The month thousand LAN saw an eye to change clothes again, spirit Yi Yi two eyes shine of Jun Leng Yan.

The moon thousand orchid tiny pick eyebrow, so short Kung Fu, they two people incredibly also can make the matter of indulgence in broad daylight?

What's more, after the third aunt's accident, can they still make trouble?

They are a pair of cheap women and scum men. Their faces are thick like walls.

Bad luck, really don't want to stay here more for a moment, with their two people's air, the moon Qianlan feel particularly dirty.

"Father, if the fifth aunt wants to check, you can let her check. I won't interfere in this matter. I just hope that in the end, don't pour dirty water on me... "

However, yueqianlan is clear and almost impossible.

She just wants to create opportunities for them. Don't they want to force her into a desperate situation? When people's lives are used as chess pieces, all the animals in clothes are crazy.

If she could have found out earlier, maybe the fourth aunt would have survived. Unfortunately, she had no foresight, and she could not save the innocent people who died miserably.

Since they wanted to dig a hole for her to jump, she stood quietly and watched them dig the hole.

As for the pit dug, who was buried in the end, ah That's a real possibility.

"Father, if nothing else, I'll go back first. I think the old lady will worry about the third aunt's condition. If I don't have a good rest, I'll go to the old lady. " Yueqianlan, to yueshengfeng and junlengyan, owes each other, bows and goes away.

Yue Shengfeng didn't say anything. On the contrary, Yue Ying's face was not reconciled, but she had to watch Yue Qianlan go.

When yueqianlan passes by Jun Lengyan, she pauses slightly, with a trace of ridicule at the bottom of her eyes, and gently raises her hand to touch Jun Lengyan's face.

"The Lord should eat dry and wipe clean, otherwise going out, I'm afraid it will damage your dignity..." She held up her slender white index finger and handed it to Jun Lengyan.

Jun Lengyan's eyebrows narrowed slightly, and his eyes fell.

A touch of red rouge dyed her white fingers red.

As soon as his face changed, he turned his head and glared at yueqinghua. Yueqinghua trembled and shrank toward Shen Yuting.

Yue Ying began to figure out what was going on, and then she covered her lips with her palm and whispered, "second sister, are you too shameless? Do you still want to seduce the prince while changing his clothes? "

Yue Qinghua's face turns pale and holds Shen Yuting's arm.

Shen Yuting frowned slightly -

"Oh It's really interesting. If this story gets out, I don't know how many people think that the second sister is short of men and how much she wants to be a concubine in the palace. " The month thousand orchids sneer a, again don't see any person, dignified of walked out here.

She can't imagine how ugly Jun Lengyan's face will be, how chagrined and resentful Yue Qinghua will be.

She came out of the yard and heard Yue Shengfeng's angry low roar. Then came a slap in the face, the cry of Yue Qinghua's low voice, and Jun Lengyan took the Lord's face down and took the initiative to show her softness to Yue Shengfeng.

Along the way, her mood gradually improved.

Thinking of the people in that room, her eyebrows and eyes were flying.

But in Yushan's heart, there was another thing.

When they came to the old lady, Yushan suddenly took yueqianlan's arm and asked in a low voice.

"Miss, I don't understand one thing If you can't figure it out, I'm afraid the maid will be worried and can't sleep all night. "

The month thousand LAN one eye saw jade Shan's mind, don't need how to guess at all.

"Do you want to ask why I should take the initiative to transfer the right of investigation to Aunt Wu, knowing that Aunt Wu will definitely have bad intentions?"

Yushan's eyes were bright, and she looked at the moon with adoration.

"How do you know that, miss?"

"Besides this, what else can you worry about? Don't worry. I have my own plan. Don't worry. " Yueqianlan patted Yushan's shoulder with a little comfort, and the soft voice answered.

In fact, at the beginning, she did not believe in Yushan and pomegranate.

I always think that they are not the ones she teaches. Maybe their loyalty is not as reliable as that of Cuihu.

But with each passing day, yueqianlan found that the two girls trusted her, attached to her, and even thought about her all the time.

In addition, her relationship with Jun Moyuan, she also accepted Yushan and pomegranate.

With Jun Mo yuan's style, he will never put any dangerous people beside her.

Think of Jun Mo yuan, month thousand LAN do not know how to feel warm in the heart, as if there is a cluster of fire, slowly burning in her heart, he took root in her heart.

"Miss, do you miss the prince?" Yushan looked at yueqianlan in a daze. She would smile and feel her heart. She could not help her eyes shining slightly and asked with a little ridicule.Yueqianlan suddenly returns to her senses. She pokes Yushan's forehead helplessly. The master and servant go into the old lady's yard noisily.

Sure enough, the old lady didn't rest after such a big thing happened in the house.

The old man was worried. He sat on the chair, his eyes glancing out from time to time, and asked his mother to send someone to inquire about the situation of the third aunt.

If it had not been for these days, she would have gone.

Yueqianlan crossed the threshold and entered the room. The old lady's eyes lit up and asked.

"Girl Lan, how's third aunt? Is the baby in her stomach all right? "

The month thousand LAN quickly walked forward and grasped the old lady's hand.

"Grandmother, the third aunt is in good condition. You don't have to worry. She and the baby will be ok Old lady, granddaughter, please leave me alone. I have something to say to you alone

The old lady glanced at mother Zhou, who immediately understood and dismissed her servant girl. She took Yushan out of the room and closed the door.

Only grandparents and grandchildren were left in the house. The moon was full of blue and the eyes were twinkling slightly. They told the old lady about the cause and effect one by one.

No matter what the result is, she is willing to believe that the old lady will stand on her side, because what she represents is not an individual, but the future of the family.

Yueqianlan didn't come out of the old lady until evening.

Out of the old lady's yard, she and Yushan went back to Fuyun Pavilion.

Just after returning to the floating cloud Pavilion, Cuihu quickly took yueqianlan into the house and whispered in her ear, "Miss, you are very careful. Not long after you and Yushan left, my maid noticed that there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the courtyard. The maid pretended not to hear and took a nap on the bed in the room. After a while, the maid even heard the sound of the cat. But after the cat barked, there was no sound any more. "