Duan Heng suddenly looked up at Prince Rui. He shook his head at Prince Rui: "don't say, I beg you..."

He once thought that in his whole life, he would give up his life and die to be loyal to nangongqing.

But he never thought that one day he would betray nangongqing.

Prince Rui turned a deaf ear to Duan Heng's cry.

Huangxiong and huangsao said that if they want to destroy nangongqing completely, they must destroy nangongqing psychologically.

This time, they are bound to let nangongqing be doomed.

Whatever nangongqing cares, they will destroy.

Heaven has a way, he doesn't go. There's no way to hell. He just wants to break in. The emperor and his brother didn't give nangongqing a chance.

But he didn't cherish it at all. He had to die by himself.

They have done their utmost and will not let nangongqing go.

This time nangongqing will die!

Prince Rui's eyes flashed a mocking smile and turned to nangongqing.

"Nangongqing, do you know what kind of chips we used when Duan Heng was tortured to make a confession, but he didn't make a confession?"

Nangongqing only felt dim in front of him. He didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

To this moment, he really clear, Duan Heng is really betrayed him.

His trusted subordinates betrayed him.

Funny, up to now, he has been foolishly taking Duan Heng as his brother.

He is like a fool, let Duan Heng fool him.

Nangongqing looked up and gave a sneer.

"What chips? I also want to know why he betrayed me. I trust him so much, so much. "

Duan Heng lowered his head and knelt there motionless.

No one knows what he's thinking right now.

Prince Rui came with a smile from the corner of his eyes.

"Duan Heng's loyalty to you, no matter what torture we use, can't make him open his mouth. Until we tell Duan Heng indirectly what happened to Cheng Miaoyin and Niuniu. He just gradually let go and revealed the story of the underground palace to us. This tunnel is really good. From behind the wall of a room, you can go straight to the gate of the city. "

"It's because we know this tunnel that we can save Cheng Miaoyin and her son. Because of this, we can cooperate with each other inside and outside, and catch turtles in a jar to surround you here. Nangongqing, you would never dream that your most trusted brother would betray you for your woman, would you

Nangongqing's smile was slowly frozen.

His eyes were full of horror and disbelief. He looked at Prince Rui in a daze. He didn't react for a long time. What was he saying just now.

"What are you talking about?" he asked in a trembling voice Prince Rui hooked his lips and gave a faint smile: "I said that Duan Heng, your good subordinate, betrayed you for your woman. That woman, you hate, you abuse. Duan Heng can't see it. In all kinds of difficulties, he finally chooses to betray you for her sake. "

"Oh, Duan Heng's deep friendship with Miss Cheng is really moving. If I were Miss Cheng, I would surely repay Duan Heng for his kindness by making a promise. "

Nangongqing's arm was trembling.

He staggered and fell to the ground.

The blow was too great for him.