Now, without those memories of the system, everything is lost.

Is it over?

The teenager still can't accept this fact.

How!! How could it suddenly become like this!

She never gave up trying to get the information again.



It's all empty!

Suddenly, is everything before a dream?

For the first time, teenagers doubt themselves.

That panic, pain, embarrassment, despair, disillusionment, all the emotions poured into my heart like a mess.

The young man's heart beat too strongly.

"Shu Cheng! What's the matter with you!" Rong Junyi yelled loudly and called Shu Cheng's name again and again.


She opened her eyes, but they were red.

Rong Junyi bumped into those eyes.

Desperate, helpless, lost luster, how can this happen?

He was so stunned that he couldn't even believe his eyes.

Is this still his teenager?

Is this really a confident and arrogant teenager in his heart?

How did she become like this?

Realizing his gaffe, the boy turned his head quickly and dared not let Rong Junyi see it.

But the heart is still in pain.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Rong Junyi broke Shu Cheng's shoulder and looked at her low head. A deep and gentle voice came from the boy's head.

Next second.

A tear fell on Rong Junyi's black suit pants without warning.

The boy's shoulders are still shaking.

She scolded herself in the bottom of her heart.

What are you crying about! You are an omnipotent system, adult! Shouldn't have stopped crying!

But the more I said it, the more I couldn't restrain it. The tears were endless, and I couldn't get them back.

Rong Junyi hugged the boy in his arms.

Full of heartache, the heart also followed the teenager's tears and felt uncontrollable pain.

He held the boy's cold body and stroked the boy's back.

"It's okay, it's okay, tell me what happened." Rong Junyi's tone was unprecedented gentle, and his deep voice came out of his mouth, which was so nice.

If it was normal, the boy would look up, smile at him and let him say it again.

However, at the moment, the boy even didn't have the courage to look up.

Her cold heart seemed to stop beating and didn't know what to do.

"Start! Why don't you come out..." Shen he pushed the door in again and stopped his words alive.

Seeing Shu Cheng leaning against Rong Junyi's arms, his shoulders were still shaking. The sad appearance infected every molecule in the air, so that Shen He could clearly feel it.

She stood stunned in her place and didn't know what to do.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

The boy hesitated for a long time.

Finally raised his head, but his eyes no longer dared to look directly at Rong Junyi.

"Go, I'll take you back." without saying a word, Rong Junyi took the young man's hand and wanted to take him away from here.

No matter what reason Shucheng is so abnormal, Rongjun post will not let her receive any more Shanghai!

The boy hesitated for a moment, stood in place, gently pushed away Rong Junyi's hand, and firmly said, "I'm going."

"How do you go like this?" Rong Junyi opened his mouth anxiously, his tone was worried.

"All come, can't help but go!" the boy kept giving himself psychological hints in his heart.