Theking and goat stand on both sides of the host.

Deng Fuling, a guest of the jury, stood up and applauded them. "Goat, I guess who you are. I have to say that you are really excellent today."

Jiang Yi also said happily, "I hope you always have this mentality and get closer to the music field."

The goat bowed to express his thanks, and his voice was a little strange after being changed: "thank you, thank you, give everything, leave no regrets."

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at the king. "Now I'm really curious. Who are you? You can't be an unknown person with such singing skills."

Li Junna grabbed her hair and went crazy. "Elder, who are you?"

"Yes, can you tell me something?" Deng Fuling also had no clue. "Perfect performance, perfect singing, classic! Absolute classic! With such strength, who are you?!"

"I know a lot of people in the music world. There are people like you who are publicity oriented but don't have such original strength. There are people like you who have absolute strength but don't have such publicity character. Depending on your performance, you can't be a newcomer." Jiang Yi frowned and analyzed, "so who are you? Such strength is terrible!"

There was a sound of breathing down at the scene. Theking asked Heavenly King Jiang Yi to admit that his strength was terrible?!

"I'll go. I just listened to the song. I didn't expect the king to be so strong!"

"Strength is really super scary!"

"Who the king is! It's amazing!"

"It's really strange!"

"Oh ~ theking, I totally like this man!"


Shu Cheng's bright red lips aroused a faint radian, and his dark eyes were full of banter: "the program team won't let you say."

Theking's one sentence pushed away everyone's questions. The people on the scene were about to collapse. They didn't want to say it. They were intrigued and didn't say it.

"I really want to hit people!"

"Don't let me say, oh, it's strange!"

"The program group did it on purpose! It must be on purpose!"

"At first I thought the program was interesting. Now I think NIMA is planning a program! Don't expose the face! Is it interesting?"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch

"I'm afraid the strength of theking will not be revealed until the last issue?!"

"If you want to beat the people in the program group, which buddy will accompany me!"

"Brother, come on, I support you mentally!"

"Brother, come on, I support you mentally!"

"Brother, come on, I support you mentally!"

"Shit, spiritual support is useful!"


At the beginning of the voting session, the king stood on the stage quietly, while the goat was very nervous. He knew that he was unlikely to win, but he also hoped that someone would like the song he tried to sing. I hope the gap is not too big.

There is no doubt that the result of the vote was that theking was successfully promoted.

At the moment when the goat saw the result, he couldn't tell what his mood was.

Deng Fuling comforted: "your performance today is really good enough. There is still a chance. I hope you can perform better in the next round."

The lips under the goat mask made a smile: "of course, do your best."


Shu Cheng returned to the lounge to prepare for the next round of competition songs.