It's better not to talk this time. Everyone thinks so and closes his mouth decisively.

Shu Cheng saw the rules and said nothing more. He smiled at Stephen Preston.

If this project can be completed, Stephen Preston has really reached the peak of human memory.

If someone else can't finish such a project?

It's a pity Stephen Preston met her.

She said before that she is the brain King next door. If she fails, hit her face more!

Can Shu Cheng let this kind of thing happen to him?

How is that possible?

"Are you ready?" asked the host.

"Ready," Stephen Preston replied.

Shu Cheng also nodded: "ready."

Next, the challenge begins.

50 members of a women's League run in an area of 50000 square meters including 110 intersections. The running tracks of members and the faces of each member are displayed on the first big and first small videos of the program group of the strongest brain.

50 people do not start at the same time, but one group for every 10 people and one group for every 30 seconds.

Stephen Preston's eyes carefully looked at the two screens and carefully remembered each member's face, name and action track, but if he was distracted to look at the small screen, he would miss the information of the large screen.

For Shu Cheng, recording the names and faces of the women's League members is the simplest. It's just a glance and memory. However, the slow running speed of the women's League members on the big screen makes her frown.

Although their running rules are different, and their routes overlap or intersect, these are nothing to Shu Cheng's memory ability.

Spectator Seats.

"Look, Shu Cheng seems to be baffled!"

"How is that possible?!"

"My God! Stephen Preston still looks the same as before. He looks at the two screens very seriously, but Shu Cheng is baffled. It seems that Shu Cheng is not sure about this game!"

"This topic is really very difficult. I didn't expect that Shu Cheng was baffled for only a long time. I thought she could surpass Stephen Preston by virtue of her memory!"

"It seems that Stephen Preston is stable in this game."

"Is it possible that the male god's illness has not fully affected his play?"

"Sick competition? My God! How can the male god lose? It's impossible. We have to believe in the male god! Yes, believe in the male god!"


The guest seat was also full of doubts.

The science professor said bluntly: "I never thought Shu Cheng would be embarrassed here. According to his previous performance, although this game is difficult, there is still hope, but... Will it be that his illness has not fully affected his play? This is not his real level."


Shu Cheng did not expect that his frowning behavior, which disliked that the movement track of women's League members was too slow, caused so many people's speculation at the scene.

Although the track of the women's League is very slow, Shu Cheng still takes this challenge seriously.

Time passed minute by minute.

Fifteen minutes!

Both turned at the same time.

"You have three chances to recheck. Which three uncertain lines do you want to recheck?"



Two different delay sounds sounded at the same time, and the tense atmosphere was created in an instant.