Jun yunmian held a cup of tea in her hand. She said with a smile, "Bai Xuewei is a friend worth making. If I can do my best to help her get rid of this misfortune, what's impossible."

"Don't worry, aunt. I'm not the kind of person who acts rashly My mother has taught me since I was a child. If you are not sure, don't do it. "

He Yun sighs and looks at Jun yunmian helplessly.

The princess has moved her mother out. What else can she say?

Not to mention, the style of the princess is really similar to that of the empress.

Therefore, she did not worry about what the princess would suffer.

If it's really Xiao Shengsheng who calculated Bai Xuewei in such a vicious way -

then Xiao Shengsheng is better to guard against it in advance.

He Yun finally made a compromise.

"The princess's heart is so kind. Ah It's all right. Whatever the princess wants to do, the maidservant will support her. "

Jun yunmian pursed his lips and laughed in a low voice.

In the afternoon, the queen called Jun yunmian to come.

They played chess in Fengxi palace all afternoon.

Win or lose. There is no big difference in the power of the two.

The more she looked at Jun yunmian, the more she liked him and the more satisfied she was.

So, when it comes to dinner, the queen is still not far away.

Until the emperor with long Ying, appeared in Fengxi palace.

The Queen's good mood, in see that make her son, this just convergence a few minutes.

During the meal, the emperor asked about the wedding of long Yingjun yunmian.

The queen replied, "everything is ready. Your majesty doesn't have to worry..."

The emperor pursed his lips and laughed at the queen.

He added a piece of fish and put it in the Queen's bowl.

"You like fish the most. These are the ones with good spines. You should eat more..."

With a smile, the queen nodded to the emperor.

Jun yunmian is looking at, the fundus of the eye can't help but flash a little surprised.

How could the emperor of northern Chu choose fish bones for the empress himself?

She thought that only his father would do such a thing.

I didn't expect that the emperor of northern Chu would give way to it.

Long Ying has long been familiar with it. There are so many things his father and emperor do for his mother. He doesn't think it's strange.

When several people finished their dinner, the queen asked long Ying to send Jun yunmian back.

Jun yunmian should say goodbye to the emperor and the queen, and they left Fengxi palace side by side.

Long Ying personally carried a lantern and illuminated the road for Jun yunmian.

Jun yunmian is behind, walking silently, without saying a word.

Looking at her silence, long Ying takes the initiative to start the conversation.

"Does the princess feel that the orphan father is too kind to his mother? In this world, few men can cherish their mother and empress as well as their father and Emperor. " "My father and mother have loved each other all their lives, and I've been used to it since I was a child. The six palaces were vacant, and there were no concubines in the back palace. My father really did it, and there were two people in his life. Sometimes, Gu Shi really doesn't understand his father. How can he keep only one woman for a long time? "

after hearing this, Jun yunmian can't help picking his eyebrows and looking at long Ying.

"What the prince means is that you will not live with only one woman all your life? Even if Xiao Shengsheng is on the top of your heart, if you are an emperor in the future, you can't leave six palaces vacant for her? "

Long Ying pursed her thin lips and did not answer Jun yunmian's question.

However, not answering also means acquiescence.