Soon it was the recording time of masked king of songs. The program team asked Shu Cheng what code he wanted and what requirements he had for clothes.

Shu Cheng's deep eyes are shining brightly. She raises the corners of her lips, "the king."

Xiao Wang, the staff member in charge of Shu Cheng in the program group of masked king of songs, was stunned. Theking?

Shu Cheng gently tapped the table with his fingers and repeated, "code name theking."

Xiao Wang's mouth is slightly drawn, theking? The code of youth is not afraid of being beaten?!

Brother, can we keep a low profile?!

"The mask is pure white. Give me a white wig. As for the clothes..." Shu Cheng didn't realize Xiao Wang's silence at all, and continued to say, "I've drawn the design drawing, and it's OK to do it according to this."

Xiao Wang Mo, have you drawn the design?!

Big guy, you're awesome. Big guy, you drink ice.

"Or I can make it myself. I need a pocket that can hold a sugar box." Shu Cheng chewed bubble gum, blew a big bubble and said vaguely.

Xiao Wang is silent again. Do it yourself?!

Big guy, you're awesome. Big guy, you drink ice.

Shu Cheng put the drawing on the table. "The drawing is for you. Just send it to this address."

Xiao Wang picked up the design drawings drawn by Shu Cheng and was shocked. Shu Cheng's drawings were very simple. There was no crown, no complex and exaggerated design, and the white bronzed tuxedo. Just the drawings can feel the precious temperament coming face to face.


The concept propaganda film of "masked singer" was also uploaded on the Internet, causing an uproar.

"Put on the mask and return to the battlefield like a newcomer."

"The strong gather, why leave a name?"

"Have a fair contest with music."

"Legend needs to be witnessed; perfection can only be conquered."

"Real power, set off a music storm!"

The exquisite picture of the promotional film, the design of the mask and the new program concept, a program completely different from other variety singing programs, instantly attracted the attention of netizens.

[it looks interesting! I like it! It's said that there are A-list stars as guessing guests? Is it true?!]

[wear a gorgeous mask and completely show your voice. It's interesting! Don't look at your face but listen to your voice?!]

[looking forward, looking forward to it very much!]

[such a pure and unaffected program is really rare now. It is worthy of being planned by my brother Dahuang, but it is different from the flirtatious bitch outside!]

[how long will it be? I can't wait! It must be interesting to watch the promotional film! Look forward to it!]

[what programs are selling too much? It's rare to see such programs! It's a clean stream of variety shows!]

[perform the brilliance belonging to one person in the blurred lights, and achieve the legend belonging to one person on the singer's stage. Let the audience crazy for them, let the applause ring for them, put on the mask, the stage belongs to him and the section is the king!

That's great publicity! I like the concept of this program. I hope it won't disappoint me at that time.]

[I'm looking forward to it! I'm greedy to watch the promotional film! I hope it will be broadcast soon!]

[looking forward to looking forward to looking forward to looking forward to!]

The Internet is very lively, and the words "masked king of songs" can be seen everywhere.

Many people are crying and looking up. There is a sound of expectation!

The masked king of songs is on fire before it is broadcast!