"Shut up. You shut up I don't want you to say another word, or I'll have your tongue cut off. " Jun Lengyan scarlet eyes, angry at the moon cherry roar.

Yue Ying was startled. Her body trembled. She didn't dare to say a word more.

Now Jun Lengyan is terrible, really terrible.

It seems that he lost his sense at this moment.

We can imagine how much influence that incident had on him.

She looks at yueqinghua with great indignation. She wants to see how yueqinghua can open her eyes and tell lies at this time.

Yue Qinghua thinks that she has almost been driven to death.

Unexpectedly, Jun Lengyan didn't want to believe what Yue Ying said. Her eyes brightened and she could not help seeing the hope of life again.

She was overjoyed and looked up at Jun Lengyan. She cried and shook her head and quickly explained.

"Your Majesty, yes, you are right. I was the one who saved you and gave you a steamed bread. I really saved you. Don't listen to Yueying's nonsense here. "

Jun Lengyan squatted down, the whole person as if crazy general, began to touch on the body.

As he touched it, he asked in a low voice, "where's the kerchief? Where's the kerchief? Where's the steamed bread wrapper? "

The month tilts China tiny a Zheng, she doesn't understand Jun Leng Yan to say of PA son, exactly long what kind of.

She was a little frightened and took out a handkerchief from her arms, which she often used, and handed it to Jun Lengyan.

"Your Majesty, is that the kerchief? The handkerchief was carried by my concubine. Over the years, a lot of embroidery on it has been worn away... "

Jun Lengyan grabbed the handkerchief. He was staring at a vivid peony embroidered on the white handkerchief.

His hands, shaking uncontrollably.

He clearly remembered that the pattern on the handkerchief was a lotus. On the green lotus leaf lay a frog, a toad or an insect.

Jun Lengyan's eyes were full of blood for a moment.

He lost his handkerchief and looked up at the moon with indignation.

"And the handkerchief? Where is it? Didn't you say you saved me? Why don't you have that veil? "

Yue Qinghua looks at Jun Lengyan who is about to fall into madness. She trembles with fear.

Her teeth were trembling with fear.

She shivered and carefully replied, "Your Majesty, what's the pattern of that handkerchief? I don't remember... "

Jun Lengyan is covered with frost. He steps forward, stretches out his big palm, and puts a hoop around yueqinghua's neck.

"It's not you, is it? It's you who lie all the time You've been lying to me all the time... "

Yue Qinghua's full of fear swept all over her body. She looked at Jun Lengyan shivering. She grabbed his sleeve in despair and asked for mercy in a low voice. "Jun Jun Lengyan, you Would you calm down. If you give me more time, I'll find the one you said... "

"Second sister, you don't have to change it. Even if you are given one day, you can't find it. Because you don't know what that pattern is. And I just had someone go to the palace where my elder sister once lived. Unfortunately, my people found the handkerchief... " The month Ying hastens to step forward, holding that from jade Shan hand pass over of PA son, handed to Jun Leng Yan.