"I refuse!" Tong Lele said coldly.

"Boss, drink and drink, brother will hurt you The prince coaxed Tong Lele.

"You strange corn! If you don't let me go, I will call the police and you abduct and sell children! " Tong Lele said with a fork.

"Call me brother. Brother will hurt you." Said the prince with a smile.

"Prince, you pervert Tong Lele was not calm by the prince, immediately moved to save the soldiers, "believers cloud deep, escort!"

The prince will soon be subdued.

"That's how you keep the boss out?" Tong Lele sat on the front of the car and asked.

"Quick, quick! The ceremony is dry

Cloud deep smell speech, immediately ordered to say.

As soon as Yunshen's voice fell, the guard of honor and the music team all began.

"Oh, no! Baby is still a five-year-old, you let me see these? Can you afford to poison the country's little flowers? " Tong Lele was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him.

What the hell is this?

"Believers, do you think of the baby as an old man of color?"

these girls all wear three-point style, transparent, visual and costume!

"Sleeping trough! Believer, what kind of ghost are you preparing? " Asked Yunshen.

"That's it! Believer, you are our boss! Your heart is very dark The prince also Pooh.

The believers looked at them speechless, "as if you were involved in the welcoming ceremony, right? But by a unanimous vote! "

"We don't have it. Don't talk nonsense!" Yunshen, I don't believe it!

"Yes! Don't pull us into the water! You're the one to do it The prince also threw the pot.

The believer cried, "boss, we don't think you like this welcoming ceremony."

"You think..." Children's music has been lost.

He doesn't know whether he likes it or not?

"Yes, boss, you exposed all my mistresses. I thought you were good. No, I called several of my mistresses. How am I doing?" The believers raised their eyebrows and invited contributions to Tong Lele.

"Good, this is you, baby exposure, just to remind you of syphilis HIV or something You don't have enough intelligence Tong Lele shook his head and sighed.

"So believers are not intelligent enough, mistresses come together." Yunshen mends the knife.

"Yunshen, how do you talk?" The believer glared at the cloud.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Cloud deep let the ceremony pause, also covered the elder brother's eyes, "really hot my boss's eyes."

Several of them vied with each other to carry the eldest in.

"Why don't you get in the car and give you a ride?" Tong Lele clapped the photo and asked about Chaorun.

"Boss, do you have a driver's license?" The cloud swallowed his mouth.

"Yes." Tong Lele nodded.

"Can you show us?" Asked Yunshen.

"Yes." Tong Lele handed his driver's license to Yunshen.

Yunshen looks at the driver's license with black lines on his face.

The prince and believers on one side also looked over their heads, and then laughed and fell on the ground.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Boss, where did you get your driver's license? Who sent it to you? "

The prince and the believers rolled on the ground with laughter.

"I copy my mother's, isn't it great?" Tong Lele looked at them and said.

"You come out like this, didn't the traffic police stop you?" Yunshen asked again.

"Yunshen, aren't you an idiot? Who is our boss? Super hacker ah, want to let traffic police and electronic eye capture, naturally have his way ah. " The believer got up from the ground and said with a smile.

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