The color of the hair and eyes were all the same, not only the difference between light and shade.

“Daddy, but it’s a long misconception that Stiana was born and she never lost. My father often lost.”

Suddenly, a child found fault with a past story.

What do they believe in?

This emperor, even if you just look at him, it looks scary.

Furthermore, my heart was pounding because I knew dozens of anecdotes about the emperor’s brutality.

Come to think of it, my heart seemed to be getting faint now that I thought it would be smaller.

I was wondering what had happened to me, but I heard the emperor’s voice again.

I forgot that they were still arguing.

“Even if I lost once or twice, I would have won if I had conquered it in the end. So since Stiana was born I’ve never lost.”

“Then, even after we were born, Daddy would never lose?”

“No, I haven’t conquered about four of the continental kingdoms. I quit. That’s why I lost. It’s an obvious defeat for me. After you were born, and it’s still before Stiana was born. So I think we should slowly conquer that place, too.”

The princes looked somewhat resentful.

And he kept fiddling with my feet.

The emperor was holding me high, and with his head tilted back, he was clinging to my feet and holding them up.

The Emperor seemed to know it but didn’t let me down on purpose.

‘But did the Emperor have an imperial princess? I’ve never heard of that before.’

I’ve heard stories about the emperor’s family sorely, but I wondered why only stories about the imperial woman were missing.

‘What? No way. Am I going to die early here? So when the princes grow up, will no one remember the princess?’ (TLN the second half of the sentence it’s based on the former sentence where no imperial females have anything written about them.)

I was concentrating on distracting thoughts, but it became quiet around me.

It was strange and everyone was looking at me without breathing.

“Why is Stieana so cool? I’ve never seen such a wonderful baby.”

“Your eyes are alive, father.”

“I think Stiana knows everything.”

They were like fanatics.

“Stiana doesn’t even cry. She doesn’t even laugh, but that’s what it is. It’ll be solved when the time comes.”

The emperor spoke with a sullen look.

“You won’t laugh if you look at your father’s face. So put it down.”

“I don’t think I’ll laugh just because I see you.”

The emperor never lost to the princes.

Nevertheless, the princes did not give up.

Prince Moenfis was the same age as the princes.

And I was two years younger than Prince Moenpis.

But the fact that these princes are so young…

‘Am I back in the past? Is this someone else’s body? Why?’

I thought long and hard as they kept looking at me and admiring me breathlessly.

“Ah. That’s cool. What is my brother thinking so hard? Think about what to eat for dinner?”

“What’s there to think about? Stiana always drinks milk.”

“Oh, I see. I don’t think kids at this age have anything to worry about. But Stiana is different. Where should I go next? The liver is the face. Your eyes are alive, Adelegio? I think she’s cooler than you.”

“Why are you pulling me in there? Of course, Styana’s eyes are more alive than anyone else on the continent. She’s more alive than Daddy is.”

Adelgio spoke and glanced at the emperor.

He said it with conviction, but I thought he was being sensible, so I guess he tried to compare our eyes. He said he was right and kept his head down.

Even though the emperor had suffered a mysterious defeat from me, it seemed that he didn’t like it at all.

“Yes, that’s right. Stiana has different eyes. She’s completely alive. She does a big job with a child like this. Don’t assume that you too will inherit the Empire because you are your brothers, but always listen to Stiana..”

“Yes, father. Father is eyeing too much land, so we’ll have to help each of you. Agio, you won’t be able to do it alone.”

The emperor shook his head as Karhill spoke.

“I was thinking of having you two as co-emperor from the beginning.”

“The Emperor will do better than Adelgio. I’m going to help out with something like a Chancellor there. But if Stiana wants to be the emperor, you both should help Stiana. If you want to rebel, I’ll give you a weapon.” (TLN I’m not sure if he’s trying to say here that he will challenge them if they go against their baby sister, Daddy’s golden child)

Karhill spoke fearlessly and Adelezio hit Karhill’s head in a stunning manner.

“Karhill is not good enough, either. How can you talk about treason in front of him? That’s why you’re being squeezed. But I think the plan is interesting. Karhill, I’ll lend you a word with a soldier.”

“Ah, I was saying that I was going to rebel against father, but if I miss the chance, I will be able to rebel against Adelegius.”

“Only father? Do you want me to do it for you? I’m a super-class assassin.”

Eventually, the emperor banged the heads of the two princes.

These people seemed to have no walls in conversation, and I rolled my eyes around and listened to them.

“Stiana, grow up like this.”

Karhill said, folding his lovely eyes back.

Everyone’s facial expressions became similar to his words and their facial expressions became identical, making their faces look exactly the same.


I tried to talk to him, but I was shocked by the sound from my mouth and closed my mouth.

“Hi, it’s so pretty.”

The princes ran and raged saying that it was good to just make the sound.

It seemed like this situation would continue for some time to come.

“Your Royal Highnesses, it’s time for swordsmanship lessons. You’re already late. You have to go now.”

“Ah, I just want to see Stiana all day.”

The two princes forced their unsteady feet apart.

During that time, I organized my thoughts.

I don’t know how I ended up being reborn as this child’s body, but more importantly, I knew what was going to happen in the future.

After all, I was dead and there was no doubt that I was born again.

‘Why am I a princess? No, that’s not important. I think it’s already decided. I need to know what’s going to happen to me, am I really going to die?’

There was no way to find out because that event hadn’t ‘happened’ yet.

If I had known this would be possible, I would have been more interested in the story of the royal family.

What people said about the imperial family was only about the tyrant emperor and two golden wolves, so there was nothing to know no matter how hard I tried to reverse my memories.

Only anecdotes of the emperor came to mind that he did not want to think about.

Most of them were about how he killed those who resisted to the end.

Despite the constant threat of murder, the assassins had never once succeeded.

I remembered hearing that the people who tried to kill him could not get close, and that they would be bleeding like an island in the blood of their own, with their body pierced with a dagger or blown away by the emperor.

It must have been Len who spoke so realistically.

Why would he say that…?

Even if I visited people who knew about the royal family, they would not know because it hadn’t happened as of yet.


The sound came out even when I tried to give a sigh.

When I raised my hand to grab my forehead in frustration, an uncontrollable fist hit my face.

It was so sad that I felt like crying out.

It wasn’t likely to come out, but it was already coming out.

Heu-ing, heu-ing.

It hurts my pride that I was crying with such a small shrug on my shoulders, so it stopped very quickly.

“But let’s not lose hope. I’m not going to keep doing this. This body will grow too. Yeah, it’ll grow up. Stiana.’

Come to think of it, my name was the same as the princess.

I sighed again, thinking that it wasn’t because of that that I was born into the body of a princess.



All I could do for a while was to toss my arms around and then flip over.

I didn’t succeed every time, but only when my condition was very good, but I gradually increased my chances of success, and later I did a simple flip-flop.

I wasn’t an arrogant person.

I wasn’t a condescending person to be able to do something new.

While practicing swordsmanship, I was only satisfied with the achievements after endless efforts.

But I didn’t know that I would do this because I succeeded in turning over.

People who only look at me all day long don’t know what to do because they like me when I succeed in flip-flopping, but it naturally happened when I saw that.

When I succeeded in turning it over, the nanny and the maids went wild, and the princes hopped and cheered when they appeared.

“Our Stiana must be a genius. I can’t believe she’s already turning upside down.

“That’s true.”

I thought it would come out to say that the overturn was successful, but surprisingly, the twins agreed well on such matters.

When I succeeded in turning it over, it was my world from then on.

I was able to push and move with my toes while lying down.

Then it became possible to stand on the floor and finally stand alone.

“Our Stiana is already standing up!”

“Stiana. Let’s walk hand in hand.”

I held the plump fingers of the princes, flexed my legs and took it step by step by step.

I felt my chubby legs were getting stronger.


If my men had seen me now, I would have been turned upset by all the laughing.

To see that, Daddy sometimes threw his work away and came to my room.

“Stiana, come to Daddy.”

He sat down far away, clapped his hands and waited for me.

Then I approached him with a precarious gait that seemed it could fall at any moment.

Every time I took a step, the movement was so loud and big that my waist turned around.

As I applied force to the floor to avoid falling down, it looked as if I was trying to grab the floor with my small white toes, which was also an exciting experience for them all.