In the crew, the boys of the photography team ran back and forth along the paved shooting track, pushing the heavy camera again and again, just to capture a better picture effect.

The lighting team will constantly test the lighting effect before shooting, and try to make better lighting effect by changing the headlights at night.

When the props group was preparing the helicopter needed in the shooting process, it needed to constantly detect the safety of the aircraft. Even late at night, it still stuck to its post. In the process of continuous testing, with the hoarse grinding noise, it slowly sank into it and became silent.

The masters of the clothing group spend hundreds of hours making clothes, each sewing by hand, countless stitches and lines.

In the art group, they opened tables and chairs for a 10 second lens. In order to be more rigorous in the picture, they used their most professional vision to create a vivid picture of the whole play.

No matter hot or cold, wind or snow, the staff of the makeup team must be on standby at the shooting site in case the actors need to make up at any time, so that the actors can keep the most beautiful at all times, so that they can present the best side to the audience.

The field team always works as coolies on the set, moving boxes of equipment and props every day, leaving at the latest and arriving at the earliest every day.

They meet in a play and may separate after a play, but as long as there is a need for a play, they will be there. For the beauty of those scenes, they can do it again and again. No matter how bad the shooting conditions are, they must stick to the director's card. Many of them may never have the chance to feel the attention in front of the stage in their life. But their seriousness needs to be seen, their temperature needs to be embraced. "

Shu Cheng's article was forwarded by countless people in an instant.

Touched many netizens.

[tears in my eyes. It's well written. I salute those heroes who pay silently behind their backs.]

[what impresses me most about these people is their seriousness and focus. Even if they are not seen, they insist on doing their own things and appreciate this attitude.]

[long journey, please remember that someone is secretly protecting.]

[conscience masterpiece! Look forward to Shu Cheng's "no questions, West and East".]

[in a play, there are many people hiding behind the scenes. They only see their profession in the unknown. When these unknown people get together, the world will not ignite.]

[a good film will be formed only with the efforts of everyone in each crew. Thank the boys for their voice for these behind the scenes. They are really a positive idol. They really don't love the wrong person!]

[as a cameraman of the crew who has worked for ten years, I was really touched by this article today and wrote our voice. Thank you!]

[a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A little makes a lot, and a big thing is made. The real hero of the play is the staff behind the scenes.]


This long article moved many behind the scenes workers.

They work tirelessly in their posts year after year. Too few people tell their stories like Shu Cheng. They don't need many people to know their pay, but when the pay is recognized and all the pain after silence is known, the comfort is so gratifying.

Wu Wen Xi Dong is in the wechat group.