Looking at Tong Lele's appearance of pulling, ruffian and domineering.

Believers, Yunshen and the prince were all stunned.

These are all high-level secrets.

Why does a little dot know?

Only the three of them and the boss know the history of the believers' being merciful to their younger sisters.

They looked at each other, frowned, and asked, "you Are you l? Our boss? "

Tong Lele picked a small eyebrow and asked, "why, I don't deserve to be your boss?"

"Lying trough!" The clouds are deep and thick!

"Grass! It's terrible, too! Are you really our boss, l? " The believer asked in a trembling voice.

"It's too evil, boss!" The prince almost spits blood on his chest!

Oh, my God!

What the devil is this!

"how old are you this year?" Cloud deep frown asked.

"Baby is five years old." Tong Lele held out five fingers and was innocent with a smile.

"Shit!" The clouds were deep and thick.

"I don't believe it! You must have taken some medicine like Conan, so you will be reduced to a child! Five years old? Do you think I believe it? I was playing with my nose when I was five The believers are pale and can't believe that the children in front of them are their fearless boss!

You know, the imperial mercenary Corps is one of the most terrifying organizations in the world!

"If it's five years old." Tong Lele said.

"This boss is too evil Yunshen helped her forehead.

"You're really our boss?" The prince still couldn't believe it.

"I have all your black history. Do you want me to recite it?" Tong Lele raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ah, he has no place to place his strength.

No one would believe that he was just a five-year-old.

"No, no, no..."

The three said with one voice shaking their heads.

"But are you really our boss?" Yunshen continues to doubt.

The three began to study Tong Lele, looking left and right.

"I told you that if you have noodles, you should prepare Jiuxin pills. I'm afraid that my appearance will make you so embarrassed that you want to commit suicide." Tong Lele showed his hands and said helplessly.

"Yes, yes! It's the tone of pulling. It's our boss. That's right! But... " Believers are not less likely to make complaints about their eldest brother.

However, he could not imagine that their eldest son was a five-year-old!

It's horrible, OK!

It's like a lot of fear!

The eldest one who took them to fire all over the world was actually a five-year-old child, child and son!

Do you think this is a family?

They trust the boss unconditionally and give his life to him!

The boss is operating behind the scenes, and they are going to the front line to attack and kill the enemy!

"But what? Who said that children can't be crazy cool drag hanging explosion in the sky? Are you allowed to be powerful and not to be forced by our children? " Tong Lele asked.

Cloud deep, "this is a bit too scary, isn't it? You're only five years old! Shouldn't a five-year-old be suckling at home? He became the head of our world terrorist organization! Let's talk about it. How can we save our face? "

The believer touched his chin and looked up and down at Tong Lele, "shall we kill the boss? To seek to usurp the throne? After all, we are known by the outside world that we are under the command of a little five-year-old, and we have been ridiculed for thousands of years

The prince slapped the believer on the head, "baby, so lovely! You want to kill the boss? Are you addicted to murder? If you dare, kill me first

"Yes! Believer, if you do more injustice, you will die! If you want to assassinate the boss, we will kill you first. " Yunshen also began to stand in line.

Tong Lele is very satisfied with their ability to accept and comprehend.

Everything in the world, originally everything is possible.

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