When she saw that the emperor was frightened by his words, she didn't go on.

The others were also stunned at the speech!

Attack Beiming directly?

Princess Hui'an, are you kidding?

People's Beiming state has 700000 troops in the open, but what about the hidden troops?

Send 100000 elite troops to attack the state of Beiming. Isn't that hitting the stone with an egg?

But several people also knew that warmth would not be such an ignorant person. They frowned and began to think about the motivation and role of the strategy of warmth.

This should be to start first, contain Beiming country and make Beiming country unable to spare time to help Nanjiang country!

The emperor slowly tried to understand: "does Princess Hui'an want to start first? Let Beiming country worry about itself and can't help Nanjiang country?"

Warm Fist: "the emperor is wise! If we take the initiative to attack Beiming, then the monarchs of all countries will have to weigh the national strength of Nalan again! They don't dare to do it easily. Beiming will also worry about capsizing in the gutter! Helping Nanjiang will only focus on food, grass and weapons, so the troops will not be mobilized!"

It's a big taboo for strategists to start a war with the southern Xinjiang state, but at the same time fight with the northern Ming state!

Unless the strength is very strong, but the strength of Nalan, the four countries feel that it has declined and is no longer as strong as it used to be.

I believe that even the monarch of Beiming dare not go to war with the two countries at the same time. They will only choose to provoke other countries to fight each other.

But Nalan did something that Beiming did not dare to do. If they attacked the two countries at the same time, they would doubt whether they rated Nalan's strength too low.

The Minister of the Ministry of war frowned: "but the teacher is unknown, so it will be natural for other countries to attack us in the future."

Warm then took out a dragon shaped jade pendant with a virtuous character engraved on it.

"Is this the jade pendant of the seven princes of Beiming?"

The monarch of Beiming gave each prince a jade pendant representing his identity with their names engraved on it.

Nalan Jinnian snorted coldly: "hum, no, when we escorted Xiaoba to the Lanling state, we only rushed to the ridge. In the territory of Beiming state, Emperor Xian brought people to assassinate us."

The Minister of the Ministry of war was happy: "it's a famous teacher!"

But when he was happy, he frowned again: "only Beiming is rich and powerful. Nalan will fight against Nanjiang again and fight Beiming. If Beiming tries hard to deal with us, I'm afraid it won't be enough!"

The Minister of household touched his beard and nodded.

There is still a big gap between Nalan and Beiming. They have a large land and rich resources and are a powerful country for many years.

"It would be bad if Xihua and Dongling came to join the fun at this time!"

Warm smiled: "please listen to Hui'an."

The emperor immediately said, "listen to Princess Hui'an first."

Warm then said, "we will send 100000 troops to the border of Dongling and Xihua respectively, and make a posture that as long as they change, our Nalan country will surely press the border!"


Several people are silent again!

Beiming sent 200000 troops and horses, Dongling and Xihua sent 100000 troops and horses respectively. Lin Tingxuan has led 100000 soldiers to southern Xinjiang, a total of 500000 soldiers. In this way, Nalan has almost sent all its troops!

There are only 100000 troops left in the capital!

Will you save that direction then?

Beiming has at least 700000 troops and horses, and Dongling, Nanjiang and Xihua are estimated to have more than 200000.

But everyone didn't make a sound and waited for the warm following.

"I once served as an envoy to Dongling and contacted the monarch of Dongling. I found that the Lord of Dongling was suspicious and cautious. He was ambitious, but he was not brave enough! He couldn't let things go! On the longevity day of Dongling, our Nalan team gave them a hard blow. When we fought against Nanjiang and Beiming at the same time, we mobilized so many troops and horses in Dongling and Beiming On the border of the West China State, the Lord of the Dongling state will never dare to act rashly! "

Know yourself, know the enemy and win every battle. In addition to troops, food and grass, there should also be planning!

Even the most important thing is planning, and this planning needs to understand the military habits of the other party's generals and the character of the helmsman of that country.

"The monarch of the state of Xihua heard that he was very good at understanding people's hearts, so he must have guessed that the monarch of the state of Dongling did not dare to send troops. Nalan has developed rapidly in the past two years, and he has been a little uncertain about us! Moreover, our practice has broken his previous understanding of Nalan. After all, the emperor has always loved the people like a son, and surely he will not want to see war and let the people flow Lost!

But this time, we sent a large army to suppress the borders of the four countries at the same time. We didn't stop talking with southern Xinjiang. We dared to provoke Beiming, contrary to the previous modest attitude!

The king of Xihua can't guess our strength, so Xihua won't rush! However, he will suspect that Nalan is just bluff, but the king of Xihua thinks he is a smart man, so he will certainly test it! Before he tried, we sent war posts to them and shouted in front of them! Say that there are too many people in Nanjiang and Beiming this time. We Nalan must clean them up and raise our country's prestige! If Xihua dares to send troops to help, it will be an immortal enemy, and so on! Then as long as the Xihua Kingdom sends war posts, our people must answer! With a posture that is not afraid of fighting with Xihua at all, the monarch of Xihua will certainly dare not send troops! "

"Do we really fight Beiming?" The Minister of household asked timidly!

There is not enough silver, food, and horses. Even if the other three countries don't fight, there is a great disparity in strength. How can we fight?

And all the generals of Beiming are brave and good at fighting!

He nodded warmly: "if you want to win Nanjiang, you must really fight! But it's not a long-distance fight, but dragging them to death!

Although Beiming has a strong army, a large number of people and great strength, many terrain on the border between Beiming and Nalan are easy to defend and difficult to attack! This is also the reason why Beiming wanted to dominate the world a hundred years ago, but could not win our Nalan country anyway, and finally dragged down their national treasury.

It's hard for Beiming to capture Nalan! But it's easy for us to attack Beiming country. We can't beat you. Just go back to the terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack! If they dare to fight, they will catch turtles in a jar and destroy some of their troops! The people of Beiming are naturally belligerent. They think they are the most powerful country on the mainland. They think they are superior. As long as our soldiers provoke them more, they can't stand it. They send troops directly to attack us! We will have the opportunity to weaken the strength of Beiming again and again, and buy some time to win the southern Xinjiang! "


(end of this chapter)