Xi'er replied with a smile: "if you go back to Mammy, Miss Xiao has embroidered a purse for the queen these days. The maid just presented to the queen Before I had time to go back, I met mammy Zhao, and you came back. "

"Oh, if there's nothing wrong, you can go back and take good care of Miss Xiao." Mother Zhao ordered Xi'er to step into the main hall.

Xi'er didn't leave, but she pulled the sleeve of mammy Zhao.

"I heard that, Mammy, you personally welcomed the princess of the state of Yue and entered the Chaoxia palace?"

Mammy Zhao stops and looks at Xi'er for some unknown reasons.

"What do you want to ask?"

Xier shakes her head in a hurry for fear that mammy Zhao misunderstands her. She returns with a flattering smile.

"I don't mean anything else. I'm just curious. Don't get me wrong, Mammy."

"Since I don't ask anything, I'll go in and reply to the queen," she said with a smile

Xier quickly nodded: "OK, the maid will leave. Mammy, walk slowly... "

Mother Zhao nodded, slowly turned around and stepped into the inner hall.

Xi'er bows her body and respectfully watches mother Zhao enter.

Wait for the figure of mother Zhao, completely disappear in front of her eyes.

She just slowly stood up straight.

She said goodbye to the palace people of Fengxi palace with a smile and went to the side hall where Xiao Shengsheng lived.

The empress of northern Chu lived in the main hall of Fengxi palace, while Xiao Shengsheng went to the palace for medical treatment, so as soon as she entered the palace, she lived in the side hall of Fengxi palace.

The place where she lived was not big, but not small. Besides meeting her identity, the queen also gave her a lot of convenience.

Xiao Sheng's popularity in the palace is very good. With the queen and the prince protecting her, no one would dare to offend her.

All these years, people in the palace called her Miss Xiao.

Many people speculate that Miss Xiao will one day become the woman of her royal highness.

Xier went all the way to the side hall. When some palace people saw her, they even called her sister Xier.

Xi'er's eyes twinkled with a smile and said hello to them one by one.

Skimming a long corridor, turning a corner, she came to the door of a small yard.

Across the gate of the small yard, she saw Miss Xiao in a light blue plain dress, leaning on the couch, reading a book.

Xi'er pursed her lips slightly and stepped forward to invite Xiao Shengsheng an respectfully.

"Girl, you asked me to send the purse to the queen. I have already sent it to you..."

The book covers Xiao Sheng's face. For a moment, Xi'er can't see her clearly.

She only heard Xiao Sheng ask in a low voice.

"Well When the queen saw her, did she like it? "

Xi'er lowered her eyes and quickly replied: "naturally, she likes it very much. She also praises her ingenuity..." Xiao Shengsheng heard the words and lightly pursed his lips with a smile.

The book took away, revealing her delicate face.

Xiao Shengsheng's appearance, of course, is not comparable to Jun yunmian's, which is amazing and frightening.

Her beauty is the kind of jasper from a small family. Whether it's appearance, look, or the breath of the whole body, it gives people a kind of soft, weak and pitiable appearance.

"It's good that the empress likes it. I'll spare some time some other day and embroider some handkerchiefs for her..." Xiao Sheng said with a smile.

Xi'er's eyes flashed a little worried and whispered.

"Girl, in fact, the queen is well-dressed. She doesn't lack you to play with. Your health is getting worse now. I feel that you'd better not waste your time to make yourself tired... "