"I have a one percent theory. You should be cautious once a hundred times in your life, and you should rise up once. You should also love seriously once a hundred times in your life. You should walk naturally once if you don't go beyond the thunder pool a hundred times!"

Shucheng's sexy voice slowly spread throughout the meeting and spread to everyone's ears.

The ending of the last sentence is lengthened and exciting.

Like a feather. It stirred the hearts of every graduate present.

"My suggestion is to take away the eternal umbilical cord relationship with the University. The most important thing of this umbilical cord relationship is a spirit, that is, the eternal critical spirit, no superstition, no blind obedience, no worship of anything, never satisfied with the current situation, always like changing the world and always embracing the beauty of the world, because the University cultivates the creators of the country and mankind in 20 or 30 years When you maintain such an umbilical cord relationship with the University, when you reach the age of 50, even if you reach the age of 90, you still have an immortal soul. "

After Shucheng said these words, he nodded slightly to everyone under the stage.

Then he walked down the stage handsome and unrestrained, and the applause on the scene lasted for a long time.

Even the headmaster praised it. Shu Cheng said it very well.

Deep and humorous.

This time, Shu Cheng didn't go out as soon as he finished his speech as before.

But sat under the stage, silently watched the whole graduation ceremony, and finally turned and left.

The video of Shu Cheng's speech was immediately posted on the Internet.

After seeing this video, graduates from other schools except Tsinghua University forwarded it one after another.

Many people laughed and shed tears. Looking at every word Shu Cheng said in the video, people were filled with emotion.

[look, cry, keep an umbilical cord relationship with the University forever!]

These four years will definitely give me a lifetime aftertaste

[since there was an autumn when we met each other and a summer when we were apart, why didn't that season come on schedule? When the sobbing Nanqu blinded the Spring Moon and shattered the heart, the waist drum exposed the loess land. Stamp your feet and go out, there will be a gush of thin air, a kind of sadness and a burst of blood. After this moment, we will be mature, embrace the world and stand tall. The future Unpredictable, tragedy or comedy.]

[the old days are full of bits and pieces, leaping up and vividly remembered.]

It is said that life is so short, but my lost youth is so long. The long is not like the desire of migratory birds for spring, but I dare not forget bit by bit

Every time, people will remember Shu Cheng's speech

[I hope everyone will be well after graduation, as Shu Cheng said, not superstitious, not blindly obedient, not worship anything, and always embrace the beauty of the world!]

I don't wish you a happy graduation. In fact, graduation is saying goodbye to the happiest time


With the arrival of the summer vacation, "soul ferry" held its premiere before the film began.

During the premiere ceremony, Shu Cheng also parachuted to the scene in addition to several starring stars such as Li Jinying and Xu Yi.

At the premiere ceremony, the film flowers and trailer of "soul ferry" were also broadcast, and most of the plots in the film were broadcast.

Many of the audience who came to the premiere wept.