On the face of thousands of LAN ironic light hook lips, a cold smile.

Filial piety is a ridiculous word.

Before, he turned a deaf ear to the old lady's illness, and blindly hid in the third aunt's place, coaxing the baby in her infancy. Did he ever think that the old lady was terminally ill?

Now, he wants to stay, but he is worried that his conversation with the old lady will be heard by yueqianlan.

The more he didn't want yueqianlan to know, yueqianlan really wanted to find out today.

She is eager to know the truth behind it.

Her mother, is she dead or alive now?

no matter how Yue Shengfeng roars, those people turn a deaf ear and leave the old lady's yard with Yue Shengfeng who is angry and yelling.

Yueqianlan is standing in the middle of the room, watching yueshengfeng completely removed. She slowly turns around, and her eyes fall on the bed. Her eyes are full of tears, looking at her old lady.

The old lady stretched out her thin arm and looked at the moon with dim tears.

"Girl Lan I I'm sorry for you

When mother Zhou was just at the door, she also heard the conversation between the old lady and Yue Shengfeng.

As soon as her face changed, she immediately stepped forward and held the old lady's hand.

"Don't talk about it, old lady. You didn't mean to..."

Mother Zhou said, holding the old lady's arm, and began to cry in a low voice.

Yueqianlan's heart trembled slightly. She held her hand and walked forward a few steps.

Standing by the bed, she looked down at the old lady and asked in a low voice, "grandmother, I only give you one chance. I hope you can tell me the truth. If you want to hide me, or want to avoid problems, then I will never give you another chance to forgive... "

The old lady's eyes were full of repentance, and she sobbed in a low voice.

"Good I said, I said. LAN girl, I tell you everything I know. No matter hate or resentment, I'll spit everything out. Even if I die, I'll be able to close my eyes. "

"Old lady, you Ah, if you had known today, why did you have to have known it at the beginning? " Mother Zhou cried so much that she sighed heavily.

The old lady looked at mother Zhou. She ordered in a hoarse voice: "help me up..."

Mother Zhou has been with the old lady all her life. Naturally, she knows the old lady's temper.

Once she has made a decision, no one can reverse it.

Naturally, she couldn't disobey her, so she had to admit her fate with a sigh and help the old lady up obediently.

The old lady was so weak that she couldn't even sit on the bed.

Finally, it was mother Zhou who held the old lady in her arms.

The old lady wants to pull out a faint smile and look at the moon.

Familiar do not know, she thought proud of the beautiful smile, in the eyes of the moon, but it is extremely uncomfortable.

The old lady asked yueqianlan to sit down opposite. The month thousand Lan also don't wriggle, direct let jade Shan move a chair to come over, she sat in the old lady's opposite.

The old lady's turbid eyes coagulated the moon for a long time.

She seems to be looking at another person through her.

"Lan wench, in fact, your mother used to come from a big family, and she was also the daughter of the aristocracy. It's a pity that your mother was killed in the first year of your marriage. A hundred and ten members of the Feng family were killed overnight, leaving no one alive. At night, the Fengs' blood flowed into a river, which became the most miserable case of extermination in the state of great Yue. "

"Your mother is the only one who survived because she married. But so many people in the Feng family died miserably. Your mother was so sad that she secretly vowed to get justice for the Feng family. At that time, your father was just a small official in the court. At that time, your father was in urgent need of making some achievements and striving for promotion. "

"So, how could he let your mother do these things to pull him back? What's more, your father and I both feel that the Feng family was destroyed by their enemies. We are worried that if the moon family leaves your mother, the blood of Feng family, the enemy of Feng family will come to the moon house to take revenge on her, thus implicating the whole moon family. So, at that time, I listened to Shen's words of provocation and thought that your father was in the most critical moment of promotion in the central government. "

"We don't want to make trouble out of it, so your father and I secretly discussed how to get rid of Feng. Your father didn't know whose advice he took, and he came up with a plan for your mother to have an affair with others. Your mother was in a coma immediately after drinking the drugged tea. After that, Shen found a beautiful young man... "

The month thousand LAN hears here, the whole body can't help shivering.

The light in her eyes is shock, hatred and anger.

How ugly is human nature?

For the so-called prosperity and bright future, they How could they have come up with such a vicious and heinous scheme?

Great anger burns in the heart of the moon.She was biting her teeth and suppressing her anger. She looked at the old lady coldly and asked her to continue.

Her old lady seems to be full of guilt.

But still will be the things, remember so clearly.

It can be imagined that those things in those years have been engraved in her heart.

The old lady trembled with pain and suffering in her voice.

"In this way, your mother and the man were both caught in bed. Your father immediately blocked the news, only let me, Shen, and a few other people to deal with this matter. Your mother wakes up in a trance and doesn't know what's going on. When she saw herself lying in bed with a strange man, she almost went crazy. In the end, we haven't forced you to ask. Your mother fainted because she was so emotional. "

"I asked your father to find a doctor to look for Feng's pulse. To our surprise, your mother had been pregnant for three months. This news, for us, is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. I was shocked for a long time, but I didn't slow down. My idea at that time was to keep your mother and her baby anyway. That's the blood of our moon family. "

"With my strong support, your mother and her adulterers will be completely suppressed. Your father and I discussed that we might as well take advantage of this matter and send your mother to the Buddhist temple for Qingxiu. On the one hand, it can avoid people's eyes and ears and prevent Feng's enemies from looking for the palace of the last month. On the other hand, it can make your mother recuperate well in the Buddhist temple. " "We had a good plan at the beginning, and things developed step by step as we planned. But what I didn't expect was that six months later, I suddenly received a message from the Buddhist temple. They said, "your mother's baby died just after she was born."