve her soul forever.

In her previous life, she chose not to leave her cruel and demonic adoptive father immediately after she obtained access to her own dimension. Firstly, she could not bear to part with her adoptive mother, who was kind-hearted and gentle. Secondly, it was because if she stayed, she would have more opportunities to treat illnesses, detoxify poisons, and obtain experience points.

In her previous life, she had earned more than nine thousand experience points in three years. This way, she would only have needed about six more years to obtain what she wanted…

Unfortunately, fate played a trick on her, and she died.

If it were not for the fact that Snowball was deeply loyal to her, she would only be able to reincarnate. She would lose all of her progress and become a blank slate, subject to fate’s will.

Just like a puppet.

Qi Mianmian thought that after she entered the book, she wouldn’t gain any experience points by treating ordinary patients. If she could treat illnesses that were out of the ordinary, but relatively simple, perhaps she would be able to obtain… one experience point.

However, contrary to her expectations, she received one experience point each as soon as Qi Yang and Qi Zhen showed signs of improvement in their health.

This made her eager to cure Gu Zhan.

She wanted to know whether she would gain an astonishing boost in experience points if she managed to cure him.

Early the next morning, Qi Mianmian left half of the three thousand cakes and two thousand loaves of bread they had baked last night under Qi Tian’s care at home. She, Qi Fang, Qi Zhen, and little Qi Yang loaded the other half of the baked goods onto their new cart and peddled their wares as they pushed the cart to the market.

Today’s journey to the market was markedly different from yesterday’s. Along the way, they met several customers who stopped their cart, eager to buy their cakes and bread.

Today, Qi Mianmian and the rest did not remain at the vegetable market for long.

They peddled their wares there for over an hour. After selling about a third of the goods, they pushed the cart towards the east of the city, preparing to sell their cakes and bread wholesale to individual provision stores in the city.

Doing retail themselves was much too tiring. Right from the start, Qi Mianmian had planned to sell their goods wholesale to external retailers.

Soon, they arrived at the first provision store.

This provision store was located right next to the steel factory.

At the provision store, Qi Mianmian gave the shopkeeper and his wife one cake and one loaf of bread for nothing, but they were still met with rejection.

The reason was simple. The prices of their goods were too expensive.

The shopkeeper was so angry that his scowl had gone crooked. He said with extreme disdain, “The general store sells these cakes at only seven cents. Yet, your wholesale price is already nine cents. Oh, and those with added ingredients cost eleven cents each. It’s too expensive. No matter how delicious your cakes are, no one will buy them. Just leave, just leave.”

Out loud, the shopkeeper said, “Just leave, just leave.” In his heart, he was fuming to himself, “Get out of my store right now!”

Qi Mianmian was not angry at all. As she walked out, she shouted with a smile, “If you change your mind, go to No. 64 of River Dyke Road to look for us. My grandfather is the old Chinese physician, Qi Yueming.”

The shopkeeper was ready to berate Qi Mianmian for being so shameless, but when he heard the name “Qi Yueming”, he found himself speechless.

Of course, he knew Qi Yueming. Not only that, but he also admired Qi Yueming greatly.

Although Qi Yueming was only a village physician who walked among ordinary civilians, his medical skills were undeniable. In the eyes of ordinary civilians, he was a more reliable existence than those aristocratic families famed for producing generation after generation of doctors.

Unfortunately, good people tended not to live long.