"Why, our family doesn't deserve to dominate the world?" Tong Lele raised his eyebrows and asked.

His identity has scared them. If you tell them that the top four in the world's super hackers list are four members of their family, they will surely be bewildered, right?

Forget it. Don't give them any more fright.

"Boss, your genes are so good! Does your father have any sister or sister? I want to have a super baby too Yunshen continued.

"My father is an only child." Tong Lele shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's more, the intelligence quotient heredity is related to the mother, not to the father."

"It was my mother who made me so smart."

"Does your mother have a sister or something like that?"

Yunshen, the believers and the prince asked with one voice.

"There seems to be a scum girl? But it's not good to look at IQ. Do you want it? " Tong Lele tried to recall that his mother seemed to have a scum sister.

"Why is the difference so far?" Cloud deep frown asked.

"Because it wasn't born by a mother. Do you think the children born by women are smart?" Tong Le Le could not help but Tucao, "you, ah, you must make complaints about your feelings, and you will have the chance to meet good girls. Children are all blessed with God, so you have to accumulate good fortune for yourself to have a lovely baby."

Yunshen three people are busy nodding.

It seems to be the same thing.

It must be right to listen to the boss.

The believers immediately took out a small notebook and began to record what Tong Lele said.

"Believer, what are you doing?" Looking at what the believers were writing in their notebooks, Tong Lele asked.

"Take notes, I want to be a new person. In order to give birth to a smart baby in the future, I also want to cultivate a little magic child!" The believer vowed.

"Believer, come back and give me a note!" Said the prince.

"Give me one too." Yunshen also said.

After class, two students take notes as well as two students.

Children's music

"By the way, boss, what's your mother like? What personality traits do you like? " Asked the disciple.

"The last time we went to rescue Mo Qijue, the beautiful girl beside him should be the eldest mother!" Cloud deep memory said.

"Yes, that's my mother, beautiful lady, goddess of perfection, double doctorates of a world-famous university, one of them is learning God." Tong Lele said.

"Believers, have you written them down?" Asked the deep cloud, looking at the believer taking notes.

"Remembering." As the believer took notes, he asked, "where can I find such a girl?"

"Yes, boss. Where can we get such a little sister?" Yunshen also asked.

"Or, does your mother have any little sister classmates? Give us an introduction? " The prince tidied up his clothes and asked solemnly.

"One of my mommy's little sisters has all her children You don't have a chance. " Tong Lele said without help.

That Sophie is really good. She has excellent medical skills.

It's a pity that I've been married.

"Why are people so lucky?" The believer was frantic, "why didn't I meet a girl like this?"

"You like goblins with big chests and no brains And you don't seem to deserve a girl like mommy Clouds make complaints about believers.

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