“I have no intention of fighting with you. I have a favor to ask of your lord, but it’ll be difficult to do so if I have to kill you.”

They seemed to think I was provoking them.

But it was my heart.

I was going to beg to exchange my life to spare my men.

Cowardly and pathetic, I was going to beg for their neck’s breath.

“It’s already late. We’ve no intention of keeping you alive. If you die, it’ll be all solved. Then you don’t have to fight with us and we won’t let you live the first time.”

Their spirits suddenly changed.

I couldn’t relax anymore when I saw several shadows come towards me at once.

If I had made up my mind, now my goal is to finish this quickly.

I kicked the ground and jumped into the air at the man standing absentmindedly, and fell off with the sword in his hands.

I swung through his waist with a sword loaded with all my strength.


The man glared at me with incredulous eyes.

But the light in them soon went out.

A fountain of blood gushed from his body as I swung the sword that touched his flesh and stabbed the man beside him.


“Kill her!”

“Don’t help me!!”

The people shouted loudly.

The sound might have attracted more people.

The fight didn’t scare me, but I was worried that it would end without even trying to reach negotiations.

When I saw three swords flying in front of me at once, I hurriedly moved my sword to block, sparks flashed from the contact.

Many people gathered around me and I began to infuse Mana into the blade.

Those who saw it hesitated in shock.

As I ran through their blades swinging my sword, without missing the moment, the bodies of those who were trying to endure were pushed away.

A brilliant sword dance unfolded, and a splendid painting was being carved.

Meanwhile, dozens of bodies piled up around me.

I wasn’t even short of breath yet.

But it was too early to be relieved because I didn’t know how many people were here.

I didn’t mean to kill everyone I met there.

If only I could persuade them. (TLN: umm imo going out full force kinda makes it hard to talk with ppl if you are surrounded by piles of bodies but at the same time they’re attacking first…)

They just needed to listen to me. I wanted to stop this meaningless fight.

“I have something to say to your lord!”

But they crawled forward in front of me.

“It’s already late. Can we just get to the matter at hand now?”

And someone threw a spear at me.

I stepped back and struck them with a sword, and ran toward those who blocked them like a wall, I soared up high into the air, came down, and burst out my aura.


In an instant, a bloody mist obscured my vision.

Now I just wanted them to stop.

As my wound opened and new wounds developed, the pain was about to stick out its head as the medicine was losing effectiveness.

When I touched the wound, I felt the wet dark blood.

Passing by groaning people, I drove myself towards a large building with its lights on.

His men were quite persistent, though they had an idea their lord would be there.

I grabbed my sword for a moment and sucked in my breath.

I thought I had done quite a bit, but I didn’t feel any bit diminished.

“Bitter bastards! It’s just good to understand when you’re talking nicely!”

I pushed Mana in once more, and wielded my sword with a feeling that I would not stop until I met him.

I ran to the ground and cut the waist to the heart of those who tried to stop me.

Then I could see a stampeding figure coming from the building.

I wasn’t sure but I thought he’d be the boss.

His long hair waved about from the wind in the dark.

I fired an aura at those who blocked the front.

Running between those who fell helplessly in the strong black wind, I headed for him.

“If you’re their lord, I have something to say to you.”

He looked at me as I approached him shouting.

When the clouds disappeared and the moon was revealed, the man became bright like an early evening.

“You’re somebody.”

Just in time, the wind scattered his hair about.

He curled his hair up like a nuisance.

The head of the bandits, who was full of words, was so different from what I had known that I thought I had come to the wrong place.

A straight forehead and pale skin.

It couldn’t be accurately measured in the dark, but he was a rare handsome man with a fine soft face and clear features.

I was also only in my mid-20s.

“What do you want to say?”

A pleasant voice sank low into my ears.

“I’m Stiana Izven, the commander of the Royal Knights.”

“So what? You didn’t come here in the middle of the night to show off by killing my men.”

He turned his head and looked at one place and said indifferently.

Where he looked, there was a pile of bodies of those who had fallen from those that were blocking me.

I couldn’t complain about his hospitality.

From now on, I had to ask him to do me a favor which he wouldn’t like.

“I’m sorry about that. I wanted to meet you, but I couldn’t help it because they didn’t open the way.”

“If you want to meet someone, but the way isn’t open and clear, you kill them.”

A smile was formed around his mouth.


“Should you say you’re sorry about your strength? All the dead have to do is be actually sorry.”

There was a quiet voice.


“So what were you trying to say?”

He bit out when I couldn’t speak.

“Please save my men.”

“Save your men. What’s the price?”

The story quickly got to the point.

“Why don’t the leaders of the two sides stick together and come to a conclusion and have it all come to an end?”

He laughed again.

“So you’ll give your life up so you can save them.”

“Or you can give your life a chance to live.”

When I lifted the sword, he gave me a humorous expression.

“I saw your sword. It was fun.”

The man stated.

“That’s all. It was just fun.”

There was no one who had said that about my sword.

But I didn’t think I was even offended by the remark.

It wasn’t easy to breathe in the overwhelming tension that I experienced for the first time in my life.

He didn’t do anything great, he just simply pulled out his sword and put his momentum forward.

But even that was unusual.

One who saw the end of a sword.

It occurred to me.

I could feel that energy from him, who seemed to be a few years younger than me, was almost no different.

I thought it wouldn’t be a shame to give up everything and put everything down like this, but at that moment, I got greedy.

I wanted to see his sword through and through. (TLN: the warrior inside her won’t let her back down from a worthy opponent!)

Even if a man who has been searching for gold all his life found an unimaginable gold mine at the moment of his death, it would not be possible to understand all (bitter elation) of my current feelings. (TLN: see note at bottom)

The long-cherished desire of the sword I wanted to reach for.

It wasn’t just to get there, but to go way beyond it.

Tears of unknown meaning flowed as I watched him.

There was no way to express my feelings in any form of words.

‘What? What is it… How could I do this?’

He moved the sword slowly as if he were joking about.

Eyes were fixed on my face past the sword.

And he looked at me with a serene gaze, as if he were touching my face.

He looked at my forehead, went down the bridge of my nose, and kept going down like that, looking at my lips and chin, he seemed to have engraved myself in his own eyes. (TLN: this is sooo not creepy…)

We met for the first time and we exchanged such carefree glances, all while aiming for each other’s lives.

Was it just a search?

His sword moved so firmly that it occurred to me.


A gust of wind caused by the sword blew my hair, and it was cut off by his blade and fell to the ground.


Then there was the sound of my sleeve being cut off.

Even after cleverly cutting it, the blade didn’t even touch the skin.

I couldn’t believe it could be done without moving the sword so fast that I couldn’t feel when it had passed.

How can a sword cry so heavy and light at the same time?

How can the sword be so fast and slow at the same time?

How can he be so powerful if he doesn’t seem to give me any strength?

The new work he showed me caused me a great deal of confusion.

Watching him push his energy into the sword, I injected my mana and took a few steps back, and then jumped towards him.

A strong gale struck him when my aura flared out.

I thought his blood would soon fill the already red misty atmosphere, but it ended in my imagination.

He just swung a few strikes of his sword in the air.

It created hundreds of black screen swords that blocked all my attacks.

My reactions couldn’t be so shameful.

I never imagined that all attempts would be taken prisoner in such a vain attempt.

His sharp eyes pierced me with this look.

In the meantime, it was calm and clear.

My breath grew more and more rough.

Every moment I breathed, intense amounts of pain came.

It was regretful to meet him in this condition.

It was a great pity that I would not have been able to meet him and compete with him when I was in the best shape.

I drew an extra sword and smashed it in, aiming at his waist and shoulders at the same time.

He looked as if he had met his matchmaker.

Contrary to my raucous gestures, he avoided me with a leisurely gesture as if he were annoyed with the breeze.

Then the laughter disappeared from his face for a moment.

“You lied to me.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about.

It was a long time after a group of horses appeared hooves stomping.

He sensed it even before they appeared.

I didn’t even understand what he said for a long time after he said it.

He, who had been wearing a contented face while sharing the sword with me, suddenly attacked me with anger.

When I was thinking something was wrong, I heard Prince Moenfis’ voice coming from behind.

“You did it, my God. You really did it. I knew it. I thought Stiana would make it.”

The man in front of me glared at me with cold eyes.

“You’ve been quite brazen in your play.”

He looked at me with a contemptuous look and spat out his word in a clipped tone.

TLN from above-the raw doesn’t say ‘bitter elation’ specifically leaving the emotion running through her vague but if you found a massive pile of riches only for you to die soon unable to enjoy it you would be elated then very bitter so placing the wording here made sense incase it didn’t come across right away

In case someone forgot our darling Stiana sent the rest of the knights elsewhere while she would be a distraction while intending her ‘distraction’ to be an end it situation.

OMG OMG OMG plssssssss tell me this is one of the tyrant’s sons >.< we got handsomeness check, super skilled check, mysterious air also check, and aged under the current life of the FL so younger than 20 super checkness.