"What? Stop? What about the contract signed before? Everyone's itinerary has been arranged. If you don't record it this time and make another recording, your schedule may not be able to be arranged." Zhu Minrui said his concern.

Shu Cheng casually changed his posture and sat: "if you think so, I won't record this program again. Such a hasty game setting, or the last championship competition, the audience must have the greatest enthusiasm to see that you are irresponsible to the program group."

Zhu Minrui felt very ashamed when Shu Cheng said so

He began to hesitate. Finally, he bit his teeth and decided to suspend the recording of the program and discuss with other teams.

When other teams knew about the program group, they all expressed their support.

"I said how could today's game be so simple? I can't believe it." Zhang Jing said after hearing the director's words.

"Yes, I can't believe this is our last championship competition. It's simpler than any previous challenge, and it's no fun to play." pan Shaocheng felt the same way.

"Originally, we came here to challenge ourselves, but in the last issue, we gave up ourselves. I don't think this is what the program wants to pass on to everyone, so I support re recording." Chen Liya said firmly.

Zhang Xin also agreed with the decision to stop recording: "although this issue finally surpassed Shu Cheng once, I'm really happy, but after listening to these things, I feel that some are invincible. We should keep the original difficulty of the game unchanged in order to show our level."

Zhu Minrui looked at everyone's reaction, moved and ashamed.

"This is my dereliction of duty. I shouldn't record the last issue so hastily. Please give us some time. We will improve and bring the original level game to you again. I'll trouble you to adjust the schedule at that time. We'll inform you again about the recording at that time."


As a result, the recording of the last challenge was postponed.

There was also news on the Internet about the delayed recording of the last issue of speed forward.

[why was the recording delayed? No wonder when I went to Chengdu that day, I saw that there was no one at the competition site and many props were put in place.]

[can't something happen? Is anyone hurt?]

However, the previous two programs recorded in Africa should be broadcast soon

[it is said that the difficulty of the last phase is too different from that of the previous phase, so the program team temporarily adjusted it. After upgrading the difficulty, let the players challenge. According to the director and guests, this is responsible for the audience. I feel that it is really a very responsible program. This is the real reality show, and this is the real dissemination of positive energy.]

[ah, it's good that people are all right. Since the challenge needs to be upgraded, it will certainly be more wonderful at that time. Wait and see. Good things always have to stay at the end.]

[although the last issue has been delayed, it should not be delayed too long. Please rest assured and support our male God and our fast forward.]

[sit and wait for speed forward!!!]
