Yes, in the final, Lin Qian was the real one. Therefore, the real situation in the final was that Lin Qian was sitting in a win-win posture and said, "you come up and fight with me." Li Yunfeng defiantly glared at Zhang Zide, and a string of bubbles burst out of the breathing soul on his face.

With a smile, Zhang Zide moved his eight arms and walked towards the arena.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lin Qian stepped on the ground of the martial arts arena made of Zhanlan gold, made a dull sound, and immediately called to Li Yunfeng, "ah, have you forgotten something?"

After hearing Lin Qian's words, Li Yunfeng came back to his senses and said with a shy smile, "I had a good fight before. I forgot all of a sudden."

As the voice fell, Li Yunfeng quickly took out a small storage ring and handed it to Lin Qian.

After giving things to Lin Qian, Li Yunfeng is very excited to fight with Zhang Zide.

At the same time, Lin Qian also extended his idea into the ring of storing things. As Li Yunfeng said, it is a Book of classics with all kinds of contents.

According to Li Yunfeng, Zhou Yi'an asked him to bring these classics to Lin Qian, which made Lin Qian puzzling.

Well, what did Zhou Yi An do with his ancient books? It's not time to trade.

However, when Lin Qian asked Li Yunfeng for classics, the other side did ask him to fight with him. After fighting, he would give the things to him.

For Li Yunfeng, a fighting maniac, such a requirement is perfectly normal.

But when Lin Qian opened the storage ring and saw how many classics were in it, he was stunned.

Originally, Lin Qian thought that Zhou Yi'an was just a symbolic gift of ten or twenty copies. Even if he saw his strength and wanted to be nice, a hundred copies would be enough.

In addition to his trade with him and Zhang Tianxin, there is nothing wrong with giving him a little gift.

But now Lin Qian clearly saw that there were more than 100000 ancient books lying quietly on the storage ring, and he even saw the golden sword formula!

What is this? Li Yunfeng is practicing this skill now, and his Laozi, the current leader of Xiaoyao sect, is also practicing this skill.

How can you give such a precious skill to yourself?

After careful observation of these classics, we found that the value of these works is very high.

This kind of value of the classics, so give yourself, let Lin Qian some uncertain, Zhou Yi An what this means.

However, since they had all been sent, Lin Qian had no reason to refuse. He sent all these classics to the Chinese Empire.

It wasn't long after the classics were sent to the Chinese empire that Lin Qian suddenly felt something. His soul power gathered in front of him, and a golden system framework emerged. Then, a blue window appeared, and Zhuge Ming appeared.

"Your Majesty, there was a great discovery in that book just now." Zhuge Ming was very emotional and said, "it's a great help to the puppet body plan."

"What, really?" Lin Qian thought that his voice was transmitted to the Chinese empire from his mind and resounded in the Ministry of heaven.

The puppet body plan is the technology that enables the generals of the Chinese Empire to come to this world ahead of time.

According to Zhuge Ming's design, it is to create a puppet body, in which the generals infuse their strength and refine it into a similar existence.

In this way, the generals can be separated by puppets and leave the Chinese Empire in advance through Tianchen to help Lin Qian.

You know, there are two concepts in the Chinese Imperial Army: there is no military general to lead the army and there is a military general to lead the army.

Generals, after leading, have the skills to interact with the army, and can increase the number of troops they lead.

In addition, the general's own strength is much stronger than that of the soldiers!

If the study of puppet body is really successful, then the head of the army and Zhuge Ming will be able to leave the Chinese Empire and show up to help themselves!

Even if it's a puppet body, only the tiny power of the master can be exerted by the commander of the army and the prime minister who stand at the peak of the Chinese Empire's force and wisdom, which is enough to shake the whole land of hunwu!

"What did you find? You are so happy with the help of the puppet plan."

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