"Princess, this prince is willing to let you go. Unfortunately, your brother is not willing to suck up our demands. The princess did not have a good way to make the southern emperor submit and exchange the city. The prince has no choice but to be rude to the princess. " The third prince had a gloomy face and pursed his thin lips.

Nangong Xuan's heart trembles. This is the first time that she has not seen a smile on his face since she met the third prince. What she has is endless indifference and coldness. Of course, she has not ignored the murderous spirit of the third prince.

She quickly got up and clenched her fist.

"Third prince, calm down first..."

Even if she has recovered her skill now, even if she can compete with the third prince.

But now she is in the Da Yue military camp. If she resists, she will die.

At present, her main task is to persuade the third prince to calm down.

"Third prince, my method will soon work. Please be patient. One more day, I promise, my brother will send someone to come and ask for peace with you, and use the city to save me. " Nangong Xuan bit her lip. She looked at the third prince and said in a low voice.

The third prince stepped forward and grabbed Nangong Xuan's wrist: "are you serious? You didn't lie to me? "

Nangong Xuan shook his head and explained, "third prince, I'm just a prisoner in the army camp of the state of Yue. How can I risk my life to cheat you? As long as you wait one more day, someone will come to the South tomorrow. "

The third prince's eyes passed a trace of gloom, and then he slowly released Nangong Xuan's wrist.

He takes off the cold chill on his face and smiles at Nangong Xuan.

"Good My prince, you believe this time... "

The third prince turns around and goes out, leaving Nangong Xuan with anger.

Nangong Xuan sits on the soft floor. For a moment, she just thinks that this man will kill her.

Her eyes flashed a dim light, then she stood up and closed the door.

She closed the door tightly and took out a flute from her sleeve.

Then she bit her finger and a drop of blood fell on the flute.

Holding the flute, she said in a low voice: "brother, don't blame my sister for scheming you. You really shouldn't have failed to help me. I'm just protecting myself. I really don't want to die. "

In southern China, there has been a continuous rainstorm in recent days.

There are many places, people's houses and fields, are more or less flooded by heavy rain.

Nangongqing was not idle, so he immediately sent his ministers down to open warehouses and release grain to repair the houses and fields destroyed by the flood for the people.

Unfortunately, with the heavy rain falling day by day, the supply of those remedies simply falls short of demand.

The disaster area is getting larger and larger.

More and more people are trapped in deep water.

Even some rice which is about to have a good harvest will be completely destroyed because of the continuous rainstorm.

For a time, there was a lot of complaints. There was a rumor that the princess of the South was about to have an accident, so the sky of the South also collapsed. The rain is a warning to the people of the south. The princess of the south must not have an accident. Otherwise, the disaster will stay in the South forever from now on.

At first, the rumor was only a small part of the story.

Gradually, the rumor grew like a wild vine, growing and reproducing at a very fast speed.

Within two days, almost all the people in the South knew that the princess of the South had been taken by the state of great Yue, and her life would not be long.

The emperor of the southern kingdom didn't seem to want to rescue the princess. It seemed that the princess would be executed in the near future.

The people who were forced into a desperate situation felt that this was a warning from heaven to their southern country. If the princess was gone, their southern country would be over.

So, the next morning, thousands of victims gathered outside the Nangong palace.

No matter how many bodyguards and troops the southern emperor sent to suppress the refugees, the refugees could never be suppressed. They knelt outside the southern palace and begged the southern emperor to rescue the princess immediately.

"Your Majesty, the princess can't die, otherwise, our fortune in the South will be over."

"Yes, your majesty, please have pity on your people. I don't know how many houses have been flooded and how many paddy fields have been destroyed by the flood. This winter, do you want to let the people eat grass and soil for a living? "

"If the princess were here, there would be no such tragedy. She is proficient in these metaphysics, and she can use them to suppress the changes of the weather. Over the years, thanks to the constant protection of the princess, we have been able to make our people grow land and produce grain safely. "

"Yes, we can't lose the princess. Your majesty, please save the princess quickly. If you don't, the people in the south are in dire straits. There's no redemption."

"Your Majesty, please save the princess. We can't live without a princess in the south."

The petitions of many refugees fled outside the palace.Those voices, through the red wall glazed tile, also a little bit into nangongqing's ears.

Nangongqing was sitting on the Jinluan hall, and his whole life was gloomy.

The eunuch explained to nangongqing the situation outside, including what the common people said.

Of course, those who listened to these words were not only Nangong Qing, but also the court officials who were ready to move.

Since the old minister was killed in the hall by nangongqing, no one dared to mention that nangongqing would save the princess.

However, the voice of the people is getting louder and louder, and the flood caused by the rainstorm outside has produced more and more refugees.

Those ministers who advocated saving the princess could not help but kneel down.

"Your Majesty, the disaster in our country is severe now. We can't miss the princess. If we stop the torrential rain and flood, we will have a plague because of the flood. "

"Your Majesty, please think twice. We must put the overall situation first."

"Your Majesty, I beg you to save the princess."

Nangongqing sits on the throne of the dragon, listening to the ministers who are prostrate and kneeling all over the ground.

His fist slowly clenched into a fist, and there was a haze under his eyes. He clenched his teeth, clenched his fist, and suddenly got up.

"Back to court..."

Then, regardless of the voice of those ministers, he resolutely left the court.

He walked all the way to the back palace.

As he walked, he asked a eunuch following him.

"Is Jun Lengyan out of the southern territory now?"

"My Lord, yes, you have successfully entered the state of Yue." The eunuch immediately returned respectfully.

Nangongqing narrowed her eyes and gave a low smile.

"Good. Send a letter to Duan Heng, let him cooperate with Jun Lengyan's all actions. This time, I must let the moon be thousands of waves and there is no place to die. "