As time flies, a year passes.

This year, Shu Cheng was 19.

"The sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, the mountains can be moved, and the sun and moon have passed, so you can't chase them again."

Shu Cheng looked up at the sky, and his lazy voice sounded. Even if he looked like a literary youth, he couldn't stop the ruffian spirit of the youth's backbone.

At this time, a friend wants to ask, what does the juvenile mean?

In fact, teenagers have no other meaning at all. They are used to pretend to be reconciled and show a wave of her high IQ from time to time.

Rong Junyi said: I'm really used to it.

This year, Shu Cheng disappeared in the entertainment circle of Z country and won the title of world-class mathematician. He never appeared in front of the public again.

It is rumored that she suffered from depression because she played "nothing". She said that she had schizophrenia because she played two roles alone. But everyone said it methodically, just like it was true.

Shu Cheng didn't care about it.

R. The other two people in studio s helped the company recruit several new artists under the banner of Shu Cheng.

When Shu Cheng is free, he will also give these newcomers some guidance materials on acting skills and methods in his own name and transfer them to their computers.

But Shu Cheng has the ability to send out these things, but she won't let Shen he find her.

In one year, Shu Cheng has traveled to more than 20 countries in the world. He spends all day either in the library or in the Rongjun post.

In addition, Shu Cheng added a lot of information she didn't know in the world, and left a lot of brilliant achievements under the name of "the king".

And some of these were all done by herself.

In this year, Shu Cheng combined and simulated the writing methods of various famous writers and kept practicing and practicing.

Only later did she feel excited and excited when the achievements of her own works were no worse than those of famous artists on earth.

Shu Cheng feels more and more that human thinking is really an interesting process. As a system, she only needs to do scanning and data processing, but human beings have to use their brains to explore.

Shu Cheng knew from the time she became a human that the human brain has limits. Even if combined with her thinking, it is inevitable that her head will burst and need to rest after thinking for a long time.

This year, Shu Cheng obviously felt that after her long-time exercise, her brain's thinking ability became stronger and stronger, and the phenomenon of brain burst pain became less and less after thinking.

This phenomenon surprised Shu Cheng.

In other words, she hasn't exercised the limit of her brain yet.

Around this time, a program on TV attracted Shu Cheng's attention.

The strongest brain!

This is a science reality show "the strongest brain", which has set off a viewing frenzy in China.

The strongest brain focuses on spreading brain science knowledge and brain competition. Scientists are invited to explore the world of genius from a scientific point of view. The selected players will form the strongest brain Chinese team to fight against the strongest brain team from overseas to determine the strongest brain in the world.

Shu Cheng noticed that the reason for this program is just to explore the limits of brain power, so did she go?

How, can, can?!

Shu Cheng noticed that another reason for this program is because of a person's face when the program was broadcast.

That man is David O'Connor.

David O'Connor was the second in the world mathematical modeling competition a year ago!